Trust Jesus and you won’t be lost – he didn’t promise paradise in this world, but he did promise his living Word and your salvation

10/09/2023 at 01h15
Themes: Adoration, God's love and mercy, Holy Mass, loving God, praying, Repentance and Confession, Rosary, salvation, sickness and suffering, trials and tribulations
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother. My Petal, I, your Jesus Christ, I am here to converse with you.

You are sitting on the floor in an awkward position at this time of the morning as we don’t have a table and a chair to sit at my Mother’s holy grounds, Ngome. You and my children have come on this pilgrimage for my children to receive healing, to bring all their pains, sufferings, all kinds of needs of help. Oh, my children come here in brokenness of their aching hearts, but they have to surrender all to me, their Jesus Christ, and to my Blessed Mother. My children in this world are going through all kinds of pain. They are in need of health, [with] sicknesses of their bodies, souls and spirits. Oh my youth, they are already carrying burdens, sorrows, deep wounds in their hearts. My children must learn to lean on me with trust and confidence. I heal my children of every wound and pain in their hearts. I hear every sigh and cry in the silence of their hearts, their deep secrets. My children, I am here in conjunction with my Blessed Mother at these holy grounds to wash away your tears, to console, to release you of any addictions, to hear your prayers for your loved ones, family, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

My humble servant, my Heavenly Father is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little lamb, I, your Almighty Father God, I am here with you to relay a message of my love, compassion and endurance upon my people who are going through turbulence, trials etc. This is the time of perseverance, to carry on even in the most arduous times of your lives. My dear people, who took time to spend this weekend here at Blessed Mother’s holy grounds at Ngome, a place of peace and healing upon my people’s broken hearts, each one of you have come here seeking help. Every heart has a thorn, an epidemic of sins, to come and release at these holy grounds. My people, you are carved in the palm of my hand and my Son Jesus Christ’s.

My dear people, each one of you came to this holy place not by coincidence. You have been picked and chosen to be here for a purpose, which you do not comprehend at the moment, but in time to come, you will be released from those pains and sufferings of your bodies, minds and spirits – in my Son Jesus’ own time. Healing after the loss a loved one, loss of a job, income, fears of tomorrow, of the unknown, is a process. Tomorrow belongs to my Son Jesus. You are not in control, but the hand of God is upon you. Oh my dear people, my Son Jesus didn’t promise paradise upon this world, but promised the living Word, the salvation of your soul.

I thank each one of you for making the effort, the sacrifice in humility to seek all kinds of help upon you, your loved ones and family.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Father. I love you. Sua bênção [1].

Jesus Christ

My Petal, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My child, I, your Blessed Mother, I am here with you at this remote place, Ngome, chosen by me, through my daughter Sister Reinolda May, the servant of God, to bring many healings upon my children through my Son Jesus, the healer of all my children. Oh, many kinds of healing through the long years have taken place [here], unknown to my children as they come crying with painful aching hearts, but, in time, they receive the many healings.

My children, I am your loving Mother, the Tabernacle of the Most High. I have seen your cries for help, your desires of your heart, all your needs. I receive and take them to my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart. Persevere, trust in my Son Jesus, do not give up in the course of your life. Hardships and trials are part of your life, a purification sometimes upon your soul. Know my children, on the cross, my Son Jesus never gave up on you. Believe in his ocean of love and compassion. He will take you safely ashore when the sea seems rough. Let my Son Jesus be the captain of your boat. Stay always close to my Son’s heart. Hold his hand tight and you won’t be lost.

I thank my son priests for their time celebrating Holy Mass, for the Confessions, for the beautiful Adoration with my Son’s Blessed Sacrament, for the healing done for my children’s excruciating pains as they were going through the healing of their souls, minds and spirits. I thank my son priest Father George and you, my children, my prayer warriors, for helping my children in deliverance from all kinds of sickness. Yes, my children, you called us in heaven – we were there. Thank you, my children.

Continue to pray the Rosary for peace, love and unity in families and marriages, for all your needs. The Holy Rosary is the key against the enemy attacks upon you all, my promise – pray, pray – my Hail Mary will never fail you in your protection. I am the Mother of your refuge.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [2]. Thank you, my Blessed Mother, my Holy Trinity. I love you Sua bênção.

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses