Jesus Christ
My child, about the desires and fears, about asking me to mute my children regarding this fundamental pesquisas [1] from my son Charles on the Holy Bible [2]. My child, you fear the outcome as my son Charles Pritchard found the changes in translations of the Holy Bible. Yes, my children, they did change the meaning of some parts, some teachings, in my original Bible, the Vulgate/Douay-Rheims.
My son Charles, with the help and wisdom of the Holy Spirit, introduced the real meaning in some of the Bibles being transcrito (transcribed), transgressions in the volumes of the many different Bibles. My son Charles, he will be persecuted, but not for too long. My Church, my son the holy pope, Francis, will approve the transgressions, the errors that have been committed, and the real true Bible, the Vulgate. Yes, my son Charles has been guided by the Holy Spirit to do the right transformations, the changes to the Bibles that have been circulated around this world. Do not fear persecutions and foul language. My son Charles, I repeat, has been guided by the Holy Spirit to amend the mistakes, errors, from the different Bibles that have been circulating all over the world. The holy pope, Francis, will soon approve the translation of the Holy Bible, of the Vulgate, from my son Charles Pritchard that is being done in my holy name, Jesus Christ.
Oh, my Petal, be at peace. I do know you don’t like confrontations in these kinds of argument, argumentative schedules. My Petal, I will mute all the persecutors’ mouths. I will preserve you from this calumny, from any kind of calumny. My children will be silent, very soon. I know your prayers from your heart. You want peace, love and unity. Pray the prayers of your patron saints for protection always for our Alpha and Omega Mission.
Father God
About the Holy Bible changes done through the many years, along these years: yes, there is a different meaning in some of the holy words of my Son Jesus’ teachings. Yes, they did change, divert, the words to suit manmade laws. Oh my little one, do not doubt − the right decision was made.
[Fernanda] My loving Father God, I am sorry that we stopped our conversation.
My little lamb, I, your Father, I am here with you. You didn’t sin. I was very joyous as my Son Jesus was arriving here at our home for you, my people, to have Adoration with my Son Jesus’ Blessed Sacrament [3].
Mother Mary
I, your Mother, I repeat, my Son Jesus and our Father God’s words: do not be apprehensive about the outcome of my son Charles Pritchard’s project, about helping my children, my Son Jesus Christ’s Church, to see the errors, faults, mistakes committed in my Son Jesus’ holy words, in the Holy Bible. Yes, it was done on purpose, purposely to avoid the real meaning of my Son Jesus’ teachings, for my children to not be aware of the importance of some parts of my Son Jesus’ Catholic Church entrusted to St Peter, “Simon Peter, upon this rock, you shall build my Church, the Church of Jesus Christ.”
[1] Portuguese to English translation: research
[3] Father Joseph arrived with the Blessed Sacrament for the monthly 11pm to 12pm First Friday Devotion act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as initiated by St Margaret Mary.