[Fernanda] My Jesus, my Lord, I love you, my Saviour, my Spouse. Thank you, my Jesus.
[Fernanda writes] I was fixing my eyes on Jesus, on my Lord’s Sacred Face. It was beautiful.
Jesus Christ
My daughter, thank you for sitting with me and my Blessed Mother. Oh my child, you are very tired.
Today, is a little bit later [to converse]. I know that you have been sitting with my child Alice. She helped you with your testimony for today. I was there listening to everything said there. I am very pleased with that. My child, today was a fruitful day for me and my Mother.
[Fernanda] Jesus, when Jesus says it was a fruitful day, can I ask my Jesus the meaning of fruitful, Jesus [1]?
My child, it means success in bringing some children to me, to my heart.
My child, I have to let you rest for a while, you are too tired. You can’t keep open your eyes. It’s not your fault, my child. You are overworked with long hours and not enough sleep. Remember, my child, I promised you that soon it’ll be over. I love you, my child. I want what is best for you.
I love it when you adore your Jesus with all your heart. My child, your mission is almost done, ready for you to start. I will remove you from your work for you to come to me, to my work. You are mine, my child. I will heal your eyes. I will, my child.
My dear Mother, she is here. She says that she wants to relay something to you. My dear Mother loves you.
Mother Mary
My child, my precious Andorinha [2] of my Son, I am your Mother Mary, Mother of your loving Jesus. My daughter, I am so excited for your testimony. My delight, a flower for us from heaven, I will help as I promised you. Do you want me to reveal it to you?
[Fernanda] Yes, please, my dear Mother.
My daughter, I will reveal it to you tonight. My child, I want you, my child, humble servant of my Son, I want you to serve me and your Jesus. I will help you financially, with everything, and our son ________ with commodities, a house, a car for you to do my work and my Son’s. My child, you and I, we will travel a lot out of this country, overseas, to proclaim my Son’s Word, living Word. I am preparing the Banquet in Heaven to celebrate, welcoming you to your task, your mission given to you from your Lord Jesus, your God. My child, time is near now. No more waiting. You purification is finished. My surprise – you’re waiting, my little one – it’s your financial help. No more financial struggles [for you] and your loved ones. The universe owes you and your loved ones everything for all the years you have been on this earth, the help given to my children, the loss of things during your life, all these years. My child, I tell you: believe your Mother, I am here, present with my Son. We caress you, your hair. Believe in your Mother and your Jesus. You have to be free of the worries of this earth. You have to be in our peace to be able to proclaim my Son’s messages given to you for the world.
[Fernanda] My Mother, can I ask my Mommy Mary, if my dear Mother won’t get hurt because I ask this question: our house, chosen by my Mother Mary for us, is it also around here? Because, Mommy, I want to be near the church for my Adoration of my Jesus, the praise and worship?
Oh my daughter, your questions are always with love and humility.
My child, you are going to like, adore, our home. I will choose everything about our home, new home. Yes, it’s going to be nearby. The financial help is a blessing falling from heaven. Oh my child, so much gratitude – you deserve all of this and for the work you are going to do for my Son. It’s our gift to you from my Son and I. Our Father in heaven has so much empathy, gratitude for all of this. He says thank you for giving your will to his Beloved Son and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity is rejoicing, they will infill you with all the gifts.
My daughter, I will finish my task for your mission. What a joy, my daughter, to converse with you, my great warrior for my Son’s times, for my Son’s Second Coming to the world. My daughter, my Son’s and my children, they don’t want to believe that my Son is running out of time, that his time is near. Oh my child, I have run out of words to ask my Son for more time for his children. My daughter, my children must repent.
My Son has been asking for your help to convey these messages to the world. This is your Mother, the Mother of your Jesus, here with you to reveal what I promised through my Son’s messages given to you. I have revealed it to you – your Mother of your precious Jesus.
I bless you, my child, and your loved ones. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my dear Mother, thank you. I love you, my Mother.
Jesus Christ
My daughter, I am your Jesus of Nazareth, sitting here with you.
Thank you for your time spent with me and my Blessed Mother. You could have been sleeping, but you chose to sit with us, even with you heavy eyes closing.
My Blessed Mother revealed it to you tonight as she promised. My Mother loves my little one. You and my loving Mother are going to work together on your mission.
Good night, my precious child. I give you my peace, my blessing to you and your loved ones.
[Fernanda] I love you, my Jesus, my Mother Mary. I love you both. Thank you.
[1] Fernanda didn’t understand the meaning of the word “fruitful” as English is not her mother tongue, so was asking Jesus to explain the meaning of the word.
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow