Prayer asking for humility and humbleness

Mother Mary

My child, I have this request for you. My child Fernanda, I, your Mother Mary, I am here with you. My request is this: pray, pray [to combat] arrogance and vanity in my children’s lives. Oh, you do know that many of my children want praise and honour for themselves. Pray. I give you this prayer request for you to pray as well. It’s prayed in this way...

My loving God the Father, my Jesus, my Holy Spirit, you are our strongest prayer from heaven to earth. I ask you, in humility of my heart, I am on my knees, to ask you this prayer request.

I pray for myself, my loved ones, my family, friends, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. I ask this prayer request for this cause, for all of us, your children, for all in this request, I ask for humility, humbleness, simplicity and kindness of heart, for all to be caring and forgiving towards one another. I ask for any arrogance and vanity to be taken away when anyone wants praise and honour for themselves. Take away all that is upon us, which is not from you, my Jesus, my Father and my Holy Spirit. Keep our hearts clean and simple, as you desire, my Jesus, to serve you for all eternity. Amen.

Mother Mary, keep us safe in your Mantle so that we can only see good in one another, in all of us, your children. Keep us in humility, simplicity, humbleness. I ask this of you in your Son Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, one Glory Be, then say...

My Holy Trinity, give our hearts humbleness and humility.

Pray the Hail Holy Queen, then say...

Mother Mary, take away from all of us, all your children, any arrogance, vanity, honour or praise in our hearts. Amen.

Thank you, my child. This is a beautiful prayer request, which is called “Prayer asking for humility and humbleness”. Make copies and give them to my children. This is very beautiful to make my children meek, humble of heart, for my Son’s honour and glory. All praise be to our God. Amen.