Be prepared for the Three Days of Darkness, surrender all to Jesus Christ with joy and trust, and let him be the captain of your boat

21/08/2023 at 02h35
Themes: Adoration, end times, God's love and mercy, Holy Communion, Holy Mass, loving God, praying, Second Coming, Three Days of Darkness
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Father God

Thank you, my daughter, for being with me, your Father God, my Son Jesus Christ, my Holy Spirit – the Triune God – and the Mother of the Saviour of the world, chosen by me, Almighty Eternal Father, the pure virgin of Nazareth, who is not being respected by my people. Without Blessed Virgin of Nazareth and the Holy Spirit, my people would never have had their Saviour of the world.

I, your Eternal Father, I am here at this hour with you, my humble servant of my Son Jesus, the messenger for my Son Jesus Christ’s Second Coming, End of Times. My people are in fear about these, my solemn words. These [messages] are a preparation for you, my people, to take care of your souls as you take care of your daily food to strengthen your bodies. We, the Triune God, have been [conveying] for many years through my Son’s Holy Bible all about my Son’s Second Coming, End of Times, a new era, new epoch, but you, my children, have to be prepared in many ways for that unique day, the Three Days of Darkness, as your eyes will not be able to see anything in your surroundings, nearby. Only the blessed candles can give you some light, and your faith, trust and prayers without ceasing on bended knees, acclaiming, proclaiming, with your eyes upon heaven saying, “My Lord, my Lord, Jesus Christ, my Saviour, you are the true God, the Messiah, my Saviour. I repent of all my sins. I believe in you, my Lord Jesus Christ. Save me, save me.” My little lamb, I have given you a similar prayer before [1]. Teach, remind my people to learn to recite these, my solemn holy words. My Petal, I will give the reminders of these, our messages, to you again, as before, through the years from 2009 until now. Yes, my people question why these messages have been published now. What we gave to you those years ago is a replica for what is happening now and what is going to be said until that specific time.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Father God. I love you. Sua bênção [2].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal. I, your loving Jesus of Nazareth, I am here with you.

Thank you for coming twice to my Holy Mass to keep me company in my Blessed Sacrament, entwining with my love, by my desire, and for the Holy Rosary that was recited there with my children in the Sé Cathedral in your birthplace. Thank you for praying many of our prayers to help me with my pains and some of them for this world. My little Petal, as you went to my Holy Mass in the morning, you had plans to be with my children, your sisters in Jesus Christ, but my Petal, know that the designações [3], designations, of your Lord Jesus Christ were not what my children planned upon the day. If only my children would let God be God upon their daily lives, surrendering all to me with joy and trust. [My children,] let me be the captain of your boat, and you be the sailor next to me. I will take care of your boat and bring you safely ashore. I will designate your daily life according to my holy will.

My Petal, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [4], I, your Blessed Mother, I am here with you to converse and to relay a message. Thank you for the time spent, [for spending a] few hours with my Son Jesus. You recited the Holy Rosary for many intentions in the presence of my Son Jesus. You also saw many of my children from all parts of the world, tourists and locals praying. Then my Son Jesus prepared another Holy Mass for you to participate in, to partake of my Son Jesus’ Precious Body and Blood. Oh, you felt our presence. If only my children would comprehend the power of my Son Jesus Body and Blood in Adoration. Know, my children, that my Son Jesus concedes to you many graces and blessings, healing, peace, love and unity in families. I am with my Son Jesus. I witness the joy, the healing graces upon you. My Son is there in the tabernacle. He waits for each one of you to receive him with open arms, the righteous and the sinners. Remember that my Son didn’t come to this world only for the righteous, but for the sinners, for their conversions. When my children are lost, but found, that is the most rewarding gift that you, my children, can give to my Son Jesus Christ – it’s like a shepherd losing his sheep and looking for them in concern, when he finds one and brings it back to join the other ones, he is full of joy.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [5]. Thank you, my loving querida Mãe [6]. I love you. Sua bênção.

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] See the Chapter entitled “Three Days of Darkness Prayers” in “Prayers” on These prayers can also be found in the “The Alpha and Omega Book of Many Prayers – For Different Needs and Occasions” in “Resources”. See also the Chapter entitled “Be prepared for the Three Days of Darkness” in “The Alpha and Omega Healing Guide: How to become the saint you were created to be for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ” in “Resources”.

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[3] Portuguese to English translation: designations

[4] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[5] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses

[6] Portuguese to English translation: dear Mother