[Fernanda] My Jesus, my dear Mother, I thank you. I love you very much.
Jesus Christ
My daughter, I thank you and all my children for being here tonight. My daughter, what a delight to my heart, what a joy with all my jewels. Thank you for being obedient, for the praises, this singing. My child, I was missing all of this.
My child, I, your God, your Lord, come to you at this moment to convey to you to tell my beloved, precious children that I, their Jesus, will bless them all abundantly for the sacrifice to come here to my Mother’s holy grounds. My child, my Mother shares all this joy with you, my daughter. My Beloved Mother, she is here in the midst of you all, my precious ones.
Mother Mary
My daughter, I am your Mother Mary and the Mother of your loving Jesus, Tabernacle of the Most High. My child, I want to thank you and my beloved children for coming and sitting here with me and my Son. If you had to see how many angels are around you all, my children... Can you feel their wings flap-flapping around you? The saints didn’t want to miss this joy, this festive occasion. Oh my children, how much love and joy you poured out tonight into my aching heart and my Son’s! My little one and my Son’s Andorinha [1], I want to thank all my children for being obedient, for listening to my call.
My child, I have something special to reveal to you – my child, you have to sit, you are standing – I will reveal it to you. My child, come and sit with me – relax, you are too nervous. I am your Mother, the Tabernacle of the Most High. My child, I called you all here for a reason. You have to help me with this. I have told you many times that my daughter Sister Reinolda May has to be proclaimed as a saint. She needs to be recognised by the world. You, my children, have to help with this. This is a task given to you all to help me with this. Do not fear criticism. You are going to be persecuted sometimes. I am also – every day with my children.
So, you are going to help me and my Son... The first step is that you have to go forward with my Son’s Church to the bishop. Don’t hesitate to go forward. Then, from there, I will guide you, I will show you the second step. This is taking too long, this process has to come to a start. I, your Mother, Tabernacle of The Most High, choose you, my Petal, for this task. Enquire how far they are. From there, continue, persevere. My child, my daughter, Sister Reinolda May’s book(s) have to carry on. My daughter’s chosen desire for this work has to continue. My hope is in this book, my chosen ________. Then, my children, together in unity have to start on this project for my daughter Reinolda to be proclaimed as a saint as I said to you before.
[1] Portuguese to English translation: Swallow