St Michael and the archangels and the many angels, my children’s own guardian angels, they are very important in my children’s lives. When my children are conceived and then born, on that day, one guardian angel is entrusted to them, to accompany them until their last breath on earth. Oh, this angel presents them to my Son Jesus, but many times, when my children are dying, it’s a warfare between them and the evil, Satan, because he is there to try and take that soul. Their guardian angel protects their soul but if the enemy knows that this soul is not in a state of grace, has never repented or has many other grievous sins, the enemy stands there, too, to try and take that soul.
Know that my children each have a guardian angel appointed to take care of them, but my children never pray and ask him to protect them. Yes, he never abandons them, but my children also turn a deaf ear, the same way they turn away from my Son Jesus, from us in heaven. Oh, these angels also get very sad when they are ignored. My child, there are so many prayers, simple ones, for my children to pray to their guardian angels.
My daughter, I am going to teach a beautiful, simple prayer to be recited as well, as often as possible at night, in the morning and anytime during the day...
My guardian angel, entrusted to me, since I was conceived and born, I ask you, my guardian angel, to be with me in all instants of my life. Protect me from all evil attacks. Guide me when I don’t know my way at the crossroads. Take my hand. Keep me safe. Show me the light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Take my soul to Jesus on my last day on earth. Amen.
My daughter Fernanda, this is a powerful prayer to my children’s own guardian angel. Write this prayer in your Book of Prayers, to be published soon.