Listen to the Holy Spirit in your heart, not your head, to fulfil your mission – and pray for Jesus’ pope, his priests and his Holy Church

20/04/2010 at 23h50
Themes: fasting, gifts of the Holy Spirit, God's love and mercy, loving God, praying, salvation, the Church
Jesus Christ, Mother Mary

[Fernanda] My Jesus, I love you. I adore you, my Lord. Thank you for everything. I love you, my Jesus, my dear Mother. I love you very much.

Jesus Christ

My precious daughter, thank you for sitting with me and my dear Mother.

My child, what a beautiful night with my Holy Mass and my two daughters, servants, messengers of my Divine Mercy. My child, my daughters came all this way to teach, to spread, my Divine Mercy to my children, to my ignorant children. And all my apostles who made the sacrifice to be with them after a long day’s work, I will bless them and their families.

My daughter, thank you for the prayers today for my beloved pope, my falsely accused [son]. My child, my aching heart and my Beloved Mother’s... pray, pray more for him and all my beloved priests, my shepherds, for my Church, my Holy Temple. Urgent prayers are needed to save my Church. My shepherds need to be in peace. My children need to pray constantly for my beloved pope, the clergy and all my beloved priests, offering sacrifices and fasting for this intention.

My daughter when you are on your mission, you are going to present these messages to all my people, my children.

[Fernanda] My Jesus, can I ask my Jesus something, if my Jesus wishes to answer me? If it’s not my Jesus’ will to do so, I understand. My Jesus, my Lord, today when I was relaying, conveying the message given to me to give to Tony ________, my Jesus, the message wasn’t clear to Alice. It seems that Tony ________ interpreted that message in a different way. Jesus, I don’t know what vision that he had was all about. I don’t know what he saw. Sorry, my Jesus, if I hurt my Jesus with asking this question again. I am sorry.

My daughter, you make me smile with your question. I know you have been concerned about this, thinking that maybe you didn’t explain to me properly or I, your Jesus, don’t know which Tony you were talking about. My child, thank you for your sincerity, your simplicity in asking me again to confirm. My child, I don’t get hurt or upset with my little one. I understand that you don’t want to deliver, convey, my message properly, knowing that it comes from me. My child, my little one, what I said to you in that message that I gave to you, everything I said was, it was for my son Tony ________. My child, you want to know more profoundly, more deeply [about it]. My daughter, everything that I said is clear to him. He must listen to his heart, not his head, listen to the Holy Spirit. I will provide him with more confidence and clarity. I will show him with more understanding [about the] vision – one thing at a time. He must be alert to the Holy Spirit in guiding him to interpret the vision. My child, the world is a mystery of God. Time will tell, will show him, the meaning and which direction to follow.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Jesus, my Saviour. Sorry, my Jesus.

My daughter, my dear Mother, she is waiting for you.

Mother Mary

My daughter, my Son’s humble servant, I am your Mother Mary, your Jesus’ Mother.

My child, my little one, my precious, you are feeling more confident, trusting your Jesus.

My daughter, thank you for tonight, and to all my children for being there, for listening to my daughters’ love of the Divine Mercy. My child, what a week full of commitments towards my Son’s Divine Mercy! My child, it’s children like these, ones devoted to my Son and me, to their missions, that are balm to our hearts.

My child, see if you can pray, pray, more to my Son Jesus, to the Father, the Holy Spirit and me, as you prayed today for the reparation of this tribulated world, sickly world.

My child, you need to rest more. My daughter, you are our child. I want you to be free of earthly worry, of petty things. Tomorrow you are going to feel so happy, happy and joyous. You will come and tell me all about it, so excited, full of love and thanksgiving.

My daughter, I leave you and your loved ones, your family and the whole world in my peace and love. I am your Mother Mary. Thank you for responding to my call.

Jesus Christ

My daughter, my Andorinha [1], you are going to fly to your palinhas [2], your nest, to rest in my arms, my love. Be in my peace and all my blessings to you and your loved ones, family, friends, the sick, the troubled hearted, the dying. I love all my children. I want to save them all. My child, you are going to help with this.

I, your Jesus, your God come to you at this moment to say thank you for spending this time with me and my Beloved Mother.

[Fernanda] My Jesus, my love of my life, my Saviour, thank you for taking the time to be with me. I love you Jesus. I adore you. Sorry if I did or said something to offend my Lord or my dear Father, Mother and the Holy Spirit. Thank you. I love you all – your humble servant Fernanda. Thank you, Jesus.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: little nest