Even when you feel that you have reached your limit, that the boat is going to sink, have faith and focus on Jesus – you won’t sink

11/08/2023 at 00h30
Themes: loving God, trials and tribulations
Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.

My Petal, you and my children Charles, Evelyn, my little ones Amy, Ben, Daniel and my children Alice and Colleen have arrived in your birthplace to visit and rest at the same time. Yes, these, my children, have come for the first time. I thank my children Charles and Evelyn for the good gesture, good heart, for them to take you and my daughter Alice on this special trip with a special treat upon both of you as I, your Jesus Christ, have been blessing them abundantly through their mission that has also been placed upon them. They also have an arduous mission to carry, a task that they accepted to carry for my honour and glory as this world is in need of help and restoration, help of many different kinds.

My dear children Charles and Evelyn, you and my children have encountered a few obstacles and blockages during these past few days, but was all planned in perfect order, according to my will. At the moment, you do not see or understand the reason why, but in life there are always thorns in your lives to remind you to have temperance, trust and belief. Even when you feel there is no more that you can accept to happen in your daily life, you must believe and trust in my power of love upon you all. Trust like a mustard seed that all is going to be well. Even when you feel that the boat is going to sink, focus upon me – you won’t sink. Like Peter on the rough seas, when he took his eyes off me, he lost the trust that I was there to guide him, to bring him safely ashore.

See, my Petal, I allowed you to see some part of the world that you had never seen before: London. I have my purpose upon each one of you, my children. But my Petal, after all that turmoil, then what happened to our son Daniel [1], even that was my purpose to save some other huge disaster in those surroundings, to protect my children from other big disasters. There is always a reason without my children’s comprehension, and my hand is always there to take care of my devoted children.

My dear children, I welcome you as you have arrived upon this land with my care, love and protection, even with the landing, the difficult patamar [2].

I bless you all, my children, my blessing upon you, your loved ones and children. My children, receive this heavenly gift of peace, love and blessings. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Jesus Christ, my Holy Trinity and my Blessed Virgin Mother. I love you. Sua bênção [3] ♥♥♥♥ beijinhos [4] xxxx.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] He collided head on into a glass door that looked like an open passage and had to be rushed to hospital as a result, but by God’s grace there was no major injury.

[2] Portuguese to English translation: landing

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[4] Portuguese to English translation: kisses