Bring alleviation to the Jesus’ pierced Sacred Heart, don’t ignore your guardian angels and always be in a state of grace to enter heaven

09/06/2024 at 22h06
Themes: death, gifts of the Holy Spirit, God's love and mercy, God's pains, heaven, Holy Communion, Holy Mass, loving God, sickness and suffering
Father God, Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my daughter, for sitting with me, your Jesus Christ, my Heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and my Blessed Mother. I, your Jesus Christ, I am here with you. My Petal, I am here as we missed our conversation. I do understand the reason – there is load of work upon your shoulders – but with your Jesus, nothing is impossible.

My Petal, this weekend was the feast of my Sacred Heart, a solemnity here on earth and also in heaven. My Sacred Heart bleeds for each one of you. My children do not comprehend the meaning of my Sacred Heart. Thank you for all the posts about the feast day of my loving heart on this modern technology – they help my ignorant children to learn about us, the Holy Trinity and my Blessed Mother. The saints and angels in heaven, they also want to be known as many of my children do not even know about their own guardian angels who are entrusted to them when they are born into this world. Oh, my children’s guardian angels are so powerful, but my children do not acknowledge their tasks of taking care of them and guiding them through their lives. Their guardian angels feel sad when my children do not ask them for help.

My child, my Heavenly Father, he is here to converse with you.

Father God

My little lamb, I, your Heavenly Almighty Father, I am here to relay a message to my people, my own. All of you are mine, the Triune God’s. My little lamb, I am here to conclude my Son Jesus’ message.

Yes, my people, each one of you has your own guardian angel and each one of you has the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, the Breath of Life [within you]. Without the Holy Spirit within you, there is no life upon you, my people, but how many of you ask the Holy Spirit and your guardian angel to help you in times of crossroads, not knowing where to turn. They will guide you and help you in many situations, circumstances in your lives. Oh, your guardian angel, especially during my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass before the Elevation, during the offertory: all of my people’s guardian angels walk in procession towards the holy altar to present all your petitions [made] during the Consecration, the most powerful hour of the Holy Mass. Your guardian angels, they are so joyous to offer your petitions. When my people don’t offer any petitions, oh, their guardian angels walk in procession toward the holy altar with empty hands. They are very sad. My people must come to my Son Jesus’ Holy Mass at least ten minutes before to pray and offer all their petitions at Holy Mass and put their focus on my Son Jesus’ holy sacrifice of the Holy Mass.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my people. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Almighty Father God, my Holy Trinity. I love you. Sua bênção [1].

Jesus Christ

Thank you, my Petal, my Blessed Mother, she is here to converse with you.

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha [2], I, your Blessed Virgin Holy Mother of God and of all of you, I am here to relay a message.

[Fernanda] My Blessed Mother, my apologies, I am sorry for this interruption.

My little one, I do understand. You had to do it. It was necessary.

My little one, I thank you for teaching some of my children about my Son Jesus’ Sacred Heart, as this month is dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Yes, the explanation [about the Sacred Heart of Jesus image]... The cross: Jesus comes to show God’s love even to the ones who do not love my Son Jesus; the fire: God loves each one of you, even his heart is a furnace of love towards you; oh, the thorns represent all your sins that have never been confessed, piercing his heart. Oh, what a sharp pain when my children choose the wrong path in life. Oh, the wound from the lance, oh, blood and water gushes out of his Sacred Side with so much love for each one of you – this is eternal love being rejected by many of my children. My child, pray, pray, pray for my Son’s Sacred Heart [3]. He bleeds for his children’s salvation, especially this month, which is dedicated to his loving Sacred Heart.

I bless you, your loved ones and all my children. Thank you for responding to my call.

My dear children, my call is a cry from my Immaculate Heart for your repentance. Amen.

Jesus Christ

My little Petal, I, your Jesus, I am here to concretise a message to my children as you and my daughter Alice went to visit her loved one, my daughter Rita, at the hospital. She was almost on her last breath in this world and today she passed on to eternal life. Yes, my daughter Alice, your loved one, family, her last breath, her mission in this world has been accomplished. Yes, these my children, Rita and her loved one, her spouse, they have had this sickness, illness for some time. My Petal, as you and my daughter Alice saw, and all her loved ones, my daughter Rita was accepting and calling my name during her last days, willingly accepting her time to come to eternity with love, acceptance and dignity, knowing that the material things of this world no longer matter. My daughter Rita suffered an immensity of pain in her heart. She offered her pains to me, now she is here with us in the Father’s house where there are so many rooms, where she belongs and many of her loved ones who are [now] with her. My daughter Rita’s sufferings were a purification for her soul. Yes, my children, if I don’t heal the body, I heal the soul, which is far more important for eternal life. That is how my children should accept their illnesses, infirmities and death when their time in this world is accomplished. My hand and my Blessed Virgin Mother’s, the Triune God’s are taking care of her loved one, her spouse Manuel (Manny) and all their loved ones, family. My children, do not fear death. Be in a state of grace at all times, then the Kingdom of God awaits for you to come to eternity.

I give you my peace, my peace I give you, your loved ones and all my children. Amen.

[Fernanda] ♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [4]. Thank you, my Triune God, my Blessed Holy Mother. I love you. Sua bênção. Amen.

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[3] See the chapter entitled “Prayers to Alleviate God and Mother Mary’s Pains” in “Prayers” on

[4] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses