Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting and conversing with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. My little one, I, your Jesus, I am here to converse with you. My little Petal Fernanda, I, your Jesus, I am here with you to say thank you for this special time given to me to converse, to alleviate my aching heart.
My child, I, we, the Triune God, we missed our conversation these past two days. I know my child, you sat to converse, but you were too tired. You fell asleep with the pen and book in your hands. My child, you have been trying to work, day and night, to do my work, to arrange, fix, our books to give to my son Charles. It’s all about me, yes, my child, but I also want you to rest. You will finish our books on time.
My child, thank you for praying with my son Charles and my daughter Alice upon my children. My son ________ is coming right with help from you, my children. Yes, he has been delivered from some spirits that have been stopping him from being in a good place these past years. Yes, my son ________ has been in the wrong direction, environment, against my will. This is the work of the enemy to destroy my children.
My daughter Fernanda, I have a message for my son Kelly.
My son Kelly, I am your Jesus Christ, your God, your Lord. You are my son Kelly whom I love very much. My Father God, the Holy Spirit and I, we are the Three-in-One Persons Inseparable. We are the Triune God, the highest of heaven and earth. We are the Creator of all our children. You are our son Kelly. I love you, my son, and all our children. I, your Jesus, I am here to convey a message to you.
My son Kelly, I have seen your hardships, your trials, all your entire life. I, your Jesus, I never abandon or forsake my children in times of calamity. I am always there for my children. My son Kelly, I know you have been on another pathway of life, astray, scattered from my heart, my Church, but I, your Jesus, I have been waiting patiently for you, my son, to come back to my heart. I, your Jesus, I have been waiting for you with open arms, for this special day. Remember, I have been at your side, even though you didn’t see me or notice me. Yes, the prayers of your loved ones, I have received them in the abode of my heart. Know, my son, that each prayer of my children said or prayed in the silence of their hearts is never in vain, and that I, your Jesus, answer each prayer in my own time.
I, your Jesus, I am here to convey this message of my love for you and of my gratitude and appreciation of your coming to my heart, seeking me with courage, faith, strength and perseverance. For all those years of not knowing where to find me, during those times of your life, without knowing, I was with you, next to you. Many times, I saved you from many dangers. Oh, you never noticed me. I thank you, my son, for coming to my heart and getting help for your sickness, illness of your soul and spirit with the help of my instruments, my channels. My son Kelly, I your Jesus, I am very pleased with you for your will to change your life, to come back to my loving arms. Know, my son Kelly, we, the Triune God and Mother Mary, we are very grateful for this, your will to allow us to mould your heart. My son Kelly, if you allow me, your Jesus, your God, to be your potter and you to be my clay, I will mould you into the most beautiful vessel, to be my instrument to help me to bring sinners to my heart, to conversions, to save their souls.
My son Kelly, heaven rejoices when one of my sheep that has been lost, astray, comes back to me, to my heart, my arms. Know, my son, the enemy’s aim is to destroy my children whom I love dearly. My aim is to save each one of my children, to see them seated at the Banquet of the Lamb here in heaven.
My Mother Mary, she is here to convey a message to you.
Mother Mary
My son Kelly, I am your Mother Mary, the Mother of your Saviour Jesus Christ. I am here to say thank you for opening your heart to my Son Jesus. My Son Jesus, he is very joyous, happy about your beautiful Confession. My Son Jesus sits in the Confession box with my son priests to hear my children’s Confessions. He is the one who absolves my children. My son priests are the representatives of my Son Jesus. Thank you for receiving my Son Jesus now worthy of him. My Son Jesus is the healer of all of you, my children. My Son Jesus needs workers for his fields. Yes, the harvest is big, but the workers are few. My son Kelly, open your heart completely to my Son Jesus. Help my Son Jesus to bring the hardened hearts back to my Son’s heart. My Son Jesus is merciful and compassionate towards his children. When my children repent with a contrite heart and amend their sins, my Son Jesus wipes away all their horrendous, scarlet sins – that is my Son Jesus’ promise to his children.
I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
Jesus Christ
I, your Jesus of Nazareth, I bless you, I give you my peace, my peace I leave you, your loved ones and all my children. I came to relay this, my message of my love and appreciation to you through my humble servant Fernanda, my messenger.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Jesus for this beautiful message to your son Kelly. I love you.
My child Fernanda, relay this, my message to my son Kelly.
My daughter, my loving Father, he is here to converse with you.
Father God
My humble servant Fernanda, I, your Father God, I am here to converse with you. My child, as my Son Jesus mentioned to you, we do miss our conversation. My Petal, you are our hope to bring sinners to my Son’s heart at this time of chaos in the world. My little meek lamb, when you sit and converse with us in heaven, know that you are conversing with the Holy Trinity. You bring relief to my Son’s aching heart. My child, every day, we are waiting for these special hours to converse with you. This is a privilege to converse with the Triune God. We are sitting with you. You are surrounded by us. Angels and saints are also with us, yet you do not see them, but you do feel our presence. Oh, my people don’t comprehend this rare gift. Oh, they do doubt this. They don’t believe these, our conversations, which have been [happening] for five years.
My little lamb, look at the photo, the picture of my Son Jesus’ Precious Blood that my Son Jesus allowed you to take in the Holy Land at the place where my Son Jesus was scourged [1]. Yes, that’s where my Son Jesus’ agonising suffering started. Already there, his blood was splattered all over the walls. Show my people this photo for them to see my Son Jesus’ Precious Blood being shed there for each one of you of them. Yes, my Son Jesus allowed you to take that photo [while] all my people were there with you. The wall was plain, without blood, without my Son Jesus’ Sacred Face being stamped on the wall with his blood, and Mother Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, in my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart. Yes, my child, this was given to you for a purpose. My Son Jesus never did this miracle before, there in the place of his scourging, in the prison. My child, yes, you don’t, you didn’t show much of this photo to my people. You are not vain, but my child, I, your Father, my Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, we want you to spread and explain this to my people, my children, in your books that are going to be published, by my Son Jesus’ holy will, for the honour and glory of my Son Jesus, his name. This is a request from me, your Father God, to be spread for my people to understand more profoundly the importance of my Son Jesus’s love in those horrific moments for the love of each one of them.
I bless you, I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my loving Father. I adore you. I love you. Sua bênção [2].
Mother Mary
I, your Mother, I love you, my child. I am here to converse with you.
My little Andorinha [3], I, your Mother, I am here at this hour of the morning – 02h30. My children are having a rest, sleeping, but you, my child, are sitting here, conversing with us here in heaven. This is love towards my Son Jesus. You are obedient to the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, to all of us. This is a sacrifice. Yes, we do know how sometimes you are exhausted, but you are sitting with us here.
[Fernanda] My dear, Beloved Mother, I want to say something, to convey a thanksgiving to my dear Mother, my Triune God. My dear mother, I have been asking my dear Mother as well to help me by interceding many times to my Jesus, to the Holy Trinity. My dear Mamã [4], dear Mother Mary, I want to say thank you to my Jesus, my Father, to my Holy Spirit, to my dear Mother Mary for all the graces, blessings, healing upon me, your humble servant Fernanda. Oh, the healing of my breast cancer, the healing of my hot flushes – I am not taking the tablets anymore and my head is so good, with no signs of pressure – the healing of my hand with the carpel tunnel problem, that my hand is not numb anymore. Thank you. There are not enough words. I want to say thank you for the grace of your son Charles, paying me the salary. Oh my loving Jesus, my Holy Trinity and my dear Mother, I used to pray and ask for a miracle for my rent to be paid without having to ask our son John Paul to pay, not having to depend on our son. I thank you, thank you, a million times not enough, for my health, my food, everything in my entire life and our sons, loved ones’ [lives]. I love you. I love you. Thank you xxx .
My little Andorinha, I, your Mother Mary, I say thank you for this thanksgiving. It’s very much appreciated.
My little Fernanda, I, your Mother, my Son Jesus, our Father, our Holy Spirit, we say thank you for this sincere, humble thanksgiving. My child, my Son Jesus, he is your spouse, your care giver, your provider. My Son has said to you, “Do my work. I will provide for you.” My child, yes, all the healing upon you has been bestowed. You asked with humility, a humble heart. You have given your will to my Son Jesus. You have given [yourself] entirely to my Son Jesus, my child, accepting these sicknesses with love. Every time you ask my Son Jesus for a miracle, with holy water, you ask with sincerity, and you do not get concerned, you surrender completely to my Son’s holy will.
My child, my Son Jesus, our Father, the Holy Spirit, they are very happy with your appreciation, gratitude for all the thanksgiving of all [that has been] given in your entire life. My humble servant, share all these graces, blessings, with my children. Yes, my children, they ask, ask, but few come back in thanksgiving to us in heaven, to my Son Jesus, to our Father. Be in peace. You are very special with your love to us in heaven. We do love you and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my dear Mamã, my Holy Trinity. I love you. Sua bênção. Angels, archangels, St Ana, St Joachim, my patron saints, take care of our grandchildren. Amen. Beijinhos [5] xxxx ♥♥♥♥.
Jesus Christ
My humble servant, thank you.
I give you my peace, my peace we leave you. Amen.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[4] Portuguese to English translation: Mommy
[5] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses