Jesus Christ
My little one, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.
Mother Mary
We are here in a tune of voices to bless my dear children, Gracinda and my son Gabriel, for the amazing, beautiful, exquisite, marvellous work, their arduous work done with their hands on my statues. These, my children Gracinda and Gabriel Jardim, they have done a spectacular image of Our Lady, Tabernacle of the Most High, Mother [Mary].
My Son Jesus, our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit have given you a tool. With your bare hands, as you started with this, your task, your mission to create a masterpiece, all is in perfection. We say thank you, my daughter Gracinda, for being obedient to your call. Yes, it has been very difficult, arduous, with trials, tribulations and hardships, but the rewards will be one day in eternity.
My daughter, your concern with finishing my statue, Mother Tabernacle of the Most High, yes, it was overdue to bring my statue image to my holy grounds, Ngome, where the water flows with the veins joining together in seven streams, the place of many, countless miracles that have been happening.
Thank you, my dear children, for your time, your patience with the sculpture of my image and many more other images to remind my children of my Son Jesus, the saints, the angels and your Mother Mary with many titles, but only one Mother, Jesus’ Mother, and the Mother of all of you, my dear children.
This is a place where many of my children feel my presence. I come alive for my children in many different ways, in signs from above. The blessing [of the statue] with my son the bishop will be taking [place] and many of my children will be attending.
My dear children, Gracinda and my son Gabriel and your loved ones, I will obtain many graces, blessings upon you all. My Blue Virginal Mantle will be a shield of protection. I will bless your hands [that are] to be used in many ways, for the zealous love, the work with perfection, when your hands are carving, moulding my statues.
I produce immense love towards my children when they are praying and reciting the Holy Rosary and all their spontaneous prayer requests from their hearts. My dear children’s tears, sorrows, sighs, petitions, every prayer is heard by me, Blessed Virgin Mother. I present them all to my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart, the Triune God receives them all.
I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed Virgin Mother, the Triune God, for all the blessings, graces upon me, my loved ones and all my children upon this entire world. I love you. Sua bênção [1].
Jesus Christ
My daughter Gracinda and your spouse Gabriel, continue with this rare gift given to you to make our images, the many that you have done – continue to restore the ones in need of repair – and the many more statues to come, a gift from heaven. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing