Pray for priests, for their protection – without them there are no Holy Sacraments, which is why Satan attacks them so fiercely

15/03/2024 at 07h15
Themes: Baptism, gifts of the Holy Spirit, God's pains, Holy Communion, Holy Mass, praying, prophecy, Repentance and Confession, sins of the world, spiritual warfare, the Church
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother, Tabernacle of the Most High.

We are here at this remote, peaceful place, Ngome, where the waters flow, the seven streams join to heal my children [who receive] all kinds of healing of the mind, soul, spirit and body. We are conversing with you, my humble servant. It has been raining the past few days, but today is going to be a beautiful day, with sunshine for you to spend at the holy waters with my son Paul, to restore the energy, as both of you are both in need of this quiet time in prayer – even with some rain, it was my purpose. There is always a reason upon my children. Both of you have been deep in prayer for this world, which is much needed.

My Petal, my Ultimate Father God, he is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little lamb, I, your Ultimate Father God, I am here with you. Thank you for this special time with my son Paul Timp, coming to this peaceful place, Ngome, to concretise some of your prayers, to get the deepest love of the Triune God and Mother Tabernacle of the Most High.

My little lamb, you underwent some deep thoughts of your inner soul, but the Holy Spirit guided you as to what to say, what to do. Be at peace, explaining to my people as the Holy Spirit enlightened your mind throughout the night. Do it in love. The Holy Spirit will guide you as he showed you. Yes, there is not much time left upon you, as you do know the time, the years left for your mission to be accomplished in this world.

...private message removed...

My little lamb, there is so much sadness upon my people, especially in this country South Africa, for the deaths, murders, killings of my son priests – senseless deaths, mutilations, slaughters, killings. They died as martyrs for Christ.

Satan knows that his time is almost accomplished. If there are none of my son priests, then Holy Masses and the Holy Sacraments of the Holy Church, Confession, the Body and Blood of my Son Jesus Christ won’t be possible. That’s his aim. My people, pray as never before for my son priests, for the Holy Church as it has been written in my Son Jesus’ Holy Word, the Holy Bible, to protect my Son Jesus’ Holy Church, the priests, cardinals, bishops, the clergy of the Church.

My little lamb, this is only for you, as has been placed in your heart...

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I, your Heavenly Father, I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Heavenly Father, my Triune God. I thank you for everything upon me, my family and upon this entire world. Amen.

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [1], I, your Blessed Mother, Tabernacle of the Most High, I am here to say thank you for being here at my holy grounds, Ngome, again, in conjunction with my son Paul, to pray, to receive blessings. Even [though] it was raining, it was also a needed blessing from heaven. You both came after my Son’s Holy Mass very late in the afternoon, at night, to be blessed, immersed in love with holy water. Today is going to be a special day to sit with me, your Mother, Tabernacle of the Most High.

My little one, you couldn’t sleep much as our hearts in heaven, the Triune God and your Mother Tabernacle of the Most High’s, were in pain. Pray, continue to pray more than ever before for the protection of my son priests, my Son’s Holy Church, against any vengeance, retaliation and malice used by Satan to destroy the beautiful gifts that my Jesus entrusted to his son priests: to celebrate Holy Mass and for them to give my children the Body and Blood of my Son Jesus in the Eucharist. Oh, if there are none of my son priests, there will be no Consecration (a gift given only to my son priests on the day of their Ordination, a special gift entrusted to them) and no Confession to absolve my children’s sins. Only in Confession, only through my son priests can my children get absolution for their sins. My Son Jesus is in the confessional with my son priest saying, “I absolve you from all your sins.” It’s my Son Jesus absolving. My son priest is the representative of my Son Jesus Christ in Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, burying the dead, Holy Mass. All the special Sacraments have been entrusted to my son priests. I repeat, they receive these special gifts on the day of their Ordination. Oh, I bow down when one of my son priests passes in front of me, Blessed Virgin Mother. My children, pray for my son priests: they are human, fragile, tempted like any one of my children, but especially when they are serving my Son Jesus Christ, Satan fiercely devours them. Pray for their protection.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [2]. Thank you, my Blessed Virgin Mother. I love you. Sua bênção [3].

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing