Jesus Christ
My daughter, my daughter...
[Fernanda] My Jesus, did my Jesus call me?
Yes, my daughter, I called you. My child, my Petal, I want to say again to you that I love you. I will never leave you or forsake you. Know that you are very special to me, my Beloved Mother, my Father and the Holy Spirit. My child, I have great plans for you. You are going to be my great warrior, my worker for my End of Times. You are going to help me, us. [You mean] a great deal to us all.
[Fernanda] My Jesus, can I ask my Jesus something, if my Jesus doesn’t get hurt with my questions? The End of Times, is it still going to take many years?
My child, my End of Times are very near – my time is running out, you can count the years very quickly, very fast.
[Fernanda] So, my Jesus, I am not supposed to know?
My child, I will tell you. I will prepare you. I will save all your loved ones. I will teach you what to do, how to prepare for that time because you are going to be with me and my dear Mother to witness everything. My Mother and I, we will never leave you, you are going to help me and my dear Mother in that episode, at that time.
My child, when you are on your mission, you are going to work to help me to save my children. They have to repent, repent and come to me with contrite hearts to Confession. I will forgive my children, they must just come to me, to my merciful heart. I repeat again, my End of Times is very near. My child, do not fear for you and your loved ones, your family. I will give them the grace to come to me with contrite hearts, through you, my child, by my grace and glory. My child, they must listen to you, my child, when you speak about my End of Times. My daughter, my humble servant, your love for me and my Blessed Mother, I repeat, embalms my heart and my Blessed Mother’s heart. My child, your kisses into our hearts, your sua bênção [1] to all of us, my children, they do not remember [to do] that any more.
[Fernanda] My Jesus, I love you very much. I am here to serve my Jesus. I am all yours, my Lord. You are my life, my King, my Lord, my Saviour. I belong to my Jesus. My Jesus, thank you for this beautiful gift given to me. Everything that I am belongs to my Jesus.
My daughter, I want to say to you again, I will give you health always, I will restore your vision, I will give you your eyesight because I promised my Petal. I need you for my work, your vision is very important for me, for your task. My child, I want to reassure you, do not worry [about] going for an operation. My children, they will see the miracle done on you, for my children to believe that you are my true warrior, that every message you relay to my flock, my children, comes from me, your God, your Jesus.
My child, I will manifest to you very soon. My special Andorinha [2], my child, do not worry about your mouth, [having] no teeth, no dentures, know that I love you the same.
[Fernanda] But, my Jesus, without them, I can’t send proper kisses to my Jesus' heart.
No, no, my child, you are still young. You are not an old woman yet. You have a lot of work to do before that. My child, I will make sure you have new teeth.
[Fernanda] Oh, thank you, thank you my Jesus, my Spouse.
My child, my cute, small little one. I love you. My child, my Mother, she is not very keen about “Mother-in-Law”. She says she is not so old to be called that name. Oh my child, I, my Mother, my Father, the Holy Spirit, we are here, joyous with your sense of humour. My child, know, we here in heaven, we also have our special moments, times, to share our joy with my children. Oh, my child, spread, spread the joyous moments with my morbid children.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Jesus, for calling me, for this special time, for having a conversation with me. Oh my Jesus, sometimes I think is it really happening to me? I am not worthy of this great love. My Jesus, if at any time I hurt or pierce my Jesus and my Precious Mother’s hearts, please Jesus, make me know that. I don’t want to; I never want to do that to my Lord and my Mãe [3]. Forgive me then, my Lord.
My child, from now on, I want you to pray, pray without ceasing for all that I asked you to pray for.
[Fernanda] My Jesus, can my Jesus please help me to pray properly, teach me. Holy Spirit, please guide me always on this.
My child, I will. My daughter, now I want you to fix your eyes upon me, your Jesus. I need your love now in my pierced heart.
[Fernanda writes] I was fixing my eyes upon my Jesus’ Sacred Face for quite a while. My Jesus was too beautiful. Thank you. I love you
I give you my peace. I give you my blessing.
My child, very soon I, your Jesus, am going to smile at you. My skin colour is real. You are looking at me. It’s your Jesus. I am really alive here for you.
My peace, shalom, to you and your loved ones. I, your Jesus of Nazareth, came to you at this time to converse with you.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Lord. I love you and my Mother.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: your blessing – a term of endearment
[2] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[3] Portuguese to English translation: Mother