I, your Father God, I will transmit a Rosary of Peace, for peace in families and for their conversions. My Petal, my humble servant, the Rosary is prayed in this manner [1]...
Start by praying the Creed, one Our Father, three Hail Marys and a Glory Be.
[A] Start Decade i by saying...
Eternal Father, I bring to you these, your children, for peace in their marriage and for their conversions.
[B] Repeat ten times...
Holy Trinity, Mother of Peace, bring peace and unity in this marriage and family ...name...
Repeat [A] and [B] above for Decades ii, iii, iv and v.
Then, say the Hail Holy Queen, followed by...
Mother of Peace, pray for the conversions of these, your children. Amen.
My little lamb, this is the Rosary of the Mother of Peace for unity in families and marriages. They can use this for any other intentions. Give this Rosary to my people to pray for help in broken marriages, disunity in families and between brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.
[1] The [A] and [B] instructions were modified to clarify the implementation of the chaplet, but the prayer is in its original form.