Pray against Satanism, take care of your soul and offer Masses for the living – it’s far more important for them than riches or presents

26/07/2024 at 23h30
Themes: Holy Mass, loving God, loving others, sins of the world, spiritual warfare
Mother Mary, Triune God

Triune God

Thank you, my daughter, our humble servant, our Petal, Andorinha [1], little flower, little Rose, little lamb.

We, the Triune God – Father, Son and the Holy Spirit – and my Blessed Holy Mother of God, the Mother of all my children, we are here to say that today it’s [your birthday], your 74th year of life on earth, a gift of life from heaven.

We are here in unison of voice to bring you peace, love, joy and health. This is a gift for you and for all my children when they celebrate their gift of life. Every day, you, my children, wake up to a new day, which is a grace, blessings from heaven, but many of our children take this gift of a new day for granted.

Our humble servant, we are aware of your gratitude, thanksgiving for this special day of your birthday with many of your loved ones, family, friends, brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. Yes, you are very joyous and feeling very blessed. Praise, honour and glory be to your God, Lord Jesus Christ who gave his life for all his children, the Creator, Heavenly Father God, and the Holy Spirit, the Breath of Life.

Today you went to my Son’s Holy Mass. Yes, you had some Masses being celebrated for you on this special day, which is the most important upon your life. Holy Masses being celebrated while you are alive are much more worthy than the ones after death. Yes, my people, having Holy Masses said while you are on this earth is far more important for your soul than riches and presents.

Our humble servant, there is so much pain and atrocity in this world without my people’s knowledge. Many of my people are persecuted because of their faith, their love for the Saviour of the world. Yes, my child, what you saw in the media, in some countries of this world...

Mother Mary

My little Andorinha, you are very joyous with the blessings and graces that you received today, but especially because of the few Holy Masses said for you. Oh, if only my children would comprehend the solitude of our hearts in heaven when my children never take care of their souls. Taking care of their souls is far more important for eternity. Yes, Satanism is destroying many of my children’s souls. Oh, what this occult is doing behind closed doors – mutilating innocent little foetuses, bloody hands, sacrificing innocent blood for use in this most horrific sinister cult! My child, pray, pray, and my children must pray against Satanism.

I bless you, my little Andorinha, as tomorrow you’re having my children, your loved ones, who care and love you with all their hearts, [coming to celebrate your birthday]. Thank you for responding to my call Amen.

Triune God

Thank you, our humble servant. We give you our peace, our peace we give you, your loved ones and all our children. Amen.

[Fernanda] Thank you, my Triune God, my loving Blessed Mother. I give you my heart, my will. All that I have belongs to my Triune God. I love you. Sua bênção [2].♥♥♥♥ xxxx Beijinhos [3].

♥ Our heart from heaven. Amen.


[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow

[2] Portuguese to English translation: Your blessing

[3] Portuguese to English translation: Kisses