Jesus Christ
Thank you, my Petal. I, your Jesus of Nazareth, I am here to relay in continuous conversation about my pains during the course of Holy Thursday to the morning of Good Friday until 3 o’clock, 3pm, at the end of my sacrifice when I completely gave myself to the will of my Heavenly Father.
My dear children, they carried on [tormenting me] with so much humiliation. They took away my dignity. I was naked. In the prison in the house of Caiaphas, they scourged, scourged me with iron rods. They were so vicious against me as I suffered in silence. I knew it was for a purpose, for your salvation. My dear children, to describe what they were doing to me, oh, my flesh, they could count my bones; they tied my hands to a pillar. I couldn’t move, but every blow, chicotadas [1] with iron rods, oh, so many blows... My Sacred Face was disfigured, intense blood was covering my eyes, and much more! To describe what I underwent is far beyond your understanding.
Mother Mary
My little Andorinha [2], I, your Blessed Mother, I am here to describe the intense, painful heartache, oh, when it was my Son Jesus’ time to carry the heavy cross of his children. My little one, I, your Blessed Mother, I say this is only a tiny seed of what I watched. In silence, I looked at my Son Jesus, I wanted to help him to carry the cross uphill. Oh, my loving Son Jesus, he couldn’t carry the cross – he fell three times. They forced him to get up. Oh, my Son Jesus saw each one of you. He knew that he had to regain his strength to complete his last mission in this world. They forced Simon of Cyrene, as he was with the crowd, to help my Son to carry the cross of his people, his children’s sins. Oh, but my Son Jesus had to carry it till the end of Calvary, on his last journey of this earthly life. Oh, so much ingratitude that my children have towards my Son Jesus and the love he has for each one of you! I walked next to my Son Jesus. I cried tears of blood, but I knew that I couldn’t help my Son. I prayed in the silence of my sorrowful heart.
My Son Jesus and I, his Mother, we looked at each other, he was encouraging me and I was giving him strength in prayer for my Son Jesus not to give up what he started. Our eyes met and we gave each other courage. This is only a tiny pain that I am describing to you, my children. You will never know the amount of suffering that my Son Jesus endured. Oh, my children, focus upon my Son Jesus’ 15 secret pains that my children are not aware of [3]. Meditate every day on one of the sordid pains of the 15 secret pains – you will obtain blessings and graces for meditating upon at least one secret pain. Oh, there is much more to relay in the messages [about] my Son Jesus’ pains that I witnessed.
My dear children, do not offend my Son Jesus any more. What he did for you, to save you from hell, purgatory!
Father God
My little lamb, I, your Heavenly Father, I am here to prognosticate my Son Jesus’ travail with excruciating, horrific heartache. Oh, what an undignified object, a mockery of my Son Jesus Christ. Oh, they demanded to cast lots for my Son Jesus’ clothes to see who was going to have my Son Jesus’ clothes. Oh, what a crime, injúria [4], as they humiliated my Son Jesus, stripped him naked and of his dignity.
Sometimes, my people see some feature film, a video, about my Son Jesus’ passion, but in real life, his pains were unbearable to explain, to describe to my people how they crucified my Son Jesus. You have seen the falsity of Judas who betrayed my Son Jesus for money, the nails in his feet, huge ones through him, an immensity of flesh...
Today my people still do this kind of treatment, torment upon my Son Jesus of Nazareth.
He went through this on Holy Thursday through the night until Good Friday, 3 o’clock, the hour of my Son Jesus’ mercy, oh, when he was holding himself upon the cross not to be asphyxiated.
Oh, what a love you have from my Son Jesus towards [each one of] you. Yes, in today’s time, my people still crucify him with all their sinful lives. My people, I love you all. Each one of you belongs to me, your Creator. I let my Son Jesus pay a heavy price for the love I have for each one of you.
The blessings, peace, love fall upon you all. Always love your Eternal Almighty Father, as my Son Jesus has said, “Father, Abba, Abba, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.” My people, from today, follow my Son Jesus, his example of love for you and all my people. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Triune God and my Blessed Mother. I love you. Sua bênção [5].
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: scourging, whippings
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[4] Portuguese to English translation: outrage, insult, indignity
[5] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing