Take the hand of the Lord your God, your Saviour: trust in him, don’t fear tomorrow, he will take care of you, his love is an ocean of mercy

17/07/2023 at 22h35
Themes: apostolic times, death, families, gifts of the Holy Spirit, God's love and mercy, God's pains, loving God, loving others, Rosary, sickness and suffering, sins of the world, trials and tribulations
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.

My little Petal, thank you for your time spent here with us in heaven. As you are sitting, you are entwined with us, your spirit is with us – a rare gift given to you by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, not by your choice, but by us, in your mother’s womb. Thank you for saying yes to your call, in obedience to us in heaven. This is a rare gift beyond your understanding and all my children’s.

I, your Jesus Christ, I am here in unison of voice with my Father God, the Holy Spirit. We are here to transmit a message to my children in their most aching hearts, as my children Kathia, Robbie (Robert) and Ludgero came for prayers with their most aching hearts for the loss of their loved one, Nadia.

Father God

My dear children, my own people created by me, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I, your Almighty Father God, I am here to transmit this message of my love upon you, my people, my children Katia, Robbie (Robert) and Ludgero.

My people, I, your Heavenly Father, I created my daughter Nadia, as I created all of you. My people, I am your tender, loving, merciful Father of the whole universe. You are mine, my own flesh and blood. I am your God, your Lord. I have seen all your pains, trials, hardships, traumas, despair, despondency in the course of your lives. I am your Heavenly Father. My dear ones, none of you are orphans. I am your Father. I love you as I love my Son Jesus. I allowed him to undergo excruciating pains beyond my people’s comprehension for the love of all of you, my people, for your salvation. I created each one of you. The Holy Spirit gave the Breath of Life to each one of you. The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, gives the Breath of Life. When my people are created, he knows the time, the hour, the second of your last breath on this earth. The mystery of God belongs to God. My dear people Kathia, Robbie, Ludgero and your loved ones, I do know your aching hearts through traumas, deaths and sicknesses. We are aware of all your pains.

My dear children, my Son Jesus, he is here to conclude the message.

Jesus Christ

My dear children, I am your Jesus Christ, the Messiah, your Saviour. My dear children Robbie, Kathia, Ludgero and our little ones, loved ones, who are going through the most difficult, painful times of your lives – my dear children, know that I am with you. Hold onto my hand. Even [though] you are not seeing me or us, the Triune God, we are with you all, my children. My Heavenly Father witnessed every pain, every time I carried the cross. I fell three times. Oh, it was too painful. There were times when I saw my Blessed Mother willing to carry my cross to alleviate my excruciating pains, but she knew it had to be, for the love of you all, my children, not because my Father or my Mother didn’t love me. I was his only Begotten Son, Jesus of Nazareth, but he knew it was for each one of you, your salvation. My dear children Kathia, Robbie, Ludgero and our little ones, I, your Jesus, I am with you. When you feel or think the boat is going to sink, I will be your rower, remo [1], to bring you safely ashore. Hold my hand, focus upon me in your sorrows, your trials, hardships. I will take care of your affairs of your daily life. My dear children, I have seen all the disasters, deaths, sicknesses upon your loved ones. I am with you to alleviate, to heal your sorrows, grieving, mourning of the loss of your loved one, my daughter Nadia. She is in my care. Know, my dear children, if I don’t heal the body, I heal the soul, which is far more important when my children come to eternity. Oh my precious children, Kathia, Robbie, Ludgero, I, received all your prayers and many of my children’s who were praying for my daughter Nadia. But the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life, knew the time for my daughter Nadia – her time was accomplished, ended, on this earth.

My dear children, my Blessed Mother, she is here to relay a message.

Mother Mary

My dear children Kathia, Robbie, Ludgero and our little ones, I am your Blessed Virgin Mother. I see you grieving, mourning your loved one, my daughter Nadia. My dear children, at this point in time, there are not enough words to appease your aching hearts. All the Rosaries, prayers, Divine Mercy Chaplets, prayers from the heart, were received here by us in heaven, taken to my Son’s Sacred Heart. Yes, there are so many questions, despair, “Why why?” Yes, we do deeply feel your pains, but there is no wound that my Son Jesus can’t heal in his own time.

My dear children Robbie, Kathia and Ludgero, our precious little ones, do not fear the future. Surrender all to my Son Jesus Christ’s Sacred Heart, all your concerns, burdens. Tomorrow belongs to my Son Jesus. Yes, my children, I was walking side by side with my Son Jesus during his passion. I prayed and prayed, but I knew it was our Father God’s will upon his Only Begotten Son, the Messiah, the Redeemer of all my children’s sins. Our daughter Nadia, her time on this earth was accomplished. She is in eternity, in the Father’s house, where she came from, back to the Father’s house. I am the Mother of all of you, my dear children. Our little ones, they are protected with my Virginal Mantle. Know, my dear children, no one stays in this world. This is a passing-by to eternal life. Know, one day, you will all meet again with your loved ones. Yes, my children ask, “Why, why, so young?” My children, trust, trust in my Son Jesus. Surrender all to him. My Son Jesus will never abandon or forsake you. Do not lose hope and faith in my Son Jesus Christ. His love in an ocean of mercy upon you all.

I bless you, my dear children. I will be your shield of protection upon you all and our little ones. Pray, pray. Teach our little ones the love of my Son Jesus Christ. The Holy Rosary is the weapon against the enemy.

Thank you for responding to my call.

Father God

I, your Heavenly Father, I give you my peace, upon my people, upon this entire world. Pray, my people, for this world in need of reparation. Amen.

Jesus Christ

My Petal, I, your Jesus, I thank you and my daughter Alice for praying upon these, my children, in need of healing upon them.

I thank my son Charles for the time spent in deciphering our messages. Yes, it’s a difficult task. Oh, I have seen his patience, as you don’t have a degree from this earth, but from heaven. I thank my daughter Evelyn for the task given to her upon the underprivileged, for taking care of the ones in the most need of help, as she has taken this arduous task upon her shoulders. I thank each one of my dear children of the Alpha and Omega team: Clarissa, Cheryl, Quida, Natalie, Mike, Tony, Debbie and Derek, for the time given to be the servants of God, working for my harvest. Yes, the harvest is big, but the workers are few.

My Petal, my children upon this entire world are in despair, not knowing where it’s going. The war: how my children are suffering – innocent children, little ones, not knowing why they are suffering! Many of my children upon this world are not aware of what is happening, the suffering because of greediness, money, power, status, governments being selfish. My Petal, continue to pray the prayers entrusted to you to alleviate, to appease my pains, the pains of my children who are going through the sufferings of war, famine, earthquakes, disasters upon this entire world.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Jesus Christ. I thank you. I praise your holy name. I thank you for the many graces and blessings. I thank you for my trials, tribulations and hardships in the course of my life. You took my hand and guided me in the darkest time of my soul, when I felt that even my soul had deserted me. My God, my Lord Jesus Christ, you were there to help me, to bring me to your harvest, to teach me to be your humble servant for your honour and your glory. Amen. I love you, Jesus. I give you my will. Sua bênção [2]. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [3].

♥ Our heart from heaven. Thank you for giving your will to me. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: oar

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses