Pray intensely for the Church because Satan’s intent is to stop people coming to Holy Mass and Confession, the key to our salvation

28/09/2023 at 23h45
Themes: end times, God's love and mercy, God's pains, Holy Mass, praying, Repentance and Confession, Rosary, salvation, sins of the world, spiritual warfare, the Church
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. My Petal, I, your Jesus, I am here with you. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we are here in unison of voice, and my Blessed Virgin Mother. Where the Mother is, the Son is and vice versa.

We are concerned to see the destruction, turmoil and chaos in the world.

Father God

I, your Heavenly Father, I am a loving, patient, compassionate Eternal Father. I am your Creator and of the whole universe. My people don’t have respect for my creation – humanly, they are in a dry land of their souls, and earthly, for my creation. They are heartless, destroying my creation. I created it all in love, care and perfection, taking everything into consideration for my people’s needs as they are my own flesh and blood. I forgive many times, so does my Son Jesus forgive your horrendous sins, errors and faults, but my people keep repeating them over and over. How long can [I allow this rejection of] my compassionate love towards you, my people? I will retain many of you when you come with a contrite heart. I forgive, so does my Son Jesus, but time is running out. If you, my people stay on the same sinking boat of repeating the same scenes of your daily lives, if you, my people, keep on the same decay of sins, the limit is almost reached.

Jesus Christ

My little Petal, I, your Jesus, I am here as my aching heart is pouncing, trembling to see my Holy Church being attacked in many different ways – my son priests, bishops, cardinals, the holy pope Francis to carry his task to guide my Church – as Satan is so fiercely attacking my shepherds to destroy and to have access upon them. Yes, they need intense prayers, and my children must pray, pray for them, for this cause. Oh, Satan is so fierce, with venom, as he knows the time given to him is ending soon – his terror of destroying whatever he can, what is holy. He knows my Holy Church is the key in many ways to my children’s salvation – Confession, Holy Mass – as my son priests have the ability, special gift entrusted to them on the day of their Ordination to consecrate the host, wafer, into my real presence, my Precious Body and Blood. All the Sacraments are attributed to my son priests to proclaim and acclaim my holy name, the true faith upon my children. Oh, my heart pounces as Satan is doing harm to my Holy Church, desecrating, destroying in revenge and retaliation. His intention is to stop my children coming to my Holy Mass. Oh my children, pray for the protection of my Holy Church. Pray, pray, my Petal, for this cause, the prayer of my Holy Church [1].

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [2], I, your Blessed Mother, I am here with you.

My children are lost, not knowing which direction to turn at the crossroads of their lives. My Petal, how long until this parade of sins stops? Oh, the hand of God the Father and of my Son Jesus are getting tired. If the hand of God is still up, it’s because some of my devoted children are praying. Satan cannot stand it when my children pray, oh, especially when my children are praying the Holy Rosary – it’s a thorn upon him, Satan. Pray, my little one, as my Son Jesus’ Church is in danger. So many attacks! My Son Jesus’ tabernacle needs to be protected from desecration and profanity. My heart trembles, trembles, my little one.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed Mother. I love you. Sua bênção [3].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my humble servant, my Petal, my little lamb, my little flower.

[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [4]. Thank you, my Holy Trinity. I love you. I give you my will, my will is yours. I love you. Sua bênção.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[4] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses