Prayer to stop the sinister 666 chip from being implanted in people

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my child, for sitting at this hour to converse with me, your Jesus Christ. My little one, you came to rest because you have been doing our books, our messages, to be given to my son Charles. Oh, my child, today you are feeling ill. Your body aches with some cold, flu. Your body needs some rest because you have been focusing on our books. My child, I allowed you to rest. You couldn’t rest for too long. Your heart was in pain as my daughter Alice left. Oh, she has been helping you with our messages. Oh, she is in awe of my love as she sees our conversations in the books. My children don’t know about this, exactly how we converse every day and with my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary and the saints. My child, this has been [happening] for five years without my children’s comprehension.

My little Petal, I, your Jesus, called you as you were lying on your bed for just a quick rest. My child, you then woke up trembling, trembling. Your body was aching. You knew it was my pains. Oh my child, you wanted to cry and you are still emotional about my pains. Yes, my child, this is how my pain is − unbearable. My child, I, your Jesus, I can’t give you much of my pain. I just give you a tiny seed of my pain. Yes, you do sometimes have intense pains, my pains, but today I give you less pains to alleviate my Sacred Heart.

My child, today in many parts of the world, my children are talking about the 666, which has been in the book of Revelation. Yes, my child, it has been approved in America. Yes, my child, remember, I said to pray, pray, because of what is going to happen on my children’s bodies, their lives, against my will. Oh, my child, this is me, your Jesus Christ, your God, your Lord, the King of the universe and of all my children. This is one of the greatest signs of my Second Coming but still today, my children are in denial, not wanting to know the truth.

My child, just get your books ready. You are going to be one of my greatest messengers in this mission with my son Charles and my daughter Alice. Tell my son Charles not to get too anxious or afflicted. I have not yet revealed the date, the time or the year. Just do your work for me, your Jesus. In time to come it will be revealed. What I, your Jesus, want is this: my children must repent and forgive one another.

All the messages given to you... Oh my child, today your heart was in pain as you were reading our messages, [desiring] that you could have been on your mission. Yes, my child, the time was not right. You do understand as the puzzle fell through in front of your eyes. Yes, my son Charles, he was not ready to commence as well.

See, my child, my children are panicking. Do not get distracted. Focus on your mission. My child, I will give you a prayer against this happening. It is prayed in this way...

My Holy Trinity, you are our Creator, our Saviour. My Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, I, your child [1], I am here at this hour to implore to you against this sign of the beast 666. Oh, my Jesus, it has been prophesied in your living Word, the Bible, [the Book of] Revelation. I ask you, my Holy Trinity, to combat this chip [that is] to be implanted upon your children in time to come. You are the strongest of heaven. With the power of heaven, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I ask you to stop, to combat this evil against your children all over the world.

I ask Mother Mary to intercede at the foot of the cross of your Son Jesus Christ whom you love unconditionally. You share the same love with each one of your children upon this entire world. I ask the archangels Gabriel, Michael and Raphael with all the saints and forgotten saints of all heaven to pray this intense prayer with me, against this sinister chip to not occur in any way in this world. Inspired by this confidence in you, my Mother Mary, implore this petition to your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be, then say...

My Holy Trinity, I place this prayer in your hands. Amen.

Pray the Hail Holy Queen, then say...

Mother Mary, with the archangels, the nine choirs of heaven, come and save your people through your Son Jesus’ holy name, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

My child, this is a prayer for you only, to be recited in as much of your time. In time to come you will relay this prayer. You are our prayer warrior. Your heart is with us when you recite our prayers. Thank you for explaining to my son Charles to not panic or get anxious. Yes, focus on me, your Jesus Christ. Thank you for coming and alleviating my pain, my child.

My child, this chip has been done already, but it’s being kept in secrecy. This is just for you. Keep it in a safe place. Pray, pray for this cause. This is not to be divulged yet [2].


[1] The original words were “your humble servant”.

[2] Jesus Christ gave Fernanda permission to divulge this prayer on 14/02/2017.