Thank you, my daughter, for waking up at this hour of the morning to converse with me, your Jesus Christ. My Petal, you do know the sign when I need you to converse with me, your Jesus, your God, your Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, you couldn’t fall asleep. My heart was beating with excruciating pains.
My Petal, there are more and more big disasters, fires, earthquakes, floods of water, cyclones, “natural disasters”, as my children call them. No, my child, these are more signs that my children must pray for their countries. The Philippines needs intense prayers. More and more countries are in danger. The fires of Maui are very big disasters. My children are in pain, excruciating pains. Yes, my Petal, we hear our children’s cries. Yes, this is the beginning of my children’s labour pains. Pray, pray for Canada. My children must pray for their own countries, cities. Pray, my child, for South Africa, for this entire world.
The time is approaching. The Chastisement is inevitable unless, unless my children repent, repent. Oh, there are many countries legalising abortion, Satanism, etc. crimes, killings, all sorts (kinds) of horrendous sins. My Sacred Heart cannot contain for too long this kind of continuing atrocity, perjury, blaspheming of the Holy Trinity. My Blessed Mother’s pure, humble Immaculate Heart of Mary cries tears of blood to help my children to be saved. Through her tears of blood and her pleas, my hand still is up. You, my children, help me, your Jesus Christ and my Blessed Mother who loves you with an unconditional love, the love of a [mother], a motherly love that you my children ignore.
My children, as you are reading this message received through my humble servant, take it into your heart. Pray, pray. I am your Saviour, your Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth who came at this hour [with] a warning from heaven. Prayers move mountains. I am your Lord, your God who died to save you, but you my children, you take my death, my excruciating pains, for granted. Change your hearts, repent with a good Confession, with a contrite heart. Stay in a state of grace at all times. Do not fear this message. Fear your sins. Amend them. I will be your defender, your protection in the most difficult times in your daily life.
I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.
[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [1]. Thank you, my loving Jesus of Nazareth. I love you, my Holy Trinity and my Blessed Virgin Mother. Sua bênção [2].
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing