I, your Father, I am the Creator of the whole universe. My child, my people, they are my creation. My people, they take this gift for granted. The Father God, he is the power of the world. My Son Jesus was given to all of you for your salvation. I, the Father God, I gave my Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ for all of you, for this purpose: to be your Saviour.
My people, they don’t know much about the Holy Trinity, the Triune God. The research that my people do on this modern technology is about the worldly measures, their continuous research of other functions, of earthly things, but my people never do research about the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Oh, this is very important in my people’s lives for their souls – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It’s the most important for them to know more profoundly about the power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. My people, I desire each one of you to be more aware, how we, the Triune God, can be your source of your daily life. We are very important in taking care of you. Respect the Triune God when you bless yourselves with the Sign of the Cross:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Oh, this sign and these words are the most powerful in your lives. I also desire for you, my dear little ones, to make the Sign of the Cross in this way [1]:
By the Sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us God, our Lord, from our enemies. Amen.
With this sign, you, my dear people, are protecting yourselves from the enemy. When you pray in this way, you are calling the Triune God to be with you and to protect you. My people, make use of this beautiful prayer. You can pray anytime of the day or night – we will stand by you at all times. Amen.
My child Fernanda, relay this prayer message for my people to know the meaning of the power of their Creator, Father God, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Amen.
[1] This prayer was originally given in Portuguese as “Pelo sinal da Santa Cruz, livrai-nos Deus, nosso Senhor, dos nossos inimigos. Ámen.”