My child, today is Holy Trinity day, celebrated all over the world. I want to give you this prayer, this Rosary of the Holy Trinity. I have given you a prayer to pray to the Holy Trinity. I have this chaplet, this Rosary, for you to pray, to recite, in honour of the Holy Trinity. It is prayed in this way [1]...
Start by praying the Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be, then say...
My Father God, my Jesus, my Holy Spirit, the Triune God, the Inseparable Three-in-One Persons: I am here to pray this Rosary to my Holy Trinity.
[A] Start Decade i by saying...
Eternal Father, Holy Trinity, bring salvation to this entire chaotic world.
[B] Repeat ten times...
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, save the sinners when they come to eternal life.
Repeat [A] and [B] above for Decades ii, iii, iv and v.
Then, say the Hail Holy Queen, followed by...
Mother, Star of the Sea, with St Michael: intercede to our Holy Trinity for the sinners to repent. Amen.
This Rosary or chaplet is called “Rosary of the Holy Trinity to save the sinners”. Thank you, my Petal, for this act of love towards the Holy Trinity. Make copies and give them to all of my children to recite. It will convert and save many sinners, to come to my Son’s Kingdom, in my Son Jesus’ holy name. Amen.
[1] The [A] and [B] instructions below have been modified to clarify the implementation of the chaplet, but the prayer is in its original form.