To receive unfathomable graces: pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and novena, come to Confession and Holy Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday

07/04/2024 at 21h30
Themes: Adoration, God's love and mercy, heaven, Holy Mass, praying, Repentance and Confession, salvation, sins of the world, the Church
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.

My little one, today is Divine Mercy Sunday, the Divine Mercy feast day, which is being celebrated all over the world. My mercy will shower upon my children. Oh, my unfathomable love gushes upon my children. I desired to manifest myself to my servant of God, my humble one St Faustina. Oh, blood and water which gushed for the souls upon this world, have mercy upon my children and wash away all the sins and iniquities of my children. Oh, I desire to bring all the sinners to conversions, especially on this special day of my Divine Mercy Sunday, to set the sinners free from their iniquities, the scarlet sins of their souls. Today, many of these souls have been released from the bondage of their scarlet sins. Oh, what a joy to see many souls being cleansed, being set free from their most horrendous sins. My words of yesterday, today and tomorrow never fail – the succour of heaven. All over the world, many of my holy churches celebrated the jubilee of such a great infinite ocean of mercy. My mercy enveloped the whole world.

My Petal, you and all my children attended this jubilee with my Holy Mass, and then the procession through the street with my Precious Body – it was a joy to see my faithful children walking and praying, singing.

My Petal, my Heavenly Father, he is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little lamb, thank you for your time in prayer, in Adoration, adoring, glorifying my Son Jesus’ holy name.

Know, my little lamb, the world is in darkness. My Son Jesus Christ’s holy name has been forgotten by many of my people, but at this time of my Son Jesus’ Divine Mercy Sunday, it’s a rejoicing to save many lost souls. The novena being recited every day for nine consecutive days has been a real balm to my Son Jesus’ pierced heart. Many are aware of this special time, of the graces given to my people through the love and mercy of my Son’s unconditional love, but there are also many in need of knowing about these special graces that are obtained through the teachings of the nine-day novena, for them to be aware of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Oh, this Chaplet of my Son Jesus, given to St Faustina, has been saving many souls from being in damnation of sin. My Son Jesus desires each one of you to teach the ignorant to be fishermen of souls. Today in heaven, the Banquet of Heaven, it’s a massive celebration.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal. My Blessed Mother, she is here to relay a message.

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [1], I, your Blessed Virgin Mother, I am the Mother of Mercy in conjunction with my Son Jesus’ Divine Mercy.

I see you, my child, and my daughter Alice, were Divine Mercy apostles at our Lady’s Church of Loreto, with a Holy Mass being celebrated there with pompa [2] by my son priests, and then the walking in the street with my Son Jesus, in procession, venerating and adoring my Son Jesus, to bless the world in need of intense prayers. At this time, in some part of the world, they are committing many horrendous sins, but at times like this, my Son Jesus’ infinite love and mercy is upon this world, his fountain of mercy envelops the world – he has [mercy] upon the sinners and the whole world.

My Petal, to see my youth, my little ones walking and learning about the meaning of the Divine Mercy Sunday... the seeds need to be planted and in time to come these seeds will be watered to grow in good soil, but very few are introduced to my Son Jesus’ devotion, the teachings of the Divine Mercy Chaplet to save the sinners, the dying. St Faustina was obedient to her call for this special event to happen. This is the promise of my Son Jesus to my children: the souls that hear the Divine Mercy Chaplet will never perish. Many of our children went to Confession. On Good Friday and for nine days they were reciting the novena, and today they came for Confession with a contrite heart – their sins were completely forgiven, their Book of Heaven is blank.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed Virgin Mother. Thank you, my Father, my loving Jesus Christ, my sweet Holy Spirit. I love you. Sua bênção [3]. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [4].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my humble servant Fernanda.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children, my people. Amen.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: pageantry, ceremonial splendour

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[4] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses