Father God
Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Father God, my Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and Blessed Virgin Mother. I, your Heavenly Father I am here. I came to relay a message before my Son Jesus’ conversation because of my Son Jesus’ palpitations. His heart pulses constantly to see how this world contains so much prejudice, injustice through the many sins. My Son Jesus waits patiently for my people’s repentance, for their return as the tick-tock of the clock [has stopped], the clock has no hands because the time expired quite a long time ago, but my devoted people, they are the ones still holding this world together through their many prayers and Rosaries. My devoted ones are still praying for the conversion of sinners. My people, there is still some time left. If you could just make some time to amend and expiate your sinful lives, even if the clock’s hands are not there, but through some kind, generous people who offer prayers for this disturbed world.
Have faith, my people. Pray, pray in these most difficult times. My Son Jesus is with you to guide you. Listen to his voice and hold his hand. Do not despair, my Son Jesus is your anchor. Let my Son Jesus be the pilot and whom you walk with when the tide is rough. Be the copilot and let his hand be in control. Trust, trust, trust. My Son Jesus loves you unconditionally.
I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.
Jesus Christ
My humble servant, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.
Mother Mary
My little Andorinha [1], I thank you, my little one, and my children Gracinda, her spouse Gabriel, Alice and Quida for this journey together to my holy grounds. My heart pounces with joy to see all these, my children, who came to be with me, Mother Tabernacle of the Most High. Before they departed home, some of them and you all, my children, had a celebration of my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass.
Today is 12 May 2024, a day before my anniversary of my apparition in Cova da Iria to my little shepherds Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia. Today is Mother’s Day, a festive celebration in some parts of the world – some countries have celebrated earlier. Oh, this has been seen by us here in heaven. Many of my children posted in the media, wishing happy Mother’s Day to one another, family, friends, sisters in Jesus Christ. Thank you, my Andorinha, and some of my children who posted in the media, on this modern technology about wishing happy Mother’s Day to Blessed Mother, Mommy Mary. Oh, this is a very intensely joyous time as my children remember their earthly mothers, [those] in heaven and their heavenly Mother, Blessed Holy Mother. I am the Mother of all my children.
My dear children, do not fear, entwine with my Son Jesus and with me. Give all your burdens to me. I will take them to the abode of my Son Jesus’ heart. Happy Mother’s Day, dear children of mine. I will take care of you. I will wrap you with my Virginal Mantle.
I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, Blessed Our Lady of Fatima. I love you. Sua bênção [2].
Jesus Christ
Thank you, my Petal.
I, your Jesus of Nazareth, with the Holy Spirit and my Heavenly Father, as he relayed the message to my children, we, the Triune God, we are here in unison of voice at this time, already 13 May 2024. Today marks a century and seven years, the 107th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima’s [apparitions]. You, [my daughter], also had the privilege to be there at the 100th anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima’s [apparition], as my Blessed Virgin Mother, Our Lady of Fatima, appeared at Cova da Iria to three little shepherds Francisco, Jacinta and Lucia. They were little ones, innocent little children, but my Blessed Mother came to them, asking them to pray, pray the Holy Rosary for the end of war, to pray without ceasing, asking them to make sacrifices, to pray for repentance of the hardened hearts. Oh, the first apparition to these little visionaries was on 13 May and every month on the 13th until 13 October, the last apparition. Much was said to them. Yes, these little ones suffered persecutions as people didn’t believe them, but their answers were always the same, even when they were threatened with some harsh punishment. They went to jail, but my Blessed Mother was there with them. They had no fear. They saw a beautiful Our Lady, uma senhora muito linda [3]. Eventually they were entwined with Blessed Virgin of Fatima to progress their mission entrusted to them. As my Blessed Mother promised them, if they prayed the Holy Rosary, the war would end and not enter Portugal. The war ended as my Blessed Mother had promised if they would pray the Holy Rosary.
I bless you, your loved ones. We, the Triune God, we give you our peace, our peace we give you, your loved ones and all my children all over the world.
♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Triune God and my Blessed Mother. I love you Sua bênção. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [4]. Amen.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing
[3] Portuguese to English translation: a very beautiful lady
[4] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses