The Thank You Jesus Rosary

Mother Mary

Oh, my Son Jesus’ Thank You Jesus Rosary is very powerful. My child, you don’t have to ask anything with this Rosary of the 1,000 thank you Jesuses. My Son Jesus knows of each one of our children’s desires, needs, necessities in their hearts, their lives – each one of you, my children. I, your Mother, I watch every move of my children in despair, affliction, pain, love and sorrow in their hearts.

Start the Rosary by blessing yourself with the Sign of the Cross, followed by the following opening prayer [1]:

Our Lord Jesus Christ, I am here to thank you for what you have done in my life: past, present and future, for what you have suffered for me in Gethsemane, and finally, for giving yourself entirely as food for my soul under the appearance of bread and wine in the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.

[A] Start Decade i on the isolated rosary bead by saying:

Oh, thank you Jesus.

[B] On each of the ten beads say:

Thank you Jesus.

Repeat [A] and [B] above for Decades ii, iii, iv and v.

Repeat this Rosary twenty times to complete the 1,000 thank you Jesuses [2].

Bless yourself by making the Sign of the Cross.


[1] As inspired by our Lord Jesus Christ to servant of God, Archbishop Gabriel Gonsum Ganaka.

[2] A typical Thank You Jesus Rosary has four times more rosary beads, i.e., twenty decades, so in this instance, need only be repeated five times.