The repentant survivors of the Three Days of Darkness will prostrate and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world

07/12/2011 at 21h45
Themes: Adoration, end times, forgiveness, God's love and mercy, God's pains, God's wrath, Holy Communion, Holy Mass, loving God, Mother Mary's pains, praying, prophecy, Repentance and Confession, salvation, Second Coming, sickness and suffering, sins of the world, spiritual warfare, the Church, Three Days of Darkness
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting and conversing with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.

Thank you, my Petal, for all the prayers said to me, my Father, the Triune God and my Blessed Mother Virgin Mary conceived without sin. My precious child, I, your Jesus, I heard all the prayer requests – they have been helpful to my aching heart.

Thank you for this morning, for sitting and conversing with my children Alice, Sue, Maddie, Cheryl, and you: musketeers of your loving Jesus. See, you were so concerned about how to spend, not having enough money. See, my daughter Alice and my daughter Maddie (Madalena) helped you. Oh, you were not feeling at peace there today. Yes, my enemy was trying to disturb the peace between all of you, but I, your Jesus, intervened there to stop that havoc, which the enemy always tries to cause.

My daughter, thank you for coming and resting for a while. You need that sometimes, because of the long hours spent with us in heaven, waking up and taking time to be with us, your Jesus, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother.

Thank you for sharing some messages with my children. You fear some envy to stop you from going forth with the messages given to you. I want you to pray every morning against any evil tricks caused by the enemy. Yes, your wisdom, your discernment is right about this, but prayers move the enemy away from his foe, his snares.

My child, today you are in my peace and love. Tonight I want to convey something to you about my Second Coming, about your mission.

My humble servant, chosen by me, your Jesus Christ, I am here to relay, convey to you [on how] to proceed, about how my Second Coming will soon be coming. I mean, I say, soon. I am going to explain more in detail about what is going to happen in those horrendous, painful days of darkness.

My Petal Fernanda, I, your Jesus, I want to spare my children, I say all my children, whom I love dearly, from many, many pains occurring during those Three Days of Darkness. I said to you before that I, your Jesus, will come again to you to relay more profoundly in detail about what is going to happen. This is a secret for you. When you are on your mission, you are going to relay it to my children for them to convert, to repent, to be saved from peril, many pains.

My Petal Fernanda – in heaven, Petal means Andorinha [1], sparrow, little one – we love you. Oh, we call you many different names, beautiful names.

To conclude what I was saying to you about my Second Coming...

First, you, my children, will see a big, multicoloured rainbow, different from the normal rainbow seen. This is a different, unique one. My children will notice the huge difference. Oh, some of them will scream, realising something different will happen. Then, I will turn the day into night, with no stars, no light, no moon, no candles – only a few will have kept some holy candles. There will be no daylight, only darkness, for three consecutive days. Oh my children, they will be screaming – the fear: oh fear, panic will beset them. They will tremble, tremble. They will crawl, they will rastejar [2] because they cannot see one another. The fear will take over their lives. They will stumble to death because their hearts cannot take those horrible hours, days, of pain.

Oh my child, I don’t want my children to go through this. How long have I been asking, pleading, begging, imploring my children to repent, to forgive, to pardon their enemies for their mistakes, faults, errors committed as I, their Jesus, forgave them? I am asking you to pray those prayers entrusted to you for more time to the world because I want to save the sinners, to bring them all to my Kingdom.

My Petal, I, your Jesus, I am this saying this again because after those most horrific three days, only the ones who acknowledge me, turning their eyes to heaven, to my Father God, prostrating towards heaven and asking, imploring forgiveness [will be rescued], repeating, acknowledging, admitting...

Jesus, my God, my Lord, the Only Begotten Son of Man, Son of my Father God, the Creator of heaven and earth, the whole universe, of all things: I ask pardon, forgiveness for all my sins committed against God. I acknowledge that you are my Jesus, my Lord, my King, the Saviour of the world. Forgive me, forgive me. I am a sinner. I forgive my enemies. I love my enemies as you, my Lord, love me and all your children. I repent, I repent of all my most horrendous sins. Thank you, my Lord Jesus Christ, save me, save me from peril in hell. Bring me, all my loved ones, my family and all my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ to your Kingdom. Amen.

My daughter, this prayer must be printed. Millions of copies must be sent all over the world in different languages when you are on your mission. In every country you go to, teach this prayer to save my people. Oh, my prayer warrior, your task is a very difficult one. When you give my children this prayer, tell them that they don’t have to panic, they must learn to pray this prayer. Each family must keep one copy for them to pray at my End of Times.

Thank you, my little one. Keep this to yourself for a while, until I, your Jesus, allow you to convey this message. I will then come to you to relay the day of my Second Coming. You will be with me all the time. You will see my glory when I judge the living and the dead according to their deeds. I will spare some of your family, your loved ones, they will stay safeguarded against these pains. I will come to you before the time. Oh, you are going to be a witness of my Second Coming. I will convey again in more detail.

My child, my Father God, he is here to converse with you as well.

Father God

I, your Father God, I am here to converse with you.

My little one, I, your Father, I was listening to my Son Jesus’ dialogue about his Second Coming. My Son Jesus has been imploring me to spare my children from these pains. You know all the prayers entrusted to you to save the sinners, to give more time to the world, to spare my people from peril in hell, but, my child, how long can I spare my people from these pains, seeing my Son’s sufferings without piety, pity for my Son’s pierced heart? How long can I listen to my Son Jesus’ pleas and see no love towards my Son, no remorse for crown of thorns in his Sacred Heart? How long can I listen to my Son’s imploring to give more time for the sinners to repent and to come to me and ask forgiveness? Too many sins are being committed and they never come to Confession with clear, sincere, contrite hearts.

Oh, my heart also suffers immense pains to see my Son Jesus like a prisoner in his tabernacle, waiting for my children to come for at least one hour a week to alleviate some of his pains, and to come to Holy Mass with some respect and receive my Son’s Precious Body and Blood worthy of him. Oh, my heart trembles as well when I see my Son’s Precious Body and Blood being received in the most dark of hearts. Do you know how much it pains my Son to come into an unclean heart? Before my Son comes into their hearts, my Son cries and his Mother cries tears of blood because of their unclean hearts with so many sins that have never been confessed and repented of. They hide their malice in their hearts, but my Son knows that he is going to enter some with perfidious tongues, foul language against heaven, against one another, and that they expect my Son to forgive them without a minimum repentance or even a conscience of the real truth. This is called profanation, a sacrilege against heaven, against my Son Jesus’ loving merciful heart.

My humble servant, time is near for your mission to teach all about this, if my people don’t want to suffer the consequences of my Son’s Second Coming’s pains. My daughter, I will come again to concretise my Son’s living words.

Mother Mary, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

I, your Mother Mary, I am here as well, to tell you about my Son’s Second Coming. His living words will soon be taken into a deep, loving ceremony that you, my child Fernanda, have been chosen by my Son Jesus for, to help him to save sinners. You will be introducing some of these messages, the prayer given to you for my Son’s End of Times. Oh, this prayer, my children must learn this prayer off by heart because it’s going to be very important for their last days on this earth.

My Petal, there’s so much to converse with you about my Son’s Second Coming. My Petal, you have been feeling discomfort, some pains in your heart. You know they’re all about my Son’s pains. My Son has been giving you some tiny seeds of his pains. You are feeling very tired, the symptoms of my Son’s pains. They come from the depths of his Sacred Heart.

My child, I, your Mother Mary, I have seen your struggles, financial needs, but your trust and faith in my Son is going to conquer all of this.

I see you are falling asleep. You need the rest. You are my little Andorinha [3]. Your little nest, palinhas [4], is waiting for you to rest tonight. I allow you to rest early tonight. There is so much to convey to you. I will call you again soon.

I bless you, I give my peace to you, your loved ones, family, and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Sua bênção minha Mamã, Mãe querida [5]. I love you and with all my children, I do love you, Mãe [6].

Jesus Christ

I, your Jesus, your God, with your Father God and the Holy Spirit, I say thank you for this special time spent with me, your Jesus and your Father. I love you.

[Fernanda] Sua bênção [7], my Jesus, my Holy Trinity. Beijinhos [8] ♥♥♥♥. I love you all with all my heart.

Beijinhos to you, my Petal.

[Fernanda] xxxxx, angels and saints.



[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: crawl, creep, grovel

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[4] Portuguese to English translation: little nest

[5] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing, my Mommy, dear Mother

[6] Portuguese to English translation: Mother

[7] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[8] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses