Pray the Stations of the Cross, the Seven Sorrows Rosary or any other prayers to alleviate Jesus’ pains because of our sins

29/03/2010 at 21h25
Themes: gifts of the Holy Spirit, God's pains, loving God, praying
Jesus Christ

[Fernanda] My Jesus, I am at home. My Lord, my source of my life, my Jesus, how can I enter into my Jesus’ Passion this week? My Jesus told me to enter with my Jesus this Holy Week into my Jesus’ Passion. Teach me, my Jesus, what prayers to say, how my Jesus would like me to pray in this Holy Week.

My child, I want you to pray.

[Fernanda] Which prayers, Jesus?

My child, pray the Stations of the Cross, any prayers to alleviate me, my pains. Pray for my Mother’s sorrowful pains, the Rosary of sorrows [1]. My child, as you pray, the Holy Spirit will illuminate, guide you on my Passion. My child, that’s why I want you to stay at home for me, for this reason, my child.

[Fernanda writes] I was fixing my eyes on Jesus’ Sacred Face.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Jesus.

My child, you need to rest. Go in my peace, my love to you and your loved ones. This is your Jesus of Nazareth.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Jesus, I love you. I love you, my Mother Mary.


[1] The original word was “dolour” which means “sorrow”.