Chapter 7: Mother Mary is the most powerful intercessor to Jesus

Themes: apostolic times, heaven, loving God, praying, spiritual warfare
Charles Pritchard

There are many prophetic references to Blessed Mother Mary throughout the Bible, in particular the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation, in which she is at the forefront of the battle against her adversary Satan. Jesus Christ, the long awaited Messiah, was conceived in the womb of his Blessed Mother Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was born without original sin by entering this world through his pure and perfect Blessed Mother Mary. She was also born without original sin and remained sin-free all her life. Jesus’ first recorded miracle at the wedding feast of Cana was at the request of his Blessed Mother and ever since, countless miracles have occurred as a result of her heavenly intercessions on our behalf to her Son Jesus. On the cross, as Jesus was dying, he gifted his Blessed Mother to St John and to all of us. God commands us to honour our father and mother, and God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven, so if Jesus honours his Father God and Mother Mary, so too must we.

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