God Explains the Significance of Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion and Confirmation

Charles Pritchard

A previous article explained why the Catholic Church is the true, universal Church of our God [1]. This article explains the importance of God’s Sacraments in his Church using God’s Word, both Biblically and through his chosen visionaries, to provide further clarification. Jesus Christ explains why we are at a major spiritual disadvantage without the Sacraments and by sharing in them, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain, now and into eternity.

Why God gave us his holy Sacraments

Without God’s Sacraments, evil can easily taint and influence us. Our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth and sacrificed himself so that we could be cleansed from our sins through his holy Sacraments. Many people deny this gift of love, and then wonder why they are in darkness and do not have the love and peace for which their hearts are aching. Today, our Lord Jesus Christ explains the importance of his holy Sacraments through Alan Ames [2]:

“After so long a time since mankind was created and then first sinned, there is little difference in the hearts of mankind. They are still simple, pure hearts that are created from love to exist in love. In that simplicity, mankind has been easily confused and has become an easy victim of evil. A pure spirit tainted by the dark, by evil, is no longer pure; that spirit starts to decay into a pit of evil, a receptor of sin, an infectious spirit which affects those who come into contact with it. So what was once pure becomes the opposite of what it was created to be. A pure spirit lost is such sadness to God; a pure spirit taken to the evil one is such a tragedy for all.

“To prevent this happening the Father in his mercy gave himself through me, his Son Jesus, on the cross as a sacrifice to defeat evil. I, through my sacrifice gave those people who were being infected by sin, were being taken by evil, another chance to cleanse themselves through my Sacred Blood. This cleansing is offered to all mankind’s spirits through the Sacraments I gave to my children.

“The Sacraments are the gifts God is offering to all so that they may cleanse their very souls and fill them with God’s love and God’s mercy. The Sacraments are so very special for it is through them that the spiritual union with God and spiritual strength is found. The Sacraments offer all of mankind the answers they have been searching for, for so long. The Sacraments bring each person into physical and spiritual contact with their Creator through me, his Son Jesus and through his Holy Spirit. If each person was to look with the eyes of faith and belief to the Sacraments they would find the peace, the love, the forgiveness and the joy that each needs.

“So many now are lost and confused, searching for that elusive peace of mind, comfort of soul and tranquillity of love that they never seem to find. It is there for them in the Sacraments; this is what the Sacraments are for, to bring God’s peace, comfort and tranquillity. Once a person truly opens himself and allows the grace of each Sacrament to fill him, then he will never search again. Once the overwhelming love of God engulfs a person he never wants to leave. The Sacraments are so much more than mankind believes and this is why they are so important for each person to receive. With every gift of a Sacrament the soul is strengthened, the person brought deeper into God’s love. This is why evil tries to stop mankind receiving these special graces. Evil makes the Sacraments seem unimportant, inconsequential, unnecessary. Evil makes little of what is so great. Evil makes fun of what is so important and evil makes lies of what is truth.

“Now understand why God gave the Sacraments and when you understand, return to them.” (24/09/1995)

Baptism is essential soon after birth: it brings many gifts of the Holy Spirit

Our Lord further highlights the importance of the Sacrament of Baptism through Alan Ames:

“God asked that each one be baptised in his name, the name of Jesus. This is to say the person is God’s, this person is to spend eternity in God’s love. This Sacrament is to claim what God created as his own, his child. This Sacrament places a barrier between evil and this child of God. This Sacrament is saying, I give this child to God who in his mercy gave him to me. This Sacrament is a reaffirming of the bond between parents and their Father in heaven. This Sacrament is a strengthening of God’s love within this family. This Sacrament is the first moment of a life commitment to God.” (24/09/1995)

Our Lord Jesus Christ and our first pope, St Peter, the Rock of the Church, explained the importance of Baptism in Holy Scriptures:

“And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world... Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God... But Peter said to them: Do penance, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:18−20, John 3:5, Acts 2:28)

St Peter instructs us to do penance and be baptised for the remission of sins, implying that for the case of adults being baptised as new converts, the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) should be part of the conversion and healing process [3]. As Catholics, however, we must baptise our children soon after birth. According the Catholic Catechism: “Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God, to which all men are called. The sheer gratuitousness of the grace of salvation is particularly manifest in infant Baptism. The Church and the parents would deny a child the priceless grace of becoming a child of God were they not to confer Baptism shortly after birth.”

Jesus Christ confirms the same to Fernanda de Sequeira [4]:

“My children must know this is a very sacred and important first sacrament upon my children since they are born into this world. Oh, but many fail to do so. I, your Jesus, desire that my children be baptised soon after they are born because I do not advise any of my children when their time to come to eternity is. It can be at any age, any time in their daily lives since they come into this world.” (09/02/2014)

The tragic reality of today, which brings much suffering to God and all of creation, is that many babies are aborted by their own parents and deprived of life and Baptism. Our Lord Jesus Christ, in his mercy, has instructed us on how to baptise aborted children [5], whom now lie in wait to be named, for heavenly godparents to be appointed and to be baptised. Our Lord is asking the same for miscarried babies − they too are awaiting names from their parents.

Baptism is a once-off Sacrament, which according to the Catholic Catechism [6], “The ordinary ministers of Baptism are the bishop and priest and, in the Latin Church, also the deacon. In case of necessity, anyone, even a non-baptised person, with the required intention, can baptise by using the Trinitarian baptismal formula. The intention required is to will to do what the Church does when she baptises.” The Trinitarian baptismal formula involves pouring water on the candidate's head while saying [7], “I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Baptism in the Catholic Church includes the reception of the child with parents and godparents present, reading God’s word in the Scriptures and a priest’s homily, a prayer of the faithful, prayer of exorcism and anointing before the Baptism, blessing and invocation of God over the baptismal water, renunciation of sin and the profession of faith, the Trinitarian baptism, anointing with chrism, clothing with white garment, lighting the candle, optional prayer over the ears and mouth, and the conclusion of the rite, which includes a song, the Lord’s prayer and a final blessing.

Confession cleanses your soul from the stains of sin and brings you closer to God

Our Lord Jesus continues his explanation of the Sacraments through Alan Ames, leading into Confession:

“As a child grows it is influenced by those around it, it is attacked over and over by evil, for evil knows the value of one person to God. There is a constant battle of good versus evil. While the child is young he cannot defend himself, so God in his mercy gives each an angel to watch over and protect him. The battle rages around the child with the angel standing firm in God’s love to defend this young one. As the child starts to develop it then becomes part of the fight, a little at a time it enters into the battle and the angel slowly withdraws. This is so the person can develop his own strength in God’s love, a strength to see this being the doorway to heaven. Mistakes will be made, sins will be committed as this is part of the growing of the child. As the sins accumulate on the soul it strives to be cleansed, to have this weight lifted from it. God in his mercy gives the Sacrament of Confession; that is what this Sacrament is for, to lift this burden from the soul and allow it to develop more and more in God’s love. The Holy Spirit fills the soul of the one in sin and lifts all the pain, all the confusion and shows God’s loving mercy. This happens when a person confesses truly and tries not to sin again. If a person confesses but intends to carry on sinning, then it is not a true Confession and the stain of the sin remains and often grows. So the Sacrament of Confession is there to cleanse, to fill with the Holy Spirit and bring closer to God. Confession also strengthens a person for the battle ahead which does not end until the next life is attained. Confession is a gift to heal, to strengthen, to purify and to bring closer to God.” (24/09/1995)

When we confess our sins, evil loses authority on us, and God’s graces start to enter. We purify our souls through Confession, and allow the Holy Spirit to shine through us and be more in Christ’s image. Confession is an ongoing Sacrament and is recommended weekly to avoid the cumulative effects of sin. In our Father God’s words to Fernanda de Sequeira [8]:

“My people, my children, I, your Father, say to you that Confession is a beautiful Sacrament, entrusted from my Son Jesus, not from man. Confession is the key for your salvation. It is the salvation of your soul when you come to eternal life. My children, Confession is the most beautiful Sacrament to cleanse your soul, your spirit, and to bring new life to your soul. It is the most consecutive Sacrament that my children should obey and respect. It is the saviour of your soul. It purifies, cleanses and brings you closer to my Son’s heart, to his kingdom. Confession is a purifying Sacrament so that after you have been to confess all of your sins with a contrite heart, you can receive my Son’s Precious Body and Blood worthy of him.” (07/03/2012)

In another message to Alan Ames [9]:

“Confession must be seen for what it is, it is God your Creator cleaning you, forgiving you, making you pure. It is your God saying I love you I love you and I want you to love yourself, I want you to stop hurting yourself with sin. I want you to be the true pure spirit you were created to be. It is your God showing his mercy, his kindness, his gentleness, his love. It is your God saying I care for you and so I forgive you. It is your God saying I love you and I want you to love me. It is your God saying be happy, happy by staying in my love, free of sin. It is your God saying I understand your weakness, your frailty and I still love you. It is your God saying live in my love and be secure for eternity. It is your God saying I love you. Confession is a Sacrament that can be taken weekly but daily is better.” (25/11/1994)

From a Biblical perspective, our Lord Jesus made it clear that the Sacrament of Confession [10] (Reconciliation or Penance) belongs to his Church, headed by St Peter the Rock [11] and subsequent popes, to whom he gave the authority to forgive sins through his bishops and priests:

“And the priest shall pray for him and for his sin before the Lord, and he shall have mercy on him, and the sin shall be forgiven... And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven... Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained... But all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Christ; and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation… For, with the heart, we believe unto justice; but, with the mouth, confession is made unto salvation... If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us... And he said to them: Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer, and to rise again from the dead, the third day: And that penance and remission of sins should be preached in his name, unto all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.” (Leviticus 19:22, Matthew 16:19, John 20:21, 2 Corinthians 5:18, Romans 10:10, 1 John 1:8−10, Luke 24:46−47).

Holy Communion is “our daily bread” that we ask for in the Our Father prayer

Our Lord continues his explanation of the Sacraments through Alan Ames, focusing on Holy Communion:

“A person exists by spiritual food not by physical food and so God in his mercy supplies the food of life for all people in the Holy Communion. When the Holy Bread and Wine are received in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, this person is granted the most special graces, that of being one with God, of being in union with the Lord. When the person opens himself completely to God and lets the pure love of God fill his entire being, the strength of God lifts the being to a higher level, lifts this being to God’s glory, lifts this person on high for the next battle. To have one’s very being filled with God is so special that the evil one will try even harder to destroy this soul. The answer is to receive the Lord more and more and in this way be so strong in God’s love that evil cannot harm you. Communion with God is a unique gift to mankind, a gift that is there to feed man’s very soul.” (24/09/1995)

According to the Catholic Catechism [12]: “The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the Blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.”

Today, God is instructing us through various visionaries [13] on the importance of receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, Holy Communion, in a state of grace through the Sacrament of Confession and respectfully in the mouth, by genuflecting or kneeling. Father God clarifies this through Fernanda de Sequeira [14]:

“My little one, I, your Father have this to convey to my son priests, to my Church and my bishops. I, your Father, I am not pleased with my with my children receiving my Son’s Precious Body and Blood on their hands. My child, tell my son priests that they have to convey to my bishop, and my bishop to my son the pope, Benedict XIV. My son priests must reciprocate to the church.

“I, your Father, the Holy Trinity, we are very hurt at the way my children use my Son’s Precious Body and Blood for satanic work against my youth. They use my youth to perform the worst sacrileges against my Son’s Body and Blood. My children receive my Son in their hands, showing no respect whatsoever for my Son. When they hide my Son in their filthy hands, they place my Son in a most disgusting place. Then they come and sell my Son’s Precious Body, which has been consecrated by my son priests and is no longer a wafer but my Son’s Precious Body.

“Oh, the sacrifice: my Son gives himself to his children. My people don’t comprehend how important it is to receive my Son’s Precious Body and Blood worthy of my Son. Oh, when my children receive my Son unworthy of him, with their hearts full of hatred, jealousy, enviousness and malice towards one another, praying the ‘Our Father’ asking me to forgive them, yet they never forgive their enemies or one another. But I, your Father, I have compassion for them but then, where is their love and compassion for their brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ? Oh, my children, they have to be taught all of this over and over again, to understand how much it hurts my Son to go into his children’s hearts with impurities; outrageous sins that have never been confessed, never repented with a contrite heart.

“My Son’s Church, my holy pope, has to abolish giving my Son’s Precious Body in their hands. They must genuflect, as you do [15]. Oh it pleases us to see you coming to receive my Son with a clean heart having been in Confession, genuflecting and blessing yourself. My child, we know you are doing it not for the world but for your love of my Son Jesus. The Holy Trinity knows your pure heart. My children will eventually follow your example on this. Oh, you have been a very good pupil and you will be a good teacher in my Son’s holy name.” (17/05/2011)

Jesus Christ affirms to Fernanda de Sequeira that the daily bread we ask for in the Our Father prayer is indeed his Holy Communion [16]:

“My child, I am your Jesus of Nazareth, your spouse, your daily bread as you receive me in Holy Communion.” (11/02/2016)

Our Lord is calling us to daily Mass, daily Communion, so that we can acquire the spiritual armour to build a stronger shield of protection against evil. Our Lord clarifies this through Alan Ames [17]:

“Communion with God in the Eucharist is just that, joining with God, becoming one with God through the Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus. When Jesus is taken within this Sacrament he fills your whole being, he fills you with his love, his light, himself. It is when the person blocks this love, the light, Jesus, with his disbelief that this truly is the risen Lord’s Body and Blood that they do not receive the full benefit that is there for them, the true joy and glory of being one with God. When you receive the Eucharist, accept it for what it truly is, Jesus, and allow the Lord to love you completely. Communion should be taken weekly as a minimum and daily as a sign of true love of God.” (25/11/1994)

In the holy sacrifice of Mass, our Lord is also calling us to offer up petitions through our guardian angels, in particular for the salvation of souls, for the living and dead. In the words of God the Father to Fernanda de Sequeira [18]:

“At the time of Consecration, oh, what a special present: my Son gives himself totally to you. At this special time, the host, which my people call the wafer: yes, it’s a wafer but the moment my son priest Consecrates the host and wine, it becomes my Son Jesus’ flesh, his Body and Blood. It is his Precious Body and Blood. At that precise moment, as the Body and Blood are elevated by my son priests, my people, you must look up to my Son Jesus with appreciation and gratitude, and thank him for this unique grace and blessing upon you all. Pray my people at that moment, asking anything from my Son Jesus with all your heart − it is a time of many graces. Also, ask your guardian angel at that moment to present your petitions to my Son Jesus. Oh, the angels surround my Son Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood in every Holy Mass − there is a multitude of angels on my Son’s altar, above and all over the church. Oh, it’s so beautiful to see their gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving towards my Son Jesus. Oh, your guardian angels, they are so pleased to bring your petitions at that moment to my Son Jesus. Oh, your guardian angels, they are sad when they come to the altar at that moment without anything in their hands from you.” (01/09/2014)

Biblically speaking, our Lord made it very clear that unless we eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, we will have no life in us:

“I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying: How can this man give us his flesh to eat? Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him.  As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me.” (John 6:51–57)

It is also important to observe, at the very least, the prescribed minimum one-hour fast prior to receiving Communion. Here is what Julia (Julka), a Croatian visionary, says on this topic [19]:

“For hundreds of years Holy Mother Church required the faithful to remain fasting from midnight before receiving Holy Communion. When this time was reduced to three hours, and later one [20], our Lord and Saviour was displeased, and on account of these mitigations and alleviations, he reprimanded his servants. Our Lord is able to come, and does come, at any time in a spiritual manner into the hearts of his faithful. But when the faithful receive him visibly, in the most Holy Sacrament, he demands bodily restraint as a penance for sins committed. No one in God’s sight is so righteous that he does not need fasting and penance.”

Popes made this change in an attempt to try to attract more people to Communion (Pope Pius XII in 1957 to three hours, and Pope Paul VI, after Vatican II in 1964, to one hour) and therefore, it is not a sin to not observe the fast from midnight. However, when we truly understand that the Holy Mass is Jesus’ living sacrifice that persists in eternity for our sins, we will, by our own free will, choose to share in his loving sacrifice by observing a longer fast period prior to receiving Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood at Holy Mass, as was always the case.

If someone is not a Catholic, we must encourage him or her to attend Holy Mass, to offer petitions to our Lord in the Mass. However, he or she must not take the Body and Blood of Christ until making his or her First Holy Communion through the catechetical programme in the respective parish. New entrants must be encouraged to attend and receive a blessing from the priest, bowing in the presence of the Holy Eucharist, with arms folded, and in their hearts asking our Lord Jesus to enter them spiritually. Jesus Christ demonstrated this truth in a vision to Fernanda de Sequeira, while we were laying hands on a gentleman who wanted to attend Catechism but had some time to go until receiving his first Communion [21].

Confirmation allows the Holy Spirit to further shine through you

We continue with Christ’s explanation of the Sacraments through Alan Ames, now focusing on Confirmation:

“So with the Sacraments the being grows and is strengthened and, as the person grows in body and in soul, a choice is given. A choice to confirm your belief in God, a choice to invite the Holy Spirit to fill your spirit with his light and love. With this Sacrament the very soul comes alive in God, the spirit shines in God’s glorious gift of his Holy Spirit. At this time a true follower of God who has lived his or her life for God’s glory, is given a protector to help this person that is trying to walk the path to God. The saint who is chosen is there to help fight the battle with evil, is there to guide, to love, to watch over and finally welcome into heaven. A special gift to a saint and a special gift for mankind.” (24/09/1995)

According to the Catholic Catechism [22], Confirmation involves the laying of hands through the words “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” and the anointing of the forehead with the sacred chrism. It is necessary for the completion of Baptismal grace – it imprints a spiritual seal on the person – the “mark”, the seal of the Holy Spirit. By the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptised are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is also confirmed in Holy Scriptures as coming after Baptism with the laying of hands:

“Now when the apostles, who were in Jerusalem, had heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John. Who, when they were come, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Spirit. For he was not as yet come upon any of them; but they were only baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then they laid their hands upon them, and they received the Holy Spirit... And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied... Of the doctrine of baptisms, and imposition of hands, and of the resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.” (Acts 8:14-17, Acts 19:6, Hebrews 6:2)

The path forward: pray for and offer up Holy Masses for lost souls

Our Lord Jesus continues his explanation of the Sacraments through Alan Ames:

“Now the person is fully prepared for what lies ahead, prepared to stand against evil with the help of the Sacraments. Unfortunately, as many develop, the pressure of evil increases upon them and in their weakness they give in so easily. All of a sudden the Sacraments which are there to help them no longer seem valid, no longer seem worthwhile, no longer seem to be needed. This shows that evil is overcoming this being and as this person is no longer receiving the gifts of God, he does not have the strength to fight the evil one. In the confusion the person searches for peace and comfort elsewhere, he looks for so much but finds so little. The evil one keeps attacking, distracting this person from the true graces he should be seeking and receiving. He wanders through life on earth lost and confused; with this confusion the person goes further and further away from God. When he comes into contact with those closer to God he feels uncomfortable, uneasy and in response becomes angry and filled with hate. Now he is sinking deeper and deeper into the dark, growing further and further away from God’s love. It is these times that the Sacraments are so important for it is through them that the person can be brought back to God’s love. The forgiveness, the mercy, the union with God can bring a child of God that is almost destroyed back to life in God.

“How do you get these ones to return to the Sacraments as sometimes they are so lost they will not listen?

“It is through the Sacraments and prayer that they can be saved. If one who loves them offers them the Sacraments they receive for others as well as themselves, then God will allow the Sacraments to be shared. Little by little the lost one will start to benefit by God’s gracious love and in time he will be strong enough to stand against evil and to return to the Sacraments himself. It often takes many years on earth but know that it is just a moment in eternity. It may seem that there is no change but in most there will be, but it will be a spiritual change. For some it may be towards the end of their lives on earth before they return to God’s love but as long as they return, this is the important thing. Never give up, persevere in your offering of the Sacraments for those you love and then in eternity see the rewards of your battle.

“Those who do not return to God’s love will then have been given every opportunity to change and return. They will have had angels, saints and those who love them fighting for them, standing against evil for them, offering them the helping hand of love. So much done for them and still some will refuse; then they make their own free choice to welcome eternal pain and suffering; they will have refused by their own free will God’s love and so they must be given what they seek.” (24/09/1995)

In the sharing of Sacraments with those whom have gone astray, our Lord Jesus Christ is referring to offering up Masses [23] for them, in particular those for whom no one is praying, and praying Rosaries and other devotional prayers for their salvation. This is how we help our Lord Jesus Christ to bring the light of God into the world.

Jesus Christ concludes for us through his visionaries

Jesus concludes through Alan Ames:

“God offers mankind love in his Sacraments and God offers free choice in his love.

“As you can see, the Sacraments are here to help, to strengthen, to fill with love, to forgive. The Sacraments are here to help in the battle against evil and to strengthen in the fight against sin. The Sacraments are here to forgive your weaknesses and to fill you with love to overcome your temptations. The Sacraments of God are for mankind to grow in and for evil to be defeated. The Sacraments of God are for mankind to learn through and develop in. The Sacraments of God are for mankind from God’s heart.” (24/09/1995)

Jesus said to Fernanda de Sequeira [24]:

“Salvation is most pleasing to my heart, your Jesus Christ’s heart. Salvation to all of you my children. My aim is to save you all. My purpose for being crucified and suffering excruciating pains on that heavy cross was to save you all... oh, my pains that I still endure. Today, a crown of thorns pierces my heart, worse than the one I suffered on Calvary upon my head. My sacrifice on Via Dolorosa was for your salvation. I still suffer immense, horrific pains because I see many of my children, whom I gave my life for, coming to eternity and being in damnation of sin upon sin because they refused to be saved while on this earth.

“Oh, my precious children: all of you belong to me. You are my own flesh and blood. You turn away from me your Jesus, your Saviour. My dear ones, come and receive my salvation that I am giving to you for free from the abode of my heart. I want to save you all. Come my children: it is time to repent, repent. Come to Confession with a contrite heart. Do not reject my salvation that I, your Jesus, your God, your Lord, give to you. I am here at this seminar, at this hour, to receive you all, to give you salvation, for you my precious children, to sit with me in the Banquet of the Lamb, to enjoy the beautiful paradise of heaven.

“Oh, my children, I do not ask you for too much of your time. I just ask you at this, the beginning of Lent, which starts today. I fasted for forty days and I allowed myself to carry that heavy cross of all your sins to bring to you your salvation. My children, accept my invitation today. Come to me, your Jesus. Oh, I love you so much. I ask you again: repent. I will forgive you all of your sins, even the most horrendous ones, when you come to Confession. I sit there and listen to all of your sins confessed with a contrite heart.

“Oh, I am invisible there in Confession with my son priests to absolve my children. Respect my son priests. I have given them a special gift on the day of their Ordination to hear Confession and absolve you from all your faults, sins, in my holy name. Oh, they received all their special gifts to give many sacraments in my holy name: Marriage, Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick and burying the dead in my holy name (this is all about your salvation), celebrating my Holy Mass and consecrating my Precious Body and Blood. These are all given to my son priests on their special Ordination day for your salvation.

“Oh, I will be waiting for you, my precious children. You are mine. You belong to me. Do not let the enemy destroy your salvation. Listen to these, my solemn words, given to you. I, your Jesus Christ, the Saviour of all the world, I am waiting for you at this special time now of Lent. Oh, fasting pleases me very much. Thank you my little ones, my children. I love you all.” (21/02/2012)


[2] See The Way of Life in “Heavenly Words Collection” by Alan Ames: www.alanames.org.

[3] Baptism frees us from original sin and brings more of God’s graces. However without making a contrite Confession, full healing of the new convert will not occur. At Alpha Omega have witnessed this in our deliverance ministry where some spiritually tormented people who were possessed by demons (often unknowingly), remained so after Baptism. It was only after they were fully aware of their sins, in particular those that opened the doors to this evil, and were truly sorry for them, that they were delivered from these demons. We have also come across some who, despite making their first Confession soon after Baptism, remained possessed. In these instances, the candidates had not made contrite Confessions and were either holding onto unforgiveness or not confessing those sins that had opened the door to their possession. Nevertheless, in all cases, the additional graces brought by the Baptism and living a subsequent Sacramental and prayerful life brought them to full deliverance and healing.

[6] See Cathecism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 1256.

[7] According to CCC 1284: “In case of necessity, any person can baptise provided that he have the intention of doing that which the Church does and provided that he pours water on the candidate's head while saying: ‘I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.’”

[8] See “Come My People, Come to Confession. Do Not Fear Anything. Do Not Let the Enemy Win This Warfare to Gain Souls” on 07/03/2012 in “Conversations” on www.alpha-omega.org.za.

[9] See The Obvious Way in “Heavenly Words Collection” – Lord Jesus Christ to Alan Ames on 25/11/1994, www.alanames.org.

[11] Jesus renamed Simon to “Cephas” in John 1:42, which means “rock” in Aramaic, the language that Jesus spoke. We know that Jesus spoke Aramaic because, according to Matthew 27:46, on the cross Jesus called, “Eli, Eli, lamma sabacthani?” That is, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The meaning of Cephas has been lost in translation to the subsequent English translation of Cephas to the name of Peter.

[12] CCC 1324.

[15] Or ideally, kneel as Father God subsequently explains in other messages to Fernanda de Sequeira.

[17] See The Obvious Way in “Heavenly Words Collection” – Lord Jesus to Alan Ames on 25/11/1994, www.alanames.org.

[19] See “Jesus Calls Us”, Volume 1, Messages from 1945 to 1973 to Croatian Seeress Julia, published by Zagreb 2004, edited and distributed by St Maximilian Chapel, CH-8593 Dietkon (Switzerland).

[20] This does not apply to sick people who cannot fast.

[21] For more insight on the miracle and Sacrament of Holy Communion, see “How to Invite the Holy Spirit to Fully Abide in You” in “Resources” on www.alpha-omega.org.za.

[22] See the Catholic Catechism CCC 1293, 1294, 1295, 1300.

[23] See “Father God Explains the Souls in Purgatory’s Anguish to Contact Their Loved Ones and What They Need from Earth to Be Released into Heaven” on 08/03/2016 in “Conversations” on www.alpha-omega.org.za.