[Fernanda] My Jesus, my Jesus, I love you.
[Fernanda writes] I was fixing my eyes upon Jesus’ Sacred Face [1]. It was too beautiful. His whole Sacred Face, on the side of his Sacred Head, all around his lips, from the top to his shoulders, the blood was running down like a river.
[Fernanda] Oh my Jesus, I can’t describe the image of my Jesus given to me. Thank you, my Jesus, for this gift, the privilege of my Jesus, all transformed for me. My Lord, thank you will never be enough – there are no words to tell, to explain the beauty of my Jesus.
Jesus Christ
Oh my daughter, thank you for the gift of yourself given to me, for sitting here with me, keeping me company. My child, my great warrior for my End of Times, [thank you for] this love of giving yourself to your Jesus, your God the Father, the Holy Spirit, my Mother.
My precious little one, I am so excited, in ecstasy for tomorrow’s march, procession, against abortion. My Beloved Mother, she has been all over, convincing, trying to touch my children’s hearts for them to come to the march, to support this event. What a great impact it is going to have on a lot of my children who committed abortion – they will repent, they will confess this great sin committed upon my little ones. My child, your great love for me and my Mother will be seen through me, your Jesus – it will be transmitted into their hearts of stone.
My child, my dear Mother, she is here. She is waiting to speak to you. Her Divine Mantle just swings and swings [2].
Mother Mary
My child, my little Andorinha [3] of my Son, I am your Mother, the Mother of your God the Father. I am so pleased for the [work] done for tomorrow. My child, hold up high the words given to you from my Son for the [march against] abortion [4]. I will make sure that they see my Son’s living words. They will be touched by these words. They will understand. They will feel that power from my Son and me.
My child, open your hands, look upon my Son.
[Fernanda writes] I am looking at my Mother. I opened, stretched out my hands to my Blessed Mother and my precious Jesus.
My child, did you feel the tickles on your hands. I placed your present in your hands. My Son is with me. We placed it in your hands.
[Fernanda] My Precious Mother, thank you. Thank you, my Jesus. Thank you, my Jesus. Thank you.
My daughter, my sunshine in my dark days, with your loving kisses, hugs, smiles, you are our, my pleasure, the balm to my heart and my Son’s. My child, do not worry about the petty things of this earth. You are worth much more to us. This time, all these years, you have been purified by my Son. Nobody, no one, will touch you again with slander, gossip, hurtfulness, jealousy, malicious words, tongues of malice and impurity. You are going to be our joy and pride in proclaiming my Son’s messages to the world. They will try to persecute and criticise you. They will not succeed because my Son and I, we will be your shield, your armour. You will triumph in my Son’s name. The world will see my Son’s humble servant. Your name will be cleared [through] my Son’s love to you, our precious humble servant, our jewel from heaven. My child, from today onwards, you will have rest, peace, love, no more worries, financial problems, because my child, you belong to my Son and me, your Mother Mary, Mommy, Mãe [5].
[Fernanda] Thank you very much, my Mother. I love you and my precious Jesus very much.
It’s my Son’s and my great joy to give you all of this that I promised to you. I revealed it to you, our little one.
My child, you have to have a camera. My Son has asked you before. He has something to show you, to offer you.
Do you know, my child, your will given to my Son is the most pleasing present that you can offer to my precious Son? My child, I repeat my Son’s words: you deserve all of this. My child, now we can show you our new home. My little one, you are going to be happy. You are not going to believe all of this. All these years, the sufferings, trials, tribulations, persecutions, hardships... the universe wants to retribute everything to you for my Son’s glory. My child, soon you are going to start your mission, your task for my Son. My Son’s Andorinha, and I, your Mother, we are going to be doing a lot of work together. I will be your protection, your guidance, the way to your mission.
Thank you, my child, for accepting my Son’s mission that he chose for you.
[Fernanda] My dear Mother, I just want to say thank you very much for everything, for Jesus, my God choosing me for who I am. I have been a big sinner and my Jesus purified me to my Jesus. I am my Jesus, my Mother’s servant. I am here. Use me. I allow my Jesus to use my heart, my mouth, my voice, everything in me for my Jesus’ work. My dear Mother, I love you with all my heart.
My child, I bless you and your loved ones and all the world. Thank you for responding to my call.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my precious Mother.
Jesus Christ
I am your Jesus.
My beloved Mother loves you very much. Today, again, she revealed everything to you. My daughter, remain always in my peace and the child of mine that you are. My child, I know you have a lot to do at home, writing all my messages given to you in another book – our conversations, our intimacy with your Jesus and my Beloved Mother. My daughter, I can already see my humble servant jumping, jumping, singing with joy with the present given to tonight. My child, thank you for these precious hours spent with your Jesus and my Blessed Mother.
[Fernanda] My Jesus, I love you, I love you with all my heart, my Lord, my life.
My child, rest in my arms and my Mother’s Mantle in a cradle wrapped in our love. I give you my peace, my peace I give you.
I am your Jesus of Nazareth, your God, your love in eternity, your Jesus.
[Fernanda] Sua bênção [6], my Father. Sua bênção, my Jesus. Sua bênção, my Mother. Sua bênção, my Holy Spirit. Thank you, my Lord.
[1] Referring to an image of the Sacred Face of Jesus that Fernanda was looking at, through which Jesus manifested himself.
[2] like a mantle being blown by the wind
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[5] Portuguese to English translation: Mother
[6] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing