Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother. We are here with you, the Three-in-One Persons, Undivided, Undefiled, the Holy Trinity, and my Blessed Mother in unison of voice as you, my Petal and my children, Alice, my son Charles, my daughter Evelyn and Amy, Ben, Daniel and my daughter Colleen are preparing to come and travel afar to your birth country Madeira, Portugal.
Oh, there were some delays, some confusion as there was some oppression from the airlines, but all is going to be well again. There were some complications, but, my Petal, all is going to be sorted out very soon. You are all going to be in your birthplace as planned, according to my will. As you know, my child, in life, there are always obstacles as part of life, in my children’s daily lives. I will smooth the way. I will be with you all, so will the Holy Trinity and my Blessed Mother.
Yes, my child, all of you need this rest, but as you know, my Petal, your task is always wherever you are. My little Petal, pray for this country, countries in war: Niger, Ukraine, Russia, Sudan. Oh, there is so much need for prayers upon these countries, this world. My child, take some time to focus on our prayers as time permits. When you come back, pray in as much time as you can. Focus more deeply upon our prayers. Yes, my children are in need, but this chaotic world is in decay. Pray the prayer to stop the war.
Father God
You do know how much you have to make time for all these, our desires, as we, the Triune God, urgently plea for this world. There is not much time as the clock’s tick-tock, its hands have been stopped for a long time, but only the faithful ones, my children who are praying for my Son’s hand to be held up, for change of hearts are holding this world [together]. It’s a matter of time.
My children, I, your Triune God, I wait for your response to help us to retrieve the hand of [God], for more time upon this world.
I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen