We will never know the pains Jesus experienced in his life – he resurrected to bring a new light into the world, for our salvation

05/04/2015 at 23h45
Themes: apostolic times, God's pains, salvation, sickness and suffering
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting and conversing with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. My little one, I, your Jesus Christ, the Saviour of this entire world [have a message to convey].

Today is Easter Sunday, the feast day of my Resurrection. My Petal, these forty days, being in prayer, fasting on the Mount of Olives, and then after these forty days, my excruciating pains started with many persecutions, trials, tribulations and sufferings, being judged by Pontius Pilate, going to prison for a crime that I never committed. My dignity was taken as they took my clothes, [casting] lots [for them]. My scourging, at the pillar (I allowed you to take my photo [1] there so you could show my children the extent of my pains), carrying a heavy cross, the cross of all my children, each one of you. The calvary: the pains were extenuante [2], too painful to describe to you. The crown of thorns, the crucifixion upon a huge cross, being nailed there with the most huge nails: [the pains were] far from my children’s comprehension. As they held me up, pulling the cross upright, it was too horrific to describe. I had to hold myself up because I was going to asphyxiate myself. They sat me on a chair full of nails. They put inside my mouth the most disgusting porcaria [3], too shameful to explain – and much more – this is one of my secret pains, that my children don’t know about. I will tell you more about it in time to come, for you to know, to teach to my children. My Mother’s pains: you do know about them, as I told you before. I died on the cross, humiliated, without dignity with horrible names, mocked for being the King of the Jews. They took reeds, a crown of thorns, saying, “He is the King!” Instead of a crown of jewels, they placed upon me a crown of thorns. I was thirsty and they gave me vinegar to drink. I was hungry and they gave hyssop to me. I then died on the cross. They put two thieves [next to me], one on my right side and one on my left. I expired at 3pm on Good Friday. They then took me off the cross and placed me in my Mother’s arms (the Pieta [4]). But, after three days in the tomb were they placed me, I resurrected to bring you, all my children, a new light in the world, to be your Saviour, the Redeemer of your sins, to be your salvation. Amen.

My child, my Father God, he is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little one of your Father God, I am here to converse with you. My little lamb, I your Father God, I came at this hour to converse with you.

My child Fernanda, I, your Father, say thank you for today, for the unity, peace, love, harmony between your loved ones. I am here to say thank you for the beautiful day.

My little one, I, your Father, I am here to converse with you. I heard the conversation, with my Son about the sufferings upon my Son’s shoulders. My child Fernanda, today, my Son Jesus resurrected from the dead after the cruellest pains. Oh, my people will never know the pains in his life until his last breath. My child, why all this suffering, the pains, the reason, purpose for all these pains? Yes, my Son’s sufferings...

My child, we will continue our conversation later during the day. I bless you, your loved ones, and all my people. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my dear Father. I love you.

Jesus Christ

My dear Mother Mary, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My little Petal, I, your Mother, I am here to smile, to help you with the desires of your heart. My child you are getting tired. I have a message to transmit to you. I will call you later to convey to you. I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Beijinhos [5] . Thank you, my Holy Trinity and my Blessed Mother Mary. I love you. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx.

Jesus Christ

I, your Jesus, I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

[Fernanda] Beijinhos.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[2] Portuguese to English translation: strenuous

[3] Portuguese to English translation: excrement, muck, dirt

[4] Italian to English translation: pity, compassion – the Pieta represents Mother Mary sorrowfully contemplating the dead body of her son which she holds on her lap.

[5] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses