Jesus Christ
Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Father God, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Ever-Virgin Mother.
My little one, I, your Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, I am here to relay a message of my love and concern upon my dear children. They must know that I love them dearly as my death upon the cross was not in vain. My aim, my sacrifice, was a sacrificial love to save them from Gehenna. Oh, my children, soon after the Holy Week, Easter Sunday, they forget how much I love them, the importance of my sacrifice for each one of them. Their salvation was my priority. They are my own sheep, my flock. Yes, as this is the last, the fourth Sunday after Easter, my resurrection, I, the Good Shepherd, I have risen from the dead. I resurrected to give life in abundance to my sheep, my flock. My sheep know my voice and I know their voice. I run to get the lost ones to come back. I leave the rest, the ninety-nine, and go and fetch the lost one.
My Petal, thank you for your time in the chapel in Adoration. Thank you for the singing the made-up words of what your God, your Lord has done for you. Thank you for the time sitting with your Lord Jesus Christ in compassion to alleviate my Sacred Heart.
My Petal, my Father, he is here to converse with you.
Father God
My little lamb, I, your Heavenly Father, I am here at this hour to convey my concern about my own flesh, my own.
My dear people, leave the things of world. Let there be peace amongst you all, peace that surpasses everything in your daily lives. I am in heaven and see your fear of tomorrow and of the future of the country. Know that my Son Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Trust your God, your Lord, with all your heart. My Son Jesus lays his love for eternity, for the salvation of my people. Yes, we are aware of the situation of their trials, hardships, some countries having elections soon, but my people, turn worry and doubt about tomorrow [to prayers]. Know that prayers can move mountains, can transform the world for a better life upon my people. It’s a pity, I say to you all, my dear people, come to the fountain of life, eternal life, the fountain of mercy, but some of you choose the wrong path. Remember, not too long [ago], my Son laid the foundation for his children, of his own accord, free will. The choice is yours as my Son Jesus never forces himself to bring you back, the lost sheep that have been astray.
I give you my peace, my peace upon your loved ones who are longing for that grace, the blessing. May your lives, your health and finances be placed in my Son Jesus’ holy hands. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Heavenly Father, my Holy Trinity. I love you. Sua bênção [1].
Mother Mary
My little one, I, your Blessed Holy Mother of the entire universe, I am here to encourage my children to look at my Son Jesus’ compassion, the mercy of God upon you all, my children. I, your Blessed Ever Virgin, I am here in the heavenly realm, seeing what is in your daily [life] – sometimes, the pack, the bag on your shoulders seems so heavy. My Son Jesus comes many times to carry that backpack. Have the courage, fortitude and strength to never give up. Whatever kind of burden you carry, give it to my Son Jesus with courage. He will carry them for you. Be attentive to all that you are carrying and let go at the foot of the cross, but don’t retreat as you surrender all to my Son Jesus, he will gladly take care of it.
I bless you abundantly, your loved ones and all my dear children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Triune God. I ask your blessings upon the world, the sick, the destitute, the poor, the countries at war, in famine, the broken marriages, families who are against one another, the ones losing income, businesses, homes. I love you, my Jesus. Sua bênção.
Jesus Christ
Thank you, my Petal. I give you my peace, my peace I give. Do not become despondent in despair. There is always a solution for everything. Trust, trust, trust in my love and mercy.
[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
My children, I am your God, your Lord Jesus Christ, do not fear tomorrow as tomorrow belongs to me in heaven. I love you all, my dear children. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing