Pray for the salvation of souls, the living and the dead, and come to the Sacrament of Confession to be delivered from the bondage of sin

27/12/2022 at 22h45
Themes: Adoration, end times, God's love and mercy, hell, natural disasters, praying, purgatory, Repentance and Confession, salvation, the Church
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. We are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are the Triune God, the Three-in-One Persons, Inseparable. We are here in unison of voice to relay this message.

Father God

I, your Heavenly Father, I am here to convey a message to my dear people.

My own dear people, you are mine. You belong to me, your Creator and [the Creator] of all things in this world. I am here with a deep concern for all of you: the status of your souls. Where are you going, my dear people? I guide you to the right path of life, like you guide your own children, [because] you love them, you desire that they will be your pride and joy, like any father desires for his own children. I love you with all my own heart, but how many of you retribute this love back to us in heaven? I wait patiently for you to know my Son Jesus Christ, your Saviour, but you, my people, turn away from the Face of God, [the Face] of my Son Jesus Christ.

My people, the war! It’s a calamity in these countries of war, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey, France and all the countries of this world. The time on the clock is running out. As the clock strikes, every badalada [1], time is shorter for my people to make peace, to change their hearts. Many of my people keep deep secrets in the depths of their hearts, secrets that need to be released through a good, honest Confession, to release them, to deliver them from the bondage of sin.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and this entire world. Amen.

Thank you, my little lamb. I say thank you for accepting the will of your God, your Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my child. My Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [2], I, your Blessed Mother, I am here through the will of my Father God and the sweet Holy Spirit to convey a message.

My dear children look upon heaven, upon this entire world. What do you see in your surroundings? What do you see? So much controversy, malice, revenge, war, floods, fires, earthquakes, volcanoes of water etc., sickness, infirmities, viruses, all kinds of turbulence. Only prayers and your will to pray, pray intensely to save humanity, to safeguard the souls from Gehenna [will help].

My little Andorinha, on Christmas Day I went to the entrance of purgatory with St Michael the archangel to bring some souls from the sufferings of purgatory to heaven. I go there as these souls yearn to see the Face of our God, of my Son Jesus. They call me “Star of the Sea”. I alleviate these souls through my love, my prayers to release these most abandoned ones. As my children pray for these souls and the most abandoned ones, it’s a saving grace for them. They pray for you in the meantime. Ask them to pray for you as you are praying for them, for them to help you, to intercede for your needs, for this world. Many graces are obtained through the souls of purgatory.

My little one, today, you and my children Alice and Jacinta went to visit the home, the place of Blessed Madre [3] Virgínia who is waiting to be canonised as a saint. Yes, it was very pleasing to me, to us in heaven, for you to visit this holy place. Thank you for the prayers and photos taken of my Immaculate Heart of Mary at my first apparition to my simple humble servant in 1913.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed Mother. I love you. Sua bênção [4].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal. I, your Jesus of Nazareth, I am here to converse with you.

My little one, I thank you and my children for coming and doing some Adoration at my holy church of Blessed Madre Superior Virgínia Brites da Paixão. Every year that you have been blessed to come to your birthplace, you visit this holy place that is being ignored by many of my children. Yes, there are many being born here, living in this place, who are unaware of this, my daughter, Blessed Mother Superior Virgínia, who will soon be canonised as a saint. Yes, in heaven she is [a saint], but on earth she needs to be known as a saint. Yes, in [past] times, my daughters, priests and the religious underwent persecution. My Blessed Virgínia, she had to live as a recluse with my other daughters, religious nuns, in a severe regime in hiding. But, in time to come, all were set free from that persecution. My daughter, my simple humble servant, had the privilege of having some encounters, apparitions, with my Blessed Mother, [the] Immaculate Heart of Mary, asking for the bishop to consecrate this land to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is unknown to many of my children.

Pray, pray, as my daughter, Sister Augusta, asked to pray for more religious nuns, for vocations, for this convent to be open to bring people, lost sheep, to my Sacred Heart.

Thank you, my Petal. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Jesus, my Holy Trinity. I adore you. I glorify your holy name. I love you. Sua bênção. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [5].

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: chime

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Mother

[4] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[5] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses