Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting with my Father God, my Blessed Mother Mary, your Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thank you my child, my son Charles Pritchard, and all of you, my precious children of the Alpha and Omega Mission. My little one, I, your Jesus Christ, I am here with you.
Thank you for my Holy Mass being celebrated here today at our Alpha and Omega home with my son priest, Father Patrick Dladla, my devoted son, celebrating my Holy Mass with love and endurance, in awe of me, Jesus Christ, in humbleness and reverence towards me.
My Petal, thank you for your testimony in a simple, humble way. Oh, your heart was in awe of me, your Jesus Christ. Your heart was with the Holy Trinity and my Blessed Mother Mary. Know, my child, I, your Jesus Christ, we here in heaven, the Triune God, we do see each of our children’s actions, emotions and thinking, their minds, souls and spirits. My little one, I, your Jesus, I saw your emotions, your heart, in appreciation and thanksgiving for this beautiful gift that has been given to you. I thank you for telling them that you wouldn’t exchange what you have received upon you for any riches, to serve me, your Jesus Christ. I thank you, my child, for the gift of yourself, for your will being given to me. You allowed yourself to be used as my channel, my instrument, to be used to help my children in need of help.
My Petal, thank you for the tasty, lovely soup tonight that my children enjoyed very much, to keep my children warm in this cold weather. My Petal, my daughter Alice, she was saying that the soup tonight was a miracle. Yes, I did this for it to be enough for my children. When you saw all of these, my children, coming and serving themselves with a bowl of soup, you knew it wasn’t enough for half of my children there. Yes, I did that tonight. Oh, the bread − you were thinking that these two loaves of bread are not enough; you thought only a few would have bread, but at the end you went and had the last piece of bread and all my children’s stomachs were filled. Trust, believe and do with your heart, as you did in making this tasty soup with love and joy.
My child, my Father God, he is here to converse with you.
Father God
My little lamb, I, your Father God, I am here to converse with you. Thank you for the marvellous, superb seminar that my son Charles prepared with so much zeal, courage and perseverance, never giving up when the Holy Spirit enlightened his mind to serve my Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Tonight was powerful: the unity, love, compassion, understanding, and the arduous work pouring into this home. I thank my son Paulo and all my people who have given themselves totally to working so arduously in making this seminar very special. All honour and glory be to your Lord Jesus Christ, my only Begotten Son whom I have given to all of you, my people, for your salvation. As in the 2012 message given to you tonight about God’s love [1], yes, my love endures forever in your hearts. Just open your hearts completely and let the light of Jesus Christ in. My son Charles spoke well − his teachings penetrated my peoples’ hearts.
My little lamb, tonight my people asked the question about Confession. My son Tony asked this question about confessing in Confession. The theme, the wonder in his heart, was that he heard about this: if any one of my people comes to Confession and they confessed their sins, and [deliberately] left one unconfessed sin out, not confessing a specific sin, that they are not absolved and the Confession is declared null and void. I, your Father God, I will explain to you. My people, when you come to the Sacrament of Confession, my son priests are there in the Confession box as representatives of my Son Jesus Christ. My Son Jesus Christ, he absolves my children in their Confession through my son priests. All the truly confessed sins are absolved the moment my son priest says with the Sign of the Cross, “I absolve you from all your sins”, and asks you to say the Act of Contrition. Your sins are forgiven except the one that you left behind with the intention to not repent of and confess. Until this sin is confessed with a contrite heart, with humility and repentance, then my people will be set free from the bondages of that sin. I, your Father, I repeat: the sins that have been confessed in Confession, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, during the time that the other sin has not been confessed, have been absolved in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you my loving Father God. I love you. Thank you for everything in my life my unique Father God. I love you. Sua bênção [2].
Jesus Christ
Thank you my child. My Blessed Virgin Mother, she is here to converse with you.
Mother Mary
My little one, I, your Mother Mary, I am here with you. Thank you for the lovely day, blessed full of many graces and blessings. I thank my son Charles Pritchard and his loved one, his spouse, Evelyn, for the good-hearted effort in helping on this, our home for my children (mothers and children) to be allocated in this amazing home, for the seminar in progress. This was my Son Jesus Christ’s desire and plans for this huge mission that is progressing in a virtual way according to my Son Jesus Christ’s holy will.
My Andorinha [3], oh, the very flavoured soup that was set out to feed my children with a cup of soup... thank you for being obedient to the Holy Spirit by preparing this meal for tonight.
I thank my daughter Suzette for her courageous, sincere, honest, humble testimony. How many of my children receive healing from their illness, sickness of the body, soul and spirit, but they don’t have the courage, the humbleness to come back and acknowledge the powerful healing of God the Son, God the Holy Spirit and God the Father. Oh, my children, they don’t thank my Son Jesus Christ. I thank my daughter Suzette for being bold with no fear, timidity or embarrassment to come forth and thank my Son Jesus Christ − and everyone who helped her when she was most in need of help. My daughter Suzette is now on a road of complete recovery and her heart is completely open to my Son Jesus Christ. She is coming closer and closer to receiving my Son Jesus Christ in her heart. She is so grateful for all the blessings and graces received. Yes, my daughter Suzette, she was in a dark road, but prayers and Holy Masses brought her back to her roots that were planted in good soil. The enemy entered [when she was] in a wrong direction, to destroy my daughter, but she was saved by my Son Jesus Christ. My Son Jesus has great plans for my daughter Suzette to help to bring lost souls back to my Son’s heart. The door of her heart is open to receive and give love. I bless you, my daughter Suzette, for this, your devotion and understanding of the desire of my Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and our Father God.
I bless you all, my daughter, your loved ones and all my children. Amen. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you my Blessed Virgin Mother. Thank you my Holy Trinity, I love you. Sua bênção. Thank you for taking care of my loved ones, family, and all your children all over the world. Amen.
Jesus Christ
Thank you my child. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. I love you all my children. Amen.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow