Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter Fernanda, for sitting and conversing with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary. Thank you, my child, for being here with me, your Jesus. I am your Jesus Christ, the Baby Jesus of Nazareth, born in Bethlehem.
My child, I, your Jesus, I see your heart was, is, in my peace with your loved ones. My child, you are loved by many of your loved ones and many of my children who have known you for many years. My child, do not be concerned about the ones who turn away from you. My Son Jesus has a reason for all of this. Know that my Son has done a cleansing in your [surrounds], upon you. It was not you who turned away from certain places. Oh, my Son Jesus also takes you away from certain places where you do not belong anymore.
My child Fernanda, you are coming closer to be on your big task. Your books are now coming into place at the right time with my son Charles [who is] to be your helping hand from heaven and earth – see, your earthly angel – it’s all [in] my plans, my designated time.
My child, thank you for explaining to your loved ones today about your books, your mission. Time is running out because there is something that is going to happen on this entire world, this dismantled world. Oh, war is very prominent in the Middle East. My child, you need to accomplish your books. Go to the bishop: you have to give our messages to the world before it’s too late to save my children. Oh, pray, tell my children to pray intensely for the Middle East because of the commencement of war. Prayers are the only source of help to change the hardened hearts into conversions.
My child, my Father God, he is here to converse with you.
Father God
My little lamb, I, your Father God, I am here to converse with you.
My little lamb, I, your Father, I say thank you for being obedient, for explaining to my children about your books. Yes, prepare my children for the big day. My child, do not doubt the role that you represent to us in heaven. My child Fernanda, serve my Son Jesus on your mission with all your will, empenho [1]. You will work to help, to serve my Son Jesus. The reward is beautiful.
My daughter, there is going to be a big sign, not in the sky. My people must pray. You must pray as much as you can. You are my warrior to pray for my children, to be their guidance, to teach them about my desires and my Son Jesus.
My child, you are getting tired. I want you to rest because you will have many books to complete before it’s too late.
I bless you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, querida Pai [2]. I love you. Sua bênção [3].
Mother Mary
My Petal, I, your Mother, Tabernacle of the Most High, I am here to say that our Father and the Holy Spirit, we say thank you for being with us until eternal life. Amen.
My child, today is a very special day for St Joseph, the feast day of the Holy Family of Nazareth. My Son Jesus was born to save you all, each one of you.
My child, I, your Mother Mary, I know all about your prayers. They have been taken into the palm of my Son’s hand, then into his heart.
My child, St Joseph my chaste spouse, he is here to converse with you.
St Joseph
My sister in Jesus Christ, you are our Lord Jesus Christ’s messenger for the End of Times. I am St Joseph the Carpenter, the spouse of Mother Mary, the foster father of Baby Jesus on earth. Today, all over the world, the Feast of the Holy Family of Nazareth has been celebrated, as well as the feast of the innocent children who died as martyrs for Baby Jesus Christ when Baby Jesus was born.
Mother Mary was going to give birth to the Messiah, the Redeemer of all of you. We, the family of Nazareth, Mother Mary and I, Joseph the Carpenter, we had to run away from Nazareth to look for a place for my Son Jesus to be born. As you all know, there was no place for my Son Jesus to be born. We had to find a place in the barn, so Jesus the Messiah was born in the manger on Christmas Day.
After three days, we had to run away again to Egypt during the night because Herod heard about the Messiah, the Saviour, the King who was born. He was so envious, jealous and fearful of my Son Jesus becoming the King, the Saviour, the good news of salvation. It was all about power. He ordered the killing of all the babies under two years of age. Oh, many innocent babies there were killed! Baby Jesus was saved from that death. Oh, mothers, fathers, they were devastated, in horrific pains.
See, my sister in Jesus Christ, Fernanda, in those days we suffered tremendous pains, anguish, affliction and fear − nothing was easy as well. Then I, St Joseph, and Mother Mary with my Son Jesus, we lived a happy, normal life, also teaching Jesus about life, about being a carpenter. Today, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ carry on in their daily lives with hardships and trials, as we the family of Nazareth also underwent. But we were the example for families, living in chastity of love, pure love, understanding, harmony and peace to be the example in my Son Jesus’ daily life.
Today, my children don’t want to make sacrifices in their lives. They want everything to fall onto their plate the easy way, with minimal trials. It’s divorce and separation with no more trying, unity or understanding between one another. I have given you a prayer request to be prayed, recited, by all who are in need of help − it is a very strong prayer from earth to heaven.
My humble servant, I, St Joseph, I am very joyous about your mission progressing. Soon it will be time for you to carry on with your books and having them completed. I, St Joseph, I say to you, my humble servant, you will find trials and tribulations on the course of your mission, as we the family of Nazareth also encountered in those days of my Son Jesus’ time on earth. I, St Joseph, I am one of your patron saints. Pray the prayers of your patron saints to shield you completely from any dangers, for them to be your intercessors in heaven. Amen.
I, St Joseph, am here with this message to reaffirm, reassure you, you are going to go to faraway places to teach about our Lord Jesus Christ. I am very pleased and honoured to be on this road, to acclaim to our Lord Jesus’ messenger, Fernanda, to be calm in the many different tempests of your life.
I, St Joseph, I leave you with faith and trust in your heart. I am going to give you a prayer for couples in discord, having many differences in their lives. Amen.
My Triune God, Mother Mary, Star of the Sea, I, your child ________, I am here to pray, to ask my Triune God to come and rescue these, your children, in despair because of disunity and discord between one another. I ask you St Joseph, the foster father of Jesus, to come and rescue these children ...names... who are in despair because of quarrelsomeness. I ask for peace, love, joy and understanding between one another, health and wealth.
Mother Mary of the Holy Family, I ask you to intercede for these your children ...names... to come closer to your Son Jesus’ heart, to love one another, to forgive each other’s errors, faults and mistakes made in their daily lives. Mother Mary, I ask you to intercede for these, your children, who were united at your Jesus’ altar once before. Let that love, which was once upon a time in their hearts, flourish again: love, joy, patience, forgiveness, perseverance, peace and unity. Amen.
Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one Glory Be, then say...
St Joseph, Mother Mary and Jesus, come and unite these, your children ...names... into the love of the Family of Nazareth. Amen.
Pray the Hail Holy Queen, then say...
Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, of Heaven and Earth, unite these, your children, in your arms as you did with Jesus of Nazareth. Amen.
My humble servant Fernanda, chosen by my Adopted Son, Jesus, you will progress in your mission as my Son Jesus’ desire of his heart. To be the ultimate messenger for my Son Jesus’ End of Times, be humble and obedient at all times. This is a privilege to converse with the Triune God, the family of Nazareth and your patron saints. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, St Joseph, I love you. Sua bênção.
Mother Mary
I, Mother Mary, I love you and all my children. Amen. Thank you for responding to my call.
Triune God
We, the Triune God and Mother Mary, we bless you.
[Fernanda] St Ana, St Joachim, take care of our grandchildren, sons, loved ones. My guardian angel St Filipe, archangels, saints, sua bênção. Amen. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [4].
We, the Triune God, we give our peace upon you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: effort
[2] Portuguese to English translation: dear Father
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing
[4] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses