Mission prayer through Saints Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia

St Francisco, St Jacinta, St Lucia

My sister Fernanda in Christ Jesus, we, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, are here to talk to you. Today in Cova da Iria in Fatima and in many parts of the world on 13 October, we are celebrating a great feast. It was at Cova da Iria on 13 May 1917, where we were three innocent children and were with the grazing cattle when we saw a great bright light in front of our eyes. Oh, oh, such a beautiful, beautiful lady dressed in a beautiful Mantle shining with light. It was something so beautiful and different from what we had ever seen before. As you know the story of us, the little shepherds, we then tried to explain what we saw. Oh, no one believed us. We were heavily persecuted and intimidated. So much fear was laid upon us. Oh, they told us we were going to be burnt with very hot, scorching oil. Oh, our loved ones did not believe us either because they also suffered, but Our Lady defended us. After so many sufferings for our visions, our prayers, our Rosaries were heard.

Sister in Christ, Fernanda, today, 13 October 2014, we are here in conversation with you as you are a humble servant of God. You have also been chosen to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. You have a mission, a task, ahead of you, which you will fulfil to bring sinners to the heart of Jesus Christ. Yes, humble servant of God, nothing is easy when we are chosen for a task, to take on a task for our Lord God.

Sister Fernanda in Christ, we, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, we are here to bring, to transmit, this message. You will serve your Almighty Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Divine Holy Spirit – the Paraclete – and Our Lady, the Blessed Mother of the Redeemer. Our Mother, Queen of Peace, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, was also chosen for a mission, to which Our Lady accepted and gave her “yes” to our Father.

Do not fear, do not be afraid, for Jesus, the Holy Trinity and our Blessed Mother are with you. We, Francisco and Jacinta, we were very sick, we also suffered bodily pain, then we came to eternity and continued our mission here in heaven. Lucia stayed on earth for a long time to complete her mission. She also suffered greatly.

My sister Fernanda, we are here to convey this message in unity, unison of voice. Accept what has been placed on your path to serve Jesus Christ. All honour and glory be to Jesus Christ forever. Amen. This, your mission, is to bring astray souls to the Immaculate Heart of our Mother, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is very lacerated and pierced with thorns because of the many sins of this world. Your mission will soon begin. We have come to transmit to you a prayer composed for your mission through our intercession. The prayer is composed as follows [1]...

My Divine Father, my Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, I, your humble servant Fernanda, I am here. I humbly beseech you, through the intercession of your saints, the little shepherds of Fatima, Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, to help me to work on my mission, my task, laid upon me by our Lord Jesus Christ, to serve my Lord Jesus well and to bring sinners to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for their conversion.

Our Lady, Mother of the Saviour Jesus Christ, in conjunction with the intercessory prayers of the little shepherds Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, help me so that I may carry out my task on this mission to bring souls that are far away from the heart of your Son Jesus to conversion. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be, then say...

Holy Trinity Divine, through your holy grace, help me to bring many souls to your heart of Jesus.

Pray the Hail Holy Queen, then say...

Blessed Mother Mary, with the little shepherds Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia, save the sinners, help me on my mission. Amen.