Deliverance prayer guide for Alpha Omega Mission prayer team members
”And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out devils: they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them: they shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17−18)
What are evil spirits?
Evil spirits, or demons, are fallen angels and humans in hell who are in allegiance to Satan and wander the world seeking the ruin of souls. They range from low-ranking demons that focus on specific sins to higher-ranking ones that specialise in many sins. Evil spirits are tricksters that try and deceive us into going against Jesus’ teachings and entice us to sin so that they can oppress and possess us.
What kind of evil spirit exist?
God promised all who obey him the seven gifts and twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit, while the opposite manifestations come from evil spirits. Evil spirits specialise in breaking us down mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. For example, there are evil spirits of confusion, laziness, rebellion, pride, self-pity, self-cursing, vanity, deceit, lies, lust, adultery, disunity, anger, impatience, hatred, malice, vengeance, spite, unforgiveness, resentment, blasphemy, foul language, negativity, depression, suicide, insomnia, paranoia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anorexia, gluttony, greed, addiction, seizures, divination, witchcraft, sorcery, idolatry and many more.
How do evil spirits enter people?
Evil spirits are given authority to oppress or possess people through:
- Personal sin: anyone who sins, be it in action, thought or dream, even in ignorance, gives authority to evil spirits that specialise in these sins to oppress their mind, body, soul and spirit. The oppression typically starts with low-ranking demons and as a person goes more into darkness, so higher-ranking demons enter the person.
- Sins of others: for example, if an innocent child is abused, molested or exposed to ungodly rituals (such as witchcraft) or celebrations (such as Halloween parties) the door is opened for evil spirits to enter them. Generational sin also weakens a child spiritually and brings more susceptibility to sin in that area.
How are we protected?
Evil has no power over a person who is living a life of obedience, simplicity and humility, who has come into a state of grace through the Sacrament of Confession and is trying to sin no more. This includes living a sacramental life in God’s love, following the Word of God, praying daily for protection, loving sacrificially, praying the Holy Rosary and receiving Jesus worthily in daily Mass.
How do we get deliverance?
A person must want to follow all of Jesus’ teachings without compromise, then the healing graces will flow. Evil spirits ultimately lose their grasp on a person through the Sacrament of Confession because Jesus releases (absolves) a person from the bondages to evil that came as a result of unconfessed sin. Deliverance prayers help to speed up the healing process, and so too does praying for one’s family, the living and the dead, which helps to break any generational curses.
Preparing for deliverance prayer
Prayer rooms should ideally have a crucifix, white candles and sacred images or statues of Jesus and Mother Mary that have been blessed by a Catholic priest, as well as exorcised holy water, salt and incense. A bucket and tissues should also be available because demons often exit a person through vomiting.
Deliverance prayer format
Preferably two or more prayer-team members should be present to help with a deliverance. When doing deliverance prayers, one person at a time should rebuke the evil spirits in Jesus’ name, with other prayer-team members assisting as the Holy Spirit leads. The person who is being prayed over should be seated on a chair (not cross-legged), with closed eyes, focussing on Jesus, with his or her hands on knees and palms facing upwards to receive healing. Burning blessed candles and incense helps to drive out demons.
Start the prayer by sprinkling holy water on the person and blessing yourselves with the Sign of the Cross. Then, with each prayer-team member holding a crucifix and their palms facing the person being prayed over, pray the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, followed by a deliverance prayer – for example:
My Almighty God the Father, the Creator of this entire universe and of each one of us; my loving Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world; and my dear Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life, I ask for your help upon your child …name… whom you created with so much love. My dear Lord Jesus, place your healing hand upon your child and inebriate him/her with your Precious Blood. Seal this property with your Precious Blood and protect us from the snares of the enemy. I pray that there will be no retaliation on us, our loved ones and our possessions as a result of these prayers.
Blessed Mother Mary, come with your Virginal Mantle and be a shield of protection upon each one of us. I ask this prayer through your tears of blood, tears that you cry because of all the sins in the world and the pain they inflict on your Son Jesus.
Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, come with your troops of angels to help in this warfare.
St …name saints that come to mind… and all the saints of heaven, I ask for your help with this deliverance.
Now, with a crucifix in your hand, as the Holy Spirit leads, rebuke evil spirits through Jesus’ sacred wounds (as Mother Mary affirmed on 01/08/2017). Pray for example as follows:
Hands over head: Through the merits of Jesus’ crown of thorns, his sacred wounds on his head …say the Rebuking Prayer…
Crucifix on back: Through the merits of Jesus’ scourging at the pillar …say the Rebuking Prayer…
Holy water and crucifix on hands: Through the wounds on Jesus’ hands …say the Rebuking Prayer…
Holy water and crucifix on knees: Through the wounds on Jesus’ knees …say the Rebuking Prayer…
Holy water and crucifix on feet: Through the wounds on Jesus’ feet …say the Rebuking Prayer…
Crucifix on side of torso: Through the lance wound on Jesus’ side, any sickness, illness, infirmity, any invading spirits, I command you to go in the name of Jesus.
Then, repeat three times:
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus as a fount of mercy for us, I trust in you for ________’s healing.
Evil spirits will stay in a person if the person is holding onto unforgiveness − in this case, let the person recite the Forgiveness Prayer. If there is true contrition and forgiveness, deliverance will take place. With your crucifix placed on the left shoulder of the person, conclude with:
My loving Lord Jesus, through the merits of the wound on your left shoulder, your most painful wound, I ask for a full healing upon your child. Lead him/her to your Sacred Heart …state any personal petitions…
Pray the Come Holy Spirit Prayer and then say:
We pray three Glory Be’s in honour of the Holy Trinity, thanking the Holy Trinity for hearing our prayer, and our Lord Jesus for the pains and sufferings you undergo every second of the day for us to come into your heavenly Kingdom. Pray three Glory Be’s.
We also thank our Blessed Mother Mary for her continual prayer and intercession for us.
Pray the Hail Holy Queen, the St Michael the Archangel Prayer and conclude with the Sign of the Cross.
Rebuking Prayer
Address evil spirits by type, nature or name when rebuking them in Jesus’ name. For example, “Evil spirits of confusion, mind control, blocking spirits, trying to put scales on his eyes and ears…”, “You evil spirit, trying to make him think he is worthless… or “Incubus, Succubus, Asmodeus…”, then say, “In the name of Jesus and by Jesus’ authority, I bind you, I rebuke you and I send you to the foot of the cross of Jesus; I bind you there, never to come back again. Go in the name of Jesus.”
If you suspect high-ranking demons, say, “In the name of Jesus I command you to identify yourself.” Then, if identified, rebuke by name as the Holy Spirit leads. If Satan is trying to become aggressive through the person, stay calm and without fear say, “In the name of Jesus I command you to get on your knees in front of Jesus in all his tabernacles of the world.” If said in faith, Satan will have no choice, but to get on his knees or he will run away.
For past sexual relationships while rebuking the spirits of lust, say, “In the name of Jesus, I cut all soul ties with the Sword of the Spirit.” Bondages, chains and shackles can also be cut in the same way and also by asking Our Lady Undoer of Knots for assistance. Curses, hexes and spells are broken by stating their nature and rebuking the evil spirits on assignment to implement these curses, for example by saying, ”Any evil spirits on assignment to implement spells, hexes, curses, any form of witchcraft, black magic, white magic, anything sent from the underworld …state source and nature… go in the name of Jesus.”
Any spirits arising from self-cursing need to be rebuked, for example, “Any spirit of negativity, insecurity and low self-worth, in the name of Jesus, I command you to go to the foot of the cross of Jesus, never to come back again.”
Generational curses can be broken by saying, “Any generational curses, anything coming from the fourth, fifth and sixth generation, in the name of Jesus, I cut you with the Sword of the Spirit. Please, dear Lord Jesus, set your son/daughter free from anything coming down the generational line: any unconfessed sins, witchcraft, addictions … state… I command you to go in the name of Jesus Christ.” Praying for and offering Masses for the deceased in one’s family tree help to break these generational curses.
On rare occasions, lost deceased souls, sometimes family, can also bring spiritual oppression because of unresolved issues while on earth – they are not demons, but praying, for example, a Hail Mary for them and telling them to “Go to the light of Jesus,” can set them free and release the person from these bondages.
If manifesting evil spirits stubbornly refuse to leave a person, it’s because they have authority to stay as a result of unconfessed sins. These sins need to be identified through prayer to the Holy Spirit and then confessed in the Sacrament of Confession. Doing the following during deliverance prayers is also effective in driving out demons:
- Praying the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary and asking Jesus to let these evil spirits feel the pains of his Passion as you meditate on these mysteries;
- Calling Mother Mary by her various titles and making statements of truth about her;
- Repeating either the Apostles Creed, Glory Be, Hail Mary, Hail Holy Queen or Memorare three times;
- Praying in tongues, praising Jesus and making statements of truth about the Triune God and Mother Mary;
- Giving the person some exorcised salt with holy water to swallow;
- Holding Alpha Omega Mission’s miraculous Precious Blood of Jesus photo, which has been blessed by a priest, over the person.
If someone is a victim of long-distance generational Satanism, as God explained on 02/10/2021, only an exorcist priest can liberate the person from this cult.
Forgiveness Prayer
Say the Our Father Prayer and stop at the words “Forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us,” then ask the person over whom you are praying to state the names of the person(s) whom he or she needs to forgive. Once stated, ask the person to repeat after you:
My loving Lord Jesus, I bring you the names of the people I have mentioned. I ask you to have mercy on them, to bless them and to lead them into your Sacred Heart. I am sorry for any anger, bitterness or resentment that I have had towards them. I take back any curses that I said against them and ask you to replace these with a blessing on them. I forgive them from the bottom of my heart. Please forgive them of all their sins. I am sorry for offending and hurting you, my Jesus. Help me, dear Jesus, to let go as you did on the cross when you cried out, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” Help me to see them with your eyes of love, mercy and compassion. Sorry Jesus, I love you, Jesus, please heal me. Amen.
If the person was angry with God, add:
I am sorry my dear Lord Jesus, my loving Triune God, for being angry with you, for blaspheming your name, for inflicting this pain upon you. Please forgive me. I love you, Jesus. Amen.
Then, if one of the people mentioned has died, knowing that this deceased soul can hear the conversation, for closure, lead the person to say what he or she would have liked to tell this soul, followed by:
I’m sorry for holding this unforgiveness towards you. I forgive you and also ask your forgiveness. I am sorry for hurting you.
My loving Lord Jesus, please forgive him/ her and receive him/her into your loving arms. Thank you, Jesus. I love you.
Conclude with the rest of the Our Father Prayer.
Even though forgiveness has taken place, any past unforgiveness that has not been confessed in the Sacrament of Confession must be taken to Confession for absolution, otherwise the person will remain spiritually weak.
Come Holy Spirit Prayer
Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well-beloved spouse. Come and infill your son/daughter with the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and he/she shall be renewed, and you shall renew the face of the earth. Come Holy Spirit, infill him/her with your gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, godliness, fear of the Lord, charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, chastity, self-control – all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Dear Holy Spirit, please bring whatever is in the dark to the light for your son/daughter to come to full healing.
For more information
For a Confession guide and an explanation on how to deliver a home or business property from evil spirits, visit the “Resources” section on