My child Fernanda, I, your Mother, I am the Mother of Peace, Mother of Guadalupe, the Mother of many titles, but only one Mother, the Mother of Jesus. My little Andorinha [1], you have been with some pain in the silence of your heart for some time. You must pray because I don’t want you to ignore our pains. Pray, my little one. You are chosen to alleviate my pains and those of my Son, Jesus Christ. Say this litany...
[Leader]... [Response]
I am the Queen of Peace... Pray for us.
I am the Queen of Africa... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of the Afflicted... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of the Rosary... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of Grace... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of Perpetual Help... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of all my children... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of Good Hope... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of Good Justice... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of Refuge... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of Jesus Christ... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of many titles, to bring joy, peace, comfort, love and unity... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of my Son Jesus, with my spouse St Joseph, the Holy Family of Nazareth... Pray for us.
I am your consolation... Pray for us.
I am the Mother of the Poor... Pray for us.
Then say...
Dear Mother, I ask you to bring peace into our hearts, peace in our families and restoration upon this entire world. I pray for the ignorant. I pray for them to more profoundly know the Sacred Heart of Jesus and your Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen.
Then say the Hail Holy Queen and the Memorare. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow