Fernanda is going to be Jesus’ great warrior and sufferer for his Second Coming – the messenger of God that all must listen to

19/04/2010 at 22h50
Themes: end times, God's pains, Mother Mary's pains, praying, prophecy, salvation, Second Coming, sickness and suffering, sins of the world, spiritual warfare, the Church, trials and tribulations
Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

[Fernanda] My Jesus...

Jesus Christ

My daughter, why don’t you trust me? I said to you that you will stay home from now on for you to work for me, your Jesus. My child, you gave me your will. I need you to help me in my harvest, my fields. I said to you that I will take care of you. Why are you despairing, becoming despondent?

[Fernanda] My Jesus, I am sorry, I want to be, your servant. I want to do your will. I want to work for my Jesus completely. Yes, my Jesus, I want to stay home and work, just for my Jesus. I want, I am ready for my mission, for my task. Sorry, my Lord, my Jesus.

...private message removed...

[Fernanda] My Lord, you know everything about me, more than I do. Sorry, my Jesus, I love you. I don’t want to hurt my Jesus. I am sitting here and I don’t know what to do. Thank you, my Jesus.

My daughter, my little one. I am your God, your Jesus. I am your living God. I chose you for my work. I invited you to work for me, for my fields. I entrusted a big, huge mission to you. I know you are capable of doing it for me. You are going to be my great warrior for my Second Coming, for my End of Times. You are going to work with my Beloved Mother. Everything has been prepared for you. Everything has been taken care of for you to start. When I said to you that you are no longer going to work in that work, it was me and my Blessed Mother [saying that]. We said that your time is finished there because my plans for your mission have taken their course. My child, you are not going back to work there or any other place. I repeat my words and my Mother’s words: you are going to work for me, my Petal, your Jesus, your God. My time is near. My time is running out. My End of Times are near. I need you to help me to save my children, my people, my sinners, the nonbelievers. On your mission, you are going to faraway places to spread, spread and expand, expand my living words. My children have to listen to my messages. You are going to be my messenger to my children, to my people. You are going to be called the messenger of God, your God. My child, my Andorinha [1], to be a messenger of God for my End of Times is not an easy task, encargo [2]. Yes, my child, I will remind you again: you are going to be criticised, blasphemed and called all sorts of names, persecuted. My child, do not fear all that. I am with you, your God, your Jesus, my Father, the Holy Spirit, and my dear Mother to guide you, to protect you, to be with you always like you guardian angel and, of course, your guardian angel Filipe, entrusted to you when you were born, he is always with you. My Petal, when you were desperate, afflicted, in your trials and hardships, you prayed to all the angels and saints, your special ones, to intercede to me, my Father, my Mother. You know, when you are on your mission, they are they going to be with you.

My daughter, why do you fear?

[Fernanda] My Jesus, sorry, I love you. I thank you. My Jesus knows that if I have my financial help, I will never fear anything. My precious beautiful Jesus knows me better than I know myself.

I know my child, my Petal. I don’t want you to suffer any more trials of that kind. My child, your financial help is here, here by you.

[Fernanda] Sorry, my Jesus, I don’t want what I don’t have. I am not supposed to. My Lord, my Jesus, does my Jesus mean by me? Must I go and check?

My simple, honest, precious little one, my child, where is your joy today, your smile, your sense of humour to your Jesus?

[Fernanda] Sorry, my Jesus, you know my heart. My Jesus is not upset or heartsore because of my sadness, despondency? Sorry, my Jesus, I am always working for my Jesus. My Jesus, forgive me. I am all yours. My will is all for my Jesus. My whole being belongs to my Jesus. My Jesus, I am your humble servant Fernanda. Thank you, my Jesus.

Oh, my little one, I never get upset with my humble servant – you know your name now. My child, I chose you, I know everything about you. I see [everything]. Remember, I created you in your Mother’s womb. I gave you my Breath of Life. I prepared you all these years for my work. I purified you all along these years. I will never leave you or forsake you. You are mine, my Andorinha. You are going to fly very far to be able to expand and spread my messages, my little warrior.

My daughter, you are feeling much better now. My daughter, my Beloved Mother she is been here listening to your cry for help and our conversation.

Mother Mary

My daughter, I am here, your Mother Mary, the Mother of your Jesus. My daughter, I have listened to the while conversation with my Beloved Son. My child, my Son said to you and I, your Mother Mary, say the same words that my Son said to you: do not worry about these petty things of daily life. Concentrate more on prayer. Pray for what we asked you to pray for and for your mission. My child, your financial help, I promised you your present. I revealed to you that it’s been delivered to you.

My Son and I, we were very well aware of your financial position when my Son chose and prepared everything carefully for you. My child, you have to know that we are teaching you, preparing you to make you strong for your mission. First you start like a baby [taking] steps, then you can walk properly, freely to me, forward with no fear.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my precious Mother. I am sorry. Forgive me.

My daughter, today I want you to see your present. When you come and open it, I want to see you. I know my child, the joy, happiness you are going to have. My child, why are you still doubting now? I understand that you fear another deception. Oh my Son’s Andorinha, you are our hope with my Son’s messages given to you. My Son and I are patiently waiting for your response to start your mission.

[Fernanda] My Mother and my Jesus know my response. I say to my Jesus, yes, I will serve my Lord, my Mother anytime, for my work given to me by my Jesus. I am my Lord’s servant, worker, for my Jesus’ fields. I am ready, my response to my Jesus is “yes”. I am your servant, humble servant. My life, my will is for my Jesus. I am Jesus’ labourer, worker for my Jesus’ fields, for my Jesus’ harvest.

Thank you, my daughter, for your will, your response to my Son’s call. My daughter, thank you for loving and adoring my Son and me, your Mother.

My daughter, this world is very disturbed, in chaos, destruction, [in need of] a lot of reparation. My Immaculate Heart is pierced because of so many sins infiltering into my Son’s heart and mine. That’s why, my child, we are preparing you to help me and my Son, to spread, spread all the messages given from my Son. Oh my daughter, you and I, we have a lot of work to do. You and I are going to work as a team for my Son’s Second Coming. My child, never doubt what I am saying. Yes, my Son chose you and placed you with me, his Blessed Mother, to help to save sinners, the nonbelievers, to pray for my Son’s beloved priests, for the youth, against abortions, to pray against our adversary.

My child, leave your nails, don’t be nervous.

You are going to be my Son’s, the Father’s, the Holy Spirit’s and my, your Mother’s, joy, pleasure for you mission your task.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my precious Mother. My Mother, sometimes I feel that I am not worthy of this special gift, mission, to have this love given to me, the trust. My Mother, my Jesus, I promise I will do my best at everything, to work for my Jesus and my dear Mother. I know I am just an instrument. I allow my Jesus to use me as he wishes to use me for his honour and glory. My Mother, I know that everything that I am and that I do, nothing comes from me, but from my Jesus, my Saviour. I am here for my Jesus, to serve my Jesus, to do his will. Thank you, my dear Mother, teach me, help, guide me on my mission. Mother Mary, please, always, in what I am going to do for my Jesus, make sure that I am humble, with humbleness, humility, that they can see my Jesus and my Mother through me. It’s all about our Jesus, not me. Thank you, my Mother.

My child, thank you for your pouring out all your sincerity, your humbleness. Yes, my child, I know you have been prepared all these years, that you understand that everything comes from my Son. Thank you for that love and humility.

My daughter, what a beautiful dialogue between you and me. My daughter, I bless you now and your loved ones, your family and the world. Thank you for responding to my call.

Jesus Christ

My daughter, my little one, I am your Jesus to say thank you, my Andorinha, for the beautiful time spent with my dear Mother, for the intimate conversation. I am always present, listening to everything. What a balm to my heart and my Mother’s. Know, my child, wherever I am, my Mother is with me, her Son.

Oh my child, my dear Mother works so hard to convert sinners, nonbelievers, to come to my heart, my mercy. My dear Mother has joyous times when she sees my children coming to me, to my table and eating and drinking from me, my table. My daughter, one day you will experience this joy.

My child, thank you for your response, for giving your will to me. I know, my child, you are going to be a great warrior, a great sufferer, to convert my children to come to me, to repent, to teach them that my time is near, my time is running out. There is no time to waste.

My child, I leave you now to rest. I need you to rest more while we are doing the last preparations for your mission.

My daughter, this weekend you are going to your loved ones. You are needed there afterwards. Your time is going to be limited for others. My child, you know exactly what I, your Jesus, am talking about – your time for me. My daughter, go there in my peace and love. Spread my love to them. You are going to have no financial problems to go. Everything is sorted out. Take our grandson Ricardo. He is a special child as well. You have been planting the seeds well. Thank you, my child, for the good work.

My child, I give you my peace and blessing to our sons, your loved ones, family, friends, enemies, to South Africa to the world. Peace, shalom, harmony, unity to all my children. I, your Jesus, your God love you and the world.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Jesus. I love you very much.

P.S. Oh my child, your back, the position you are sitting in... but my child, thank you for your patience, not complaining, for your love.

[Fernanda] My Jesus, before my Jesus goes, can I ask my Jesus, if my Jesus has the time, if it’s [fine] with my Jesus to help me and your son? My dear Jesus, your daughter Alice said to me that your son Tony ________ went to Ngome. While sitting in the shrine with Jesus and Our Lady, Tabernacle of the Most High, he had a vision of seeing some members of his deceased family. They had a Mass said for them on the Divine Mercy Sunday feast day. He mentioned something to Alice about something else, about some vision. My Jesus knows well what that is all about. He asked Alice to pray and see some answers to that vision. Lord Jesus, I, humble servant of my Jesus, I ask my Jesus, if it’s my Jesus’ will to say or answer something about that, thank you, my Jesus.

My daughter, thank you for your obedience to your Holy Spirit, for being a faithful servant of your Jesus. My child, I allowed, I permitted them to ask you that. You are my humble servant.

My child, my son Tony ________, he is my special son, child. Yes, I gave him a vision for some work, for a special mission for him.

My son Tony, do not fear what I have entrusted to you, what I showed you, what I revealed to you. My son, my child, it comes from me, your Jesus, your God. Follow your instinct, your feelings. I am your Jesus. I will help you with that in my own time. Everything is going to come, I repeat, in my own time. Leave it in my hands. Pray, pray without ceasing in your heart for me, your God. I will place it for you, like in a book. Remember that one day you will help me on this mission. Trust me, your God, your Jesus. Thank you, my son. Love me, adore me and my beloved Mother. My Jesus, my Lord, thank you.

My daughter, relay, convey my message to my son. Do not fear or worry about criticism. I, your Jesus of Nazareth, I entrusted this mission to you.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my dear precious, precious Jesus. I love you.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: task