Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.
My little one, I, your Jesus, I say thank you for today. My child, you are not feeling well, but soon, you will be free of this sickness, this cold, upon you.
My child, I see last night that you couldn’t sleep well, and you did not converse with us. My child, I provided that money for you, “your pension”. My child, I heard your cries, your sighs of your aching heart. Surrender all to me, your Jesus. Pray the prayer of surrender, then all will be taken care of.
I need you in prayer, my child. Oh, this world is in turmoil. My child, I, your Jesus, I am here to relay a message for my Church, my son priests, my holy pope.
My dear children, my son priests, the bishops, I am your Jesus of Nazareth. I am here to say to you all that I wish my Precious Body and Blood to be given in my children’s mouths as in the beginning of times. I desire my son the holy pope to abolish giving [Communion] on my children’s hands. I want my children to come to my Holy Mass with reverence and respect. I want my children to be taught again, as before, about receiving me in their hearts. I desire my children to be on their knees, receiving me in their mouths, [given only] by my son priests [1]. As in the beginning times, my son priests were able to assume their responsibility by giving my Precious Body and Blood themselves. Know, my Precious Body and Blood has been consecrated by the hands of my son priests. I have given my son priests the authority to consecrate my Precious Body and Blood, and [to administer] all the Sacraments of the Church. On the day of their Ordination, a special gift was placed upon them by me, their Jesus Christ. I have given them the special gift of consecrating a host into my real flesh, me, their Jesus, my Precious Body and Blood. The Sacraments of Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, giving Communion and burying the dead – all these Sacraments were placed upon them on the big, special day of their Ordination. All of this was entrusted to my son priests. I desire this to continue in the same way. It pleases me very much.
My son priests: know how my Precious Body and Blood has been profanado [2], profaned, with my children taking me in their hands and taking me into the most disgusting places, in their bodies to hide me, to be used in a very hurtful way, in satanic work, witchcraft and many other ways. I am alive, my own flesh, as my son priest consecrated the host into my real flesh. My heart is pierced because of these sins. I suffer tremendous pains at those moments. Oh, the enemy rejoices at this atrocity done to me. My son priests, my children receive me in their filthy hands, sometimes full of sins, before coming to receive me in many different manners.
I say thank you to my son priests, my bishops, my holy pope, for taking this, my message, to heart, to appease my pierced heart. Do not ignore this, my request, that I, your Jesus, I came to relay through my humble servant Fernanda, my messenger chosen by me, your Jesus of Nazareth. She is only my instrument, my channel, my scribe who has been chosen by me, your Jesus Christ.
I bless you all, my son priests, bishops, my holy pope. Amen.
My daughter Fernanda, relay this, my message to your spiritual director. Do not fear criticism, be obedient to me, your Jesus Christ. Fear God, not man. I bless you, my little one.
My child, my Father God, he is here to converse with you.
Father God
My little lamb, I, your Father God, I am here to converse with you.
My meek, tender lamb, I, your Father God, I am here to relay this my message to my children, my Son Jesus’ priests of the Church.
My dear son priests, the head of the church, I am here convey this message. You heard my Son Jesus Christ pleading to you all to not give his Precious Body on my people’s hands. This has been an atrocity upon my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart. Many times, my people have been receiving him unworthy of him, especially on their hands, profaning him with indignity, hiding my Son Jesus in their hands and then taking him to many different places.
My son priests, I am your Father God. I came to appease my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart. My son priests, teach my people about my Holy Mass.
[About] my people entering my Son Jesus’ church: first, they arrive late to Mass. They’re supposed to come to my Son’s mass at least ten minutes before to prepare themselves to attend my Son’s Mass. My Son, in each Mass all over this world, is waiting at the altar long before the time. My people then arrive at church, then they don’t bless themselves properly with holy water. Oh, before they even greet my Son Jesus, they look around the church to greet their family and friends who came to the church. As my children arrive, my Son Jesus comes from the altar to greet them. Oh, they ignore my Son completely. They sit, sometimes kneeling down, and they look around to see who is at the Mass.
Mass starts and my children don’t understand the meaning of my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass. They are so distracted, their minds are in many places, but not with my Son Jesus. Oh, they sit with their legs crossed, arms folded, relaxing in their chairs. My children don’t look upon the altar properly. Oh, if only they know the meaning of my Son’s Holy Mass, as my Son Jesus gives himself totally to his children. I, your Father and the Holy Spirit, we are also with my Son Jesus at the altar. Remember, we are the Three-in-One Persons Inseparable. Oh, my heart pounces for my Son Jesus because very few attend my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass with respect and love towards his sacrifice. Know too, Mother Mary is also at the altar. Where the Son is, there is the Mother, and vice versa. Oh, Mother Mary, at all times, she intercedes for each one of you at her Son’s Holy Mass. Oh, she prays for her children to be aware of her Son’s sacrifice at Mass. She hears your pleas and she takes them to her Son during Mass. Oh, if only my people would see the real content of the Holy Mass, the graces, the blessings that they receive. Yes, many of them, they come to Holy Mass, looking at the time to go home, to go and have other entertainment, other kinds of chores. Oh, they say, “This Mass is taking too long.” Oh, my Son Jesus knows what each one of you are thinking at those precise moments.
My people, my children, at the time of the Elevation of the chalice, of my Son’s Precious Body, at that moment my Son is so alive. He is in so much ecstasy of his living Body. Oh, my children can receive many graces at that precise moment, yet my children don’t look up and love my Son Jesus as he loves them. At that moment my people must focus, focus upon my Son Jesus.
Then, when it comes time for praying the Our Father, if only my children realised and concentrated on the words of the Our Father. Yes, I am there to give you what you pray for.
Time for Communion: oh, my Son Jesus knows which one of his children are worthy of receiving him. His heart aches at the ones who come to receive him who not in a state of grace or not worthy of him. They come from their bench, looking around, greeting, waving at each other. Sometimes, chewing [gum] and receiving him with that in their mouths. Later, they throw it away and my Son’s flesh is still there, on the chewing gum. Then, going back to their bench, they are supposed to thank my Son for the grace of receiving his Precious Body. My Son’ Precious Body gives them strength, courage and protection in their daily lives. My Son’s only ask at that time is for them to thank him and to appreciate his love given to them at Holy Mass. Oh, again they are looking at the time to go home. They ask him for many things, but do not thank him for the graces and blessings at his Holy Mass.
Mass ends, and again, they bless themselves so fast, not making the Sign of the Cross properly. Oh, this hurts my Son Jesus profusely. They leave in a hurry, sometimes even coming out before the priest. Know that my Son Jesus stays at the altar until each one of you comes out. My Son Jesus remains in the church at the altar, interceding for each one of you and asks me, his Father, to hear each one of your prayers and thanks me as well.
Oh my people, the meaning of Holy Mass is so powerful. My children don’t comprehend, when they come to Holy Mass, how my Son Jesus performs towards each one of you, in your lives, for each one of you to go home in our peace. This is me, your Father God, your Creator and of the whole universe. My people, respect and love my Son Jesus. His love is endless, is an ocean of mercy in each Holy Mass throughout the world. Amen.
My little lamb Fernanda, relay this my message to your spiritual director. This is about my Son Jesus’ desire. It’s all about my Son Jesus’ honour and glory. This is not about you. You are a simple secretary, messenger, instrument of my Son Jesus.
I bless you all, my people. Amen. The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ, your God, your Lord be with you all. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Father. I love you. Sua bênção [3].
Mother Mary
My little Andorinha [4], I, Mother Mary, I am here with you. Thank you, my child.
Yes, my Son Jesus’ Church is in decay, in chaos. My child, pray and make copies – give them to my children to pray for my Son Jesus’ Church [5]. My little one, my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart is so pierced as he sees the church that, once upon a time, he entrusted to St Peter to be the pillar of the Church, to be the rock, but many of my son priests are falling prey to the enemy. Yes, my son priests, they are human too and they can fall. I want you to relay the prayers for my son priests and the Church that have been entrusted to you. My child you need to go, with the permission of my Son Jesus’ Church, to prayer groups and convey these, my messages. You have many prayers to give to my children. My child, this has been taking too long. Time is running out. My Son Jesus’ Church needs to be saved with many prayers. Pray for the ones who are persecuted because of my Son Jesus’ holy name. My little one, you must progress now with your task, your mission. My children need to pray more deeply from their hearts because my Son Jesus’ Church has to be a stronghold to save many more souls. Oh, many souls are lost because of ignorance of teachings. My children need to be taught more profoundly about my Son Jesus’ Church and Holy Mass. Rosaries are needed, fasting is very essential to combat the evil tricks. Confession, repentance, forgiveness... My child, you have many messages about these teachings. You need to go and proclaim these messages of my Son Jesus to save souls, to bring the lost sheep, flock, back to my Son Jesus’ heart, his Church. Oh, the Vatican and my holy pope need my children’s intense prayers before it's too late.
My child, as you know, to be a messenger of my Son Jesus is a very arduous task, with many persecutions, nonbelievers, trials, tribulations and temptations of the enemy. Oh, he tries anything when it’s to save souls. Tell my children that my Hail Mary is a powerful weapon against Satan. He hates it when my children pray the Rosary. If only my children prayed the Rosary as a family, many families would be saved from broken marriages. My Hail Holy Queen is also very powerful in combatting the enemy. I am there to protect my children in despair.
My child, I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my dear Mother, Mamã [6], my Father, the Holy Spirit, my Jesus. I love you. Sua bênção, my patron saints, saints, my saints, forgotten saints, my guardian angel St Filipe. Sua bênção, St Ana, St Joachim. Beijinhos [7] ♥♥♥♥ xxx.
Jesus Christ
My little one, I, your Jesus, the Triune God, my dear Mother, we bless you. Our peace be upon you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.
[Fernanda] Beijinhos ♥♥♥♥.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[2] Portuguese to English translation: desecrated
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing
[4] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[6] Portuguese to English translation: Mommy
[7] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses