Chapter 9: The Catholic Church has the keys to heaven

Themes: the Church
Charles Pritchard

The Catholic Church is the true Church of God. It was founded by Jesus Christ, not man, and has the fruits to prove this. It is the biggest charity in the world. It is primarily driven by the orders of the saints and is home to thousands of canonised saints. Catholics have also witnessed more miracles than all other religious groups combined. Some of these miracles include Eucharistic miracles, incorruptible bodies of saints and stigmata wounds on true followers of Christ, all of which cannot be explained by science.

God’s openly declared enemies, the Satanists, steal consecrated hosts from the Catholic Church and, in their black masses, they make a mockery of everything for which Catholicism stands. This is further proof that the Catholic Church is the true Church of God.

Jesus Christ appointed St Peter as his first pope, and the subsequent papal lineage has remained in the Catholic Church. Despite countless attempts by evildoers to destroy and break up the Catholic Church, it has stood the test of time and has retained its position as the pillar and foundation of truth. As prophesied by Christ, the gates of hell will not prevail against his Church, but we also need to play our part in praying for and unifying his Church, which is under severe attack today.

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