Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.
My Petal, I am the Saviour, the healer, the physician of my children, the source of life upon all of them. I am the [expiator of] the transgressions of this world to alleviate my children’s burdens. Dear children, I, your Jesus of Nazareth, I am the Jesus who loves you all. I am here to alleviate your burdens from your shoulders. Remember, I carried the heavy cross of all your sins upon my shoulders. Know, my children, one of the most painful, excruciating pains was the heavy cross on my left shoulder. Even Simon of Cyrene was forced to help me to carry the cross, but I had to continue carrying it uphill on Via Dolorosa. Know, my children, if you learn to give me all your burdens, your worries, fears, I will walk with you, side by side, like Simon of Cyrene, to help you to carry the burdens, the cross. Surrender, surrender all to me, your Jesus, your Lord Jesus Christ.
Father God
My Petal, my Heavenly Father, he is here to converse with you.
My little lamb, I, your Almighty Eternal God, I am here to relay a message. My dear people, at this point in time, there are some people in stress, anguish, uncertainty, as they are moving from one place to another place, from country to country, not knowing the right discernment of their identity, where to go or where to stay as this world is going through a recession. Difficult times are ahead, are going to be encountered as it’s been written. There will be rocky roads ahead, loss of business, income, financial difficulties, loss of homes. My people at this time do not have much direction as they are in an emotional state, they can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Oh, if they take their focus away from my Son, they will not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I, your Heavenly Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we stand with you in these most difficult trials, tribulations. My Son Jesus will bring you safely ashore from the rough waters.
I bless you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Heavenly Father, my Triune God, my source of my life. I love you. Sua bênção [1].
Jesus Christ
My little Petal, my Blessed Virgin Holy Mother of God, she is here with you.
Mother Mary
My little one, I, your Blessed Virgin Mother, I am here to converse with you.
Tonight my children attended a holy Divine Mercy [procession and Holy Mass] dedicated to my children of the Mulbarton School. This was a balm to our hearts. Heaven rejoices, rejoices, to see my youth participating in this event. The procession in candlelight was well attended by my children followed by my Son Jesus’ holy sacrifice of the Mass. This is a light for my youth to follow, with the seeds being planted. As time goes by my Son Jesus will water the seeds that were planted. Yes, my youth need this kind of reinforcement to guide and protect them for their future. Oh, prayer groups should be implanted in the youth. The world needs youth prayer groups to take them out of the misery of vices and addictions, for them to focus on the light of the Divine Mercy.
I bless you, your loved ones and this entire world. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Blessed, pure, humble Virgin Mother, Queen of Heaven and Earth. Amen. I love you. Sua bênção.
Jesus Christ
My Petal, I, your Jesus Christ, I am very pleased with the beautiful outcome of tonight’s Divine Mercy [event], of my youth receiving graces and blessings from this festive occasion. It was pleasing to us in heaven. My children had the grace, blessing with St Faustina’s relics as they received this rare gift from heaven. St Faustina is very pleased to see all the youth joined together, participating in the Divine Mercy Holy Mass procession. I thank each one of my children, my son priests, the clergy of my Holy Church.
I give you my peace, my peace I give to you, your loved ones and upon this entire world in need of reinforcement in prayers. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Triune God. I love you. Sua bênção.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing