Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.
My Petal, I, your Jesus of Nazareth, I am here with you as my children continue with the fierce war. Oh, what an abomination of souls, perishing in horrific, barbaric deaths, without compassion or mercy. War, war [results in] the most horrendous excruciating pains that are not from us in heaven – so much revenge! Yes, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, nearby countries are in the most vengeful retaliation, so too are Russia, Ukraine and Syria – for many centuries – Nigeria and other countries have been in dispute of power, anger, causing the world to collapse in many different ways. Lebanon, Iran, China, Tokyo, the USA, many are in disguise: wolves dressed in sheep’s clothes without the knowledge of my children around the world. But, some of my devoted children, clergy of the Church, some holy priests and nuns praying for this world, have been an anchor in prayer to hold up the hand of the Son of Man. When my hand comes down, which is near, my children will, in exclamations of pain [want to be] retrieved, wishing not to be in this world of misery, of sin.
My Petal, my Father God, he is here to converse with you.
Father God
My little lamb, I, your Heavenly Father, I am here to relay a message of my consternação [1], consternation, for what my people are going through and what they will experience in the most painful way. Oh, you saw something horrendous in the media, on television. It’s horrific how these countries are going through the worst crimes of war, killings, killings, deaths, countless horrific crimes of war. My little ones, children, are going through the most excruciating [pains], not understanding the meaning of their sufferings.
My people, my people, if only you knew the power of the Holy Rosary, the prayers, spontaneous prayers without ceasing towards heaven, the hand, the wrath of God would be placated for peace in the world.
I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and upon this world in war, across the land of God’s creation. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Father. I love you. Sua bênção [2]. My loving Jesus, I ask pardon for this interruption because of my eyes being so dry.
Jesus Christ
My little Petal, I do see what happens with the dryness of your eyes.
My child, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.
Mother Mary
My little child, I, your Blessed Virgin Mother, I am here.
I see these past few days you have been occupied with some of my children being with you because of some health issues. Yes, it’s caused some interruptions upon your daily life as your time is very peculiar at this time. Yes, this was in need, but not for too long.
Thank you for taking my daughter ________ to my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass to receive the Body and Blood of my Son Jesus Christ. Yes, my daughter, she was in need of my Son Jesus’ strength, healing, through the Sacrament of the holy sacrifice of Mass in conjunction with his Precious Body and Blood. Oh, my daughter said she received the “wafer” with some “juice”. Thank you for explaining in my Son Jesus’ holy name about the power given to my son priests. On the day of their Ordination, they received a special, unique gift to consecrate the wafer into the real presence of my Son Jesus and the wine into the real Precious Blood during the Consecration in my Son’s Holy Mass. It’s my children’s strength and health. Yes, my daughter needs to know more profoundly about my Son Jesus’ teachings to come closer to my Son’s Sacred Heart. Oh, some of my children are ignorant about the meaning, about coming to my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass and receiving my Son in their hearts with a pure, sincere heart – the joys of heaven, the resplendence of heaven, the brightness of heaven with a special light upon their souls.
My little Andorinha [3], pray, pray intensely for this world at war. My Son Jesus Christ trembles, trembles, so [too do] our Father God and the Holy Spirit. To see so much carnage upon the creation of our God, the Ultimate Eternal God, cannot justify their painful, aching hearts. How long can this this outrageous carnage be permitted?
I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed Virgin Mother. I love you. Sua bênção. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [4]. Thank you, my Holy Trinity. I love you. Sua bênção. Amen.
Jesus Christ
Thank you, my Petal. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: consternation
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[4] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses