Jesus’ sacrificial love for us is incomprehensible – he never denied us, yet how many of us deny his name or defend him in front of others?

07/04/2023 at 03h40
Themes: apostolic times, death, God's love and mercy, God's pains, loving God, loving others, Mother Mary's pains, prophecy
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows. My little one, Petal, I, your Jesus of Nazareth, my Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, we are here in unison of voice to relay a message.

Father God

I, your Heavenly Father God, the Ultimate Father, I am here to convey a message.

Today is Good Friday. My Son Jesus was handed over to Pontius Pilate [for him] to judge my Son Jesus Christ for a crime that he had never committed. My Son Jesus went through some of the most, horrendous, excruciating pains. You, my people, would never understand or comprehend the amount of suffering of my Only Begotten Son Jesus, whom I gave entirely to you all – [sufferings that] my Son Jesus accepted without hesitation. Oh, he knew all those pains, sufferings, yet he never said no to his Heavenly Father. My people, how can you still doubt if God exists? How can you, my people, still not see with the eyes of your hearts, this sacrificial love towards you all?

It’s me, your Heavenly Father, transmitting this message. Meditate, pray, focus in prayer on what my Son Jesus will undergo, is undergoing, today.

My little lamb, my Son Jesus will transmit the agony that started on Holy Thursday on the Mount of Olives.

Jesus Christ

My dear children, I am your God, your Lord Jesus Christ.

I was taken to a prison like a criminal, a thief. They shoved me around, from one side to another. They pushed me and pulled me by my hair. They questioned me, tied me up, to a pillar. They did the most filthy insults to me, foul language. They made a mockery of me that you, my children, can’t even imagine – the discrimination, taking away my dignity. Yes, my children, they abused me in the prison, verbally, physically, with all kinds of insults. Oh, what they did to me there is unknown to my children. Oh, my fifteen secret pains [1]! Many of you don’t know about my passion – it was horrendous to bear, to describe. They took me like a lamb going to the slaughter. I was meek as a lamb – I didn’t curse, I didn’t defend myself or use foul language.

Oh my dear children, today I am going to be handed over to Pontius Pilate, from there, thence, all is going to start – my passion, carrying the heavy cross of all your sins on Via Dolorosa. To carry the cross uphill was too painful, but I did it for the love of you.

Mother Mary

My dear children, I, your Blessed Virgin Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows, I walked side by side with my Son Jesus Christ. Oh, it was too painful to describe to all of you – it’s far beyond your understanding. My Son Jesus never once wanted to give up his heavy cross of your sins. He never denied you in front of the Roman soldiers or to Pontius Pilate – his loving heart, mind, soul and spirit was for the love of you all.

Today, how many of you, my children, deny the name of Jesus Christ in front of your friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, in public or amongst you all? How many of you defend my Son Jesus in the same way he defended you when they scourged him or when he was crucified with the most painful nails, hands and feet? Oh, the crucifixion! I was beneath that cross – my sorrows, oh, my sorrows, for a mother to see her loving Son being so humiliated. Yes, they took my Son Jesus Christ’s clothes, they drew lots to see who was going to have them. Oh, my children, to see my Son Jesus, naked in front of me and the whole crowd – like when he was born, in my arms – what a scene. When they took my Son Jesus from the cross and placed him in my arms, the Son who once upon a time was teaching; healing the blind, the paralytics; driving out demons from his children in despair of being attacked by the evil spirits; [who on] Palm Sunday was applauded by the crowd!

My dear children, I, your Blessed Mother, my pain was unbearable, but I gave strength to my Son as our eyes crossed, as he also said to me, through our eyes, “Strength, Mother.”

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed Mother, Virgin Mother, Our Lady of Sorrows, for the courage, strength and love for our salvation, that your Son Jesus of Nazareth was sacrificed upon the cross. I love you. Sua bênção [2]. Thank you, my Heavenly Father, my Holy Spirit and my loving Jesus of Nazareth for your sacrifice, sacrificial love upon the cross. I love you. Sua bênção.

Jesus Christ

My little Petal, I, your Jesus Christ, my Father God and the Holy Spirit, we are here to say that my daughter Albina’s last breath of her journey of life on this world is on the way – soon, tonight, her suffering in this world, will be terminated. All the prayers, Rosaries and Divine Mercy Chaplets have been received for her soul. Yes, if I don’t heal the body, I heal the soul, which is more needed by my children for eternal life, as this world is just a passing-by to eternity.

[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [3].

My children, my love, my sacrifice was for the love of all of you, for your salvation – salvation, salvation!

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] See the Scourging at the Pillar meditations in the “The Sorrowful Mysteries Rosary” of the “Rosary” section on

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses