Open your heart to Jesus’ love, his Divine Mercy, and he will let you in, save you, pour out his graces and forgive you of all your sins

07/04/2010 at 19h14
Themes: end times, families, forgiveness, gifts of the Holy Spirit, God's love and mercy, God's pains, heaven, Holy Mass, loving God, loving others, prophecy, salvation, Second Coming, sickness and suffering, spiritual warfare, the Church, trials and tribulations
Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

[Fernanda] My dear Jesus, I love you. I adore you. I praise you, my King of Kings. Thank you for everything.

Jesus Christ

My daughter, my humble servant, thank you for today, thank you for being obedient to me, to my Holy Spirit, to my Father, my Blessed Mother.

My child, what a fruitful day with all my children. My child, thank you for conveying my message to my special daughter Vanessa, my humble child. She needed your prayers, your presence, your comfort after the painful trauma, the pain that she endured for me, her Jesus. I thank my daughter Vanessa, my humble child, for accepting my pains. Oh my child, I had to let her experience my excruciating pains. Tell my child that I allowed her to suffer some of my pains for her Jesus, to expiate for some of my sinners. I will bless her always for the way she endured these pains, never doubting my love, calling my name in her anguish, affliction for her Jesus. My child, what an enrichment to my heart, what a balm to mine and my Blessed Mother’s hearts.

My daughter Vanessa, I, your Jesus of Nazareth, come to you at this moment (19h27 on 07/04/2010) to say thank you, my precious child. I will protect you, I will bless you and your loved ones for the suffering that you went through, my Passion. I, your Jesus, who loves you very much, my child, I want to save all my children. They are special to me, your Jesus, your God, the Saviour of the world.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Lord. I love you.

My child, my little one, relay my message to my child Vanessa. Do not fear criticism. I am with you, my little one. I am your Spouse, your Jesus.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my God, my Lord. I love you very much. I thank you for everything, for my gifts and for loving all the world.

My child, today, your heart was a bit sore, troubled. My child, tell me, your Jesus.

[Fernanda] My precious Jesus, this morning I went to Mass at 8:00am. I was very happy to go now seeing that my Jesus helped me not to go to work. I thank you, my Jesus, that I am able, free, to go to Mass. My Jesus, at the end of Mass, we were praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Father ________ called me. He wanted to speak to me. I came outside. Father ________ said to me that during the Elevation I must not disturb other people, even him, by praying too loudly. I didn’t know, Jesus, I didn’t know that that I was praying loudly. It hurt me a bit because it’s the second time that he’s reprimanded me. Last time it was because I kneel when I go to take the Precious Body and Blood of my Jesus. I didn’t stop doing that. My Jesus, tell me, must I carry on doing that reverence for my Jesus? My Jesus, I didn’t say anything to anyone, only now to my Lord. Sorry, my Jesus, I didn’t know I was disturbing [them].

My child, I knew, I saw everything that happened there. My child, it pleases me when you pray the way you do to me. You always pray with your heart to your Jesus. My daughter, my beloved son [priest], he is doing my service for me. He has the right to reprimand my children when they are wrong, but my priests are not always right. You know, my child, my adversary is very tricky. Sometimes he likes to disrupt the peace of my children, especially when it’s my children who are close to my heart, but my child, I know you are not angry, you are just hurt. My child, carry on the way you have been doing during my Elevation, just within your heart, softly with your lips. I know you, my child – tomorrow you will be fine. You are my humble servant. Your humility is always in your heart. Be in my peace, my child.

[Fernanda] My Jesus, sorry, sorry, if I disturbed your beloved priest.

No my child, you were doing the right thing. As I said before, sometimes, my adversary has a way of disturbing my children, my loved ones. Be in my peace, my love.

[Fernanda] I love you, my Jesus. Thank you for letting me be so close to your precious heart. Lord Jesus, keep me and my loved ones always deep, deep in your heart.

My daughter, our conversation is always a joy to my heart. Your sincerity, your forgiveness towards whomever hurts you, that’s what I want from my children.

My child, my Andorinha [1], my precious Mother, she is here. My Father is watching you, my Holy Spirit, they are all saying it’s about time for a chair and a table. The way you sit is very uncomfortable, awkward for you. They all listen to our conversations, they’re waiting. My Father is very thrilled about you mission. My child, at this moment, you are doubting yourself. It’s really true, my Father in heaven, he is here with me. My child, one day, when the time comes, you will see my glory, my Father’s glory, for his children who are faithful to his Son.

Mother Mary

My daughter, I am waiting. I am your Mother Mary, Mommy, the Mother of your Beloved Jesus.

My daughter, do you see now when we said the time for you to stop working is now? I told you, my Son told you, your time there at that place is finished. My child, I repeat, your purification is finished now. Already today, you did my Son’s work: you went to help heal our daughter in my Son’s name and to relay my Son’s message to my son, my special chosen child. Thank you and my daughter Alice, for your teachings to them, my children, about our love that is ingrained in their hearts. All that time, the conversation was about my Son’s love for my children. Thank you to both of you, my children.

My daughter, I know you are still concerned about your present, how you going to manage without work. My child, I don’t want to repeat again, what is important now is your mission, your task. What I promised you is here. We’re not going to let you suffer about financial problems, my child. I did explain to you that it’s in your hands.

[Fernanda] You know, my dear Mother. The rent, Neotel, the bank card for 4 months...

My child, I told you, “patience” is the key word.

My child, my Son and I, we need your help with this mission. We want to save all my children. My child, my Son’s Second Coming is near, the End of Times is very near. My child, you are my Son’s warrior for his End of Times. You are our hope on this. Never doubt. My Son’s Andorinha, my Son and I, we know your needs. You are my Son’s predilected daughter. My Son and I, we love you very deeply. We want you to relax now and be in my Son’s peace and mine as well. Oh my little one, you are so precious in our eyes. Your humility, humbleness... My daughter, sometimes you doubt yourself. You are through the purification. My Son, he was the potter, you were the clay. He moulded you for his own purpose.

My child, I want to bless you and your loved ones, your family, friends, enemies and the whole world. I am your Mother Mary, coming to you at this time to convey this message during our conversation, to say thank you for the love bestowed upon my Son and me, your Mother Mary. I wish my children would see this immense love.

Thank you for responding to my call.

Jesus Christ

My Andorinha, I want you to fly to your palinhas [2]. Your eyes, your back, I will restore them for you. You need your vision for my work. You know, my child, my harvest is very dry. I don’t want you to have glasses – they are going to get too much dust. I need your vision, your eyes in a good condition when you are going to water my harvest. [Do] you understand what I am saying to you? I know you do, my Andorinha. You know, my child, your joyous sense of humour embalms my heart, especially when my heart is pierced. I am a loving God, I spread love and my children with pure, clean, sincere, joyous hearts are my happiness. Expand, expand my love to my children. Tell my children about my graces when they open their hearts, their doors to their Jesus in the same way that you opened yours to me, your Jesus. it’s not difficult to come to me, just open the door and let me in. I will restore their broken homes. I will restore their broken hearts. I will restore those who have forgotten me and my Beloved Mother. I will bring peace, harmony and unity to their families. Please, just let me, your Jesus of Nazareth, into your homes, your hearts. My humble servant, I just want to converse with you to alleviate my pierced heart and to let all my children know that this Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday, they must come to my table to eat and drink my Precious Body and Blood of the Covenant. I will save my children who are astray. Oh, I will pour such graces over my children. I will save them. I will forgive their most horrendous sins. They must not be afraid to come to my mercy. I will not judge them, but I will forgive all their sins committed [throughout] their lives. I am a God of love, compassion and mercy to my lost sheep, my flock. My daughter, Divine Mercy Sunday is a day for a banquet in heaven, to rejoice, to receive my lost, perished children. My child, tell my children about these graces that I will bestow upon my children on Sunday. My Beloved Mother, the whole time, she has been continuously walking to touch my children to come to my mercy on Sunday.

I, your Jesus, say to you at this moment, thank you, my daughter, for your time spent here with me and my Beloved Mother. I am your Jesus of Nazareth, your Lord, your God, the only Son of God the Creator of the world. My child, relay my messages. From now on, your time is for me, your Jesus, to convey my messages given to you by me, your Jesus Christ. He has risen from the dead. Alleluia.

[Fernanda] My Jesus, I thank you, my Lord of Lords, my King of Kings, my Jesus, I love you very much. Oh, my precious Jesus, who am I, Lord Jesus, for my Jesus to sit with me? Lord Jesus, I am not worthy of this immense love, privilege to be with my Lord. My Lord, my Jesus, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this gift of sitting here with my Jesus, my dear Mother, my Father, Heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, angels, saints. Oh my Jesus, my Saviour, I am your servant, your instrument. I allow you to use me, my Jesus. My will is yours my Lord.

My child, my child, you are worthy of my love. I purified you all these years. You went through rough seas, hardships, lots of trials. You [gave your] heart to my children. I told you already, your good deeds are written in the Book of Heaven in golden letters. They have been seen by me, my Father and my Mother, the Holy Spirit. Your book is kept in a treasure box, in a jewellery box. My child, none of my children recognised your good heart, your compassion towards my children, but my child, we have seen everything, your humbleness, your humility, your forgiveness. You never had hatred for anyone. My child, this is treasure. Keep it in heaven. My child, your tears in silence, your hurts – your joyous spirit kept you going forwards. Did my children see your compassion even when you heart was broken? My child, I thank you for your faith in your Jesus, your perseverance all the time, your falls and then you took your cross with humbleness and you carried it. My child, your reward is here now. My child, never doubt my words said to you.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: little nest