[Fernanda] My Jesus, my Lord, my love, my Saviour, my God, I love you. Thank you, my Jesus, for everything. My dear Mother, I love you. I thank you for all the protection given to me and my loved ones.
Jesus Christ
My daughter, I thank you for sitting here with me and my dear Mother, for your time given to us. My child, my child, I thank you for the day. Your heart was praying to me and my Mother without ceasing, and your love towards us, it was overwhelming.
Tonight, my Holy Mass was very pleasing to me. My beloved son priest really knew how to touch my people, my flock. I want to thank my children for the sacrifice of coming a long way for me and my Blessed Mother.
My little one, today you were in total peace, my peace. You are so excited to go to my Mother’s holy grounds. My precious Mother, she is so delighted. She will converse with you now.
My child, I am preparing your mission very meticulously. Oh my little one, my big, huge hearted, strong character, my humble servant, your mission is in progress.
I see today that you communicated with my daughter Isaura to confirm that you are going together to Turkey. Thank you, my child, for being obedient to me, the Holy Spirit. My child, you are going there to explore more about my Holy Testament given to my Apostles, to my people. You will enrich my children’s souls with your knowledge.
My daughter, my dear Mother, she is waiting to converse with you.
Mother Mary
My Son’s Andorinha [1], I am your Mother Mary, the Mother of your loving Jesus.
My daughter, I want to say thank you for today. Your heart desired just my son and me. I want to say, convey, to you, [thank you for] your obedience to say to my daughter Celeste that I wanted you, my children, to [come on] 12 to 13 May. My chosen children, I, your Mother Mary, have something special to reveal to all of you tomorrow. My daughter, I want to convey this message to you. I, your Mother, the Tabernacle of the Most High, have been waiting for my children, for these two days with my Son’s Host on my chest. My child, I will reveal something to my children that I want to be done, acknowledged. I will surprise you all, my chosen desire. I am in ecstasy for tomorrow. My heart also jumps like my children’s with excitement. I, the Mother, the Tabernacle of the Most high, invited you, my children, for these two days to convey, relay, a message of love and what I want to be said and done by my chosen ones. I will share the rest tomorrow.
My child, thank you for today. Your heart desires some songs to be sung for me. I thank you for your concern about that. My child, I want you to have a night’s rest because my early bird, my Andorinha, has to fly very early with my devoted children.
I bless you and your loved ones, family, all my children, all the world. Be in my peace. Thank you for responding to my call.
[Fernanda] Thank you, my Beloved Precious Mother, Tabernacle of the Most High.
My child, I chose you to go there as well. I have something for you. I will come to you in a special, unforgettable way. I love you, my daughter.
[Fernanda] My dear, precious, adorable Mother, I thank you very much for inviting me. I will be your Son’s and my dear Mother’s servant. I love you very much, Mother.
Jesus Christ
My daughter, I thank you for your time spent with me and my Mother. I, your Jesus, your God, am sitting here with you. My child, my Father, the Holy Spirit and my dear Mother, we are all with you. Feel our presence. If you look up, the angels and saints that you prayed to for [help], are accompanying you and your loved ones.
Go and rest in my peace. My peace I give to you, your loved ones, family, friends, enemies and all the world. I, your Jesus of Nazareth, come to you at this time to convey this message to my messenger for my End of Times, my humble servant.
[Fernanda] Thank you. I love you, my Lord, my Saviour, my Spouse, my God, my Source of Life. My will is yours, my Lord, my King of Kings. Hosannah in the highest! Your name above all names. I praise, I adore, my Lord Jesus Christ. I love you always.
Thank you, my Andorinha, your palinhas [2] is waiting for you – your Jesus.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow
[2] Portuguese to English translation: little nest