Many countries are under heavy attack: keep praying and don’t despair – our Lord Jesus will soon do a cleansing upon this world

31/05/2024 at 21h50
Themes: end times, families, fasting, God's pains, Holy Communion, loving others, praying, prophecy, Rosary, sickness and suffering, sins of the world, spiritual warfare, the Church
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother Mary.

My little one, I, your Jesus, I am here to bring you joy, happiness, on this special day with your loved ones. You haven’t seen your loved one for a long time as you came from a faraway place to come and make the effort to be together, the three of you, your siblings – your brother [Francisco] and your sister [Isaura] on my daughter Isaura’s birthday. This is a special time given to the three of you.

My daughter, I see how my son ________ is suffering in the silence of his heart. He has been through a most difficult purification, the loneliness, being deserted, unwanted and not cared for by his loved ones. This is the time to break the silence of his heart to his loved ones, to his children, my children. My son ________ is going through the darkest time of his soul where he feels that even his soul has deserted him. My daughter, my Petal, this is your mission now: to go out of your way to help my son ________ and to confront my children. What has been in the dark must come to the light. My daughter, your heart aches for him.

My Petal, my Heavenly Father, he is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little lamb, I, your Heavenly Father, I am here to relay a message.

My people are disappointed about the outcome, the result of the [election] in this country. My little lamb, my Son Jesus’ hand is upon every situation in every country of this world. Know, there is also the attack of the enemy as his time is almost accomplished upon this world. The hand of the Lord allowed him to destroy what God created and what was given to him, but his time is ending soon. His destruction will come to an end, but my people must not become despondent. They must pray without ceasing even at this point in time as my people, my children, see with disappointment the outcome of the voting. My people must know that the enemy will be defeated soon. Blessed Mother will crush Satan’s head, the serpent, under her feet. This country and other countries are going through an arduous purification. In time to come, soon, my Son Jesus will do a cleansing upon this world. My Son will remove the bad weeds from the bad soil and will bring good seeds to be planted in the fertile soil to produce good seeds, to spawn, to grow in better soil.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Ultimate Father God. My Holy Trinity. I love you. Sua bênção [1].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [2], I, your Blessed Mother, I am here to relay a message.

Today is your loved one, my daughter Isaura’s 80th birthday. You had the blessing of being here in this faraway place on this special day to join with your siblings, the three of you.

My dear children, at this time of your trials as so many disasters have been happening in this world, your prayers, Rosaries and fasting are more essential than ever before. My children, do not hurt my Son Jesus anymore. Retrieve your sinful lives. My children say that my Son Jesus died and suffered on the cross, that he doesn’t suffer anymore. Oh, oh my dear children, the sufferings of your Saviour, the Messiah of the world, are much worse today than on Mount Calvary. My Son’s heart is so perforated as my Son Jesus’ holy churches are desecrated, vandalised through Satanism. They take my Son Jesus from the monstrance, they use the blessed holy hosts that have been consecrated by my Son’s priests at Holy Mass, and what they do is worse than you, my children, could ever imagine. What they do with my Son’s Precious Body and Blood, what a sacrilege, the worst offenses – offenses that you, my children, cannot imagine. Pray, pray, pray for these horrendous sins being committed to the Saviour of the world [to be stopped].

My little one, about my son ________, oh his heart has been troubled, in pain, for many long years. He never cursed or used any foul language on anyone, he never defended himself. His loneliness has been seen by us. No one is aware of his aching heart. His prayers in the silence of his heart have reached heaven. Oh, you have also been praying for him all these years. Thank you for your helping hand.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my dear Blessed Holy Virgin Mother. I love you. Sua bênção. ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [3].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter. I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses