Pray, trust Jesus, surrender all to him, and fear nothing, like Daniel in the lion’s den – everything is possible with God, in his time not ours

17/05/2014 at 00h18
Themes: loving God, praying, prophecy, trials and tribulations
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. My little one, I, your Jesus, I say thank you for today. My child, I, your Jesus, I am here with you to converse.

My little one, today, I, your Jesus, I was very pleased: you and my daughter Alice went to pray upon my daughter Anita ________. Oh, my daughter Anita was in so much need of healing. I thank you for being obedient and taking my Precious Blood photo [1]. Oh, this, my Precious Blood, will heal many of my children. My little Fernanda, do not doubt about this healing through me, your Jesus’ Precious Blood. Thank you for explaining to my children the content of this, my picture, photo, which I allowed you to take in my Holy Land at the pillar where I was scourged.

My little instrument, I am your loving Jesus. I am with you at this precise moment. I am with you at this time of your aching heart. My child, you are in so much concern about how to pay all your debts. My child, I have given you a confirmation that you are going to pay all your debts. You are coming closer to your mission. I know all about you and each of my children. You are my servant. You will carry a special mission in my holy name. My child, trust me, your Jesus, as Daniel trusted me in the lions’ den. You are saved from all your debts. Trust me, your Jesus of Nazareth.

My child, thank you for relaying my message to my daughter Paula, for her aching heart. I say thank you for being obedient. Thank you for explaining to her about my messages, my desires for all my children.

My daughter, my Father God, he is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little lamb, I, your Father, I am here to converse with you.

My child Fernanda, you are so uptight about going to see our son. Yes, you are needed there, but just for a short time. Soon your place will be in your mission, in our little nest. Oh, Mother Mary, she is interceding for you, for all your worries. My Son Jesus is your only spouse. Be not afraid any more. You are free from these worries. Oh my Petal, trust, trust my Son Jesus. You surrendered to my Son Jesus. Do not doubt. All your prayers have been received in heaven.

My little lamb, I, your Father, the Holy Trinity, we say thank you and to my daughter Alice for going and praying for my little angel Jessica ________, my little daughter. Thank you for praying with my Son’s Precious Blood photo – it’s very powerful.

My little one, soon, this photo of my Son Jesus’ Precious Blood will be circulated all around the world for my people to see, to understand, that my Son Jesus’ Precious Blood is the healer of many of my people.

My little one, humble servant, you are so preoccupied with your car. My little Petal, my Son Jesus will provide for the payment. Oh, my Petal, you are so heartsore because of your situation. You do feel so deeply sad, having to depend on our son’s help. Know, it’s all my Son Jesus’ desígnios [2], designations. You will prosper soon because my Son Jesus is going to provide for you in abundance. You will soon see the reward for this, your last purification, your financial battle.

I bless you, I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Father. I love you. Sua bênção [3].

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [4], I am your Mother Mary. I say thank you for today.

My child Fernanda, I, your Mother, I am here to say: do not worry or be concerned. Soon, all of this, your pains, disturbances of your debts, will be dissolved. My Son Jesus received all your prayer requests. Oh my child, you will have rest in your heart. I, your Mother, I am here to bring you this message upon your heart. My little child, this has been very arduous, painful for you, but my Son Jesus has seen and will pay my daughter ________. Yes, she is demanding upon you paying her back.

My child, do you know that you are conversing with the Mother of Jesus. My Son Jesus did many miracles 2,000 years ago. He cured the incurable, the sick, blind, paralytics and cast out demons. The Apostles did many miracles through my Son Jesus. My Son Jesus does miracles today, tomorrow, at any time. You just have to trust him, surrender to him. He said to the blind man and the sick, “Your faith has saved you.” My child, do not be afraid, you will pay my daughter ________ and all your brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

...private message removed...

[5] The enemy will no longer win over you. You are free from this weight that has oppressed your heart, that has taken your attention from my Son Jesus for your mission.

Thank you, my little daughter. I am your dear Mommy, Heavenly Mother. You will fulfil your mission here on earth. From now on, always pray the prayers of your patron saints who have been entrusted to you to be your intercessors in heaven, to protect you always on your mission. You will complete a magnificent mission here on earth. Rest your troubled heart.

I give you my blessing, to your loved ones and to all my children. Amen. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, Mamã [6]. I love you. Sua bênção. Mamã querida [7].

Jesus Christ

I, your Jesus, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother, we say thank you for this time spent with us in heaven. I bless you. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

[Fernanda] My Holy Trinity and my Blessed Mother, I love you. Sua bênção. My patron saints, saints, forgotten saints of heaven, angels, archangels of heaven, my guardian angel St Filipe, St Ana, St Joachim, sua bênção. Amen. I love you. Beijinhos [8] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx.

♥ Our heart from heaven, my humble servant. Amen.

[Fernanda] Beijinhos xxxx.


[2] Portuguese to English translation: designs

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[4] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[5] The original message was received in Portuguese as: O inimigo não vençerá mais sobre ti. Estás livre deste peso que te tem oprimido o teu coração, que te tirou atenção de meu Filho Jesus para a tua missão. Obrigada minha filhinha. Eu sou a tua Mamã querida, Mãezinha do céu. Cumprirás a missão cá na terra. Ora sempre doravante as orações dos teus santos padroeiros, que foram confiadas a ti para serem os teus intercessores no céu, para te protegerem sempre na tua missão. Completarás uma magnifica missão cá na terra. Descansa o teu coração opressado. Eu te dou a minha bênção, aos teus entes queridos e a todos os meus filhos. Ámen. Obrigada por atenderes a minha chamada. Ámen.

[6] Portuguese to English translation: Mommy

[7] Portuguese to English translation: dear

[8] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses